Chapter 31

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Y/n pov.:

Attie was adorable. Attie is adorable, but she also is very loyal towards Voltiaere. ,,Attie, sweetheart, no. Go inside,, you whisper to the now barking dog.

,,You're hurting her feelings,, you jump once again to turn and see Voltiaere. He walks towards you patting Attie on her head before standing between your legs. ,,You should come inside before you get sick. I'm also pretty sure you'll get a bladder infection from sitting not only on cold snow, but a freezing wall as well,, he said wrapping his arms around your waist.

,,But it's pretty out here,, you whine. ,,Your father will see us,, you whisper.

,,Don't worry about it. My mother and him bicker too much to even notice a fire right next to them. Trust me, it has actually happened before,, he mentions and you can't help but chuckle.

Sighing happily, you cuddle up to Voltiaere. ,,Fine, let's go inside,, you say not moving. You hear and feel Voltiaere chuckle before something very cold touched your back. You quickly realise what it was and moved far away from it. ,,Oh, you Pr*ck!,, you shout and he smirks.

,,I thought you like snow?,, he feigned innocent picking up your dropped glove. ,,See, I told you it was cold, but you didn't believe me, so I-,, his sentence was cut off by a ball of snow hitting the side of his face. Your eyes go wide at the situation as Attie's barking becomes background noise.

,,Would you believe me if I said it was her,, you point at Attie being the one to fain innocent.

You run and scream when Voltiaere went to grab a handful of snow. He hit your back as you both go into a full snow fight, with the both of you eventually leaving the ball shaped form. ,,Attie, you need to be quiet this time,, you whisper breathing heavily.

You've always wanted a dog, but Attie is loyal towards Voltiaere. Sighing at the cute animal walking towards her owner and giving away your hiding spot. You look up at Voltiaere with snow in his hand. ,,Any last words, darling?,, he asked.

,,I had no chance against your fit ar-....,, you quickly stop your rage and clear your throat getting up. ,,Just not the face,, you say covering your face.

Waiting for the cold sensation, you hear a soft thud. You feel his cold fingers take your hands from your face and kiss your fingers. ,,I win. Let us go inside. You're freezing cold,, he says turning towards the little cottage.

He drags you inside where you both walk past his gran holding the same smirk Voltiaere has. *So that is where he got it from* you noticed.

,,I'm going to go for a shower,, Voltiaere said and you nod.

,,I am going for a nap. Will you wake me up if it's getting to late?,, you ask and he hums. Walking into the room, you change your clothes and put on something warmer. You sigh happily once you are under the duvet inviting any kind of slumber.

Voltiaere's pov.:

You walk into the bedroom to see Y/n fast asleep snuggled in the bed like a little baby. Grabbing your phone, you take a bunch of pictures and just now notice that Y/n was wearing your hoodie. You wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to him, but you also didn't want to wake him. So, you decided to head downstairs.

,,I need to speak to you,, you are instantly regretting that decision.

,,About?,, you ask.

,,Mainly you,, your father says.

You sigh, but agree. Another decision you regret as you both walk into the dining room and you see your mother sitting at the table clearly expecting you. ,,Now what such horrible deed have I done for the both of you wanting to talk to me together about the same thing?,, you sit in front of you mother as your father sits next to you.

,,It's about the boy,, your father says.

,,Y/n? What about him?,, you are careful with your words knowing full well where this conversation might go.

,,Is he.....? Is he really just a friend?,, your mother asked.

,,Of course,, you answer honestly.

,,Then we can let you know about what we've planned,,

,,Robert,, your mother warns him, but he just shrugs her off.

,,There is this very beautiful young lady. You might know her, the Huang's daughter,, sighing you nod.

,,Katie is her name, was it not?,, your father smirks.

,,Yes, miss Katie. She is wanting to take over her company, but you know what Henry Huang is like. A traditionalist! He wants a male to run the company, even though he knows how smart his daughter is,, you start to wonder where this conversation is actually heading with your first thought being wrong. ,,So, I spoke to him and we came to a convenient deal,, he said way to enthusiastically.

,,Your next words better be something in the line of 'we are merging and I would never sell you off for the company, son',, you say starting to grow angrier by the passing second.

,,It is not selling you off. You get a beautiful bride and a massive company. What is there not to love?,, you slam your fist on the table.

,,Are you really going to ignore everything the both of your sons have said the past ten years!,, your fathers' expression is turning grim.

,,Should I and your uncle be concerned once again?,, he asked.

,,Of course, that is not what I mean, but I don't expect anything else! What about your other son!? He has been working hard even before he was legal to work! And I!? I have been telling you I have no interest whatsoever to be your little office puppet!,, you shout.

,,You know, you weren't like this before that little friend of yours. I knew even letting you to his funeral was-,,

,,Don't you dare finish that sentence!,, you shout.

,,Voltiaere, please listen and see how this can benefit us all,, your mother tried to reason, but there was nothing to reason.

,,No! Do you know how hard I work for my own brother to like me? Trust will never be an option and I am supposed to be the shoulder he leans on. The both of you ignore him so much sometimes that his resentment turns towards me even though I have done nothing. The both of you still focus on me just because your stupid fear of your eldest son being gay!,, your breath got taken from you after you registered the slap your father gave you.

,,That is enough! The both of you! Robert, I want you out of my house!,, your gran demanded interrupting the shouting match.

,,You can't kick me out,, your father laughed.

,,I don't know if you remember, but my pension still pays the bills of my home. Now leave!,, your father scoffs, but doesn't argue as he leaves. ,,And you!,, she says pointing towards your mother. ,,Kitchen! Now! I will deal with you in a minute,, you mother doesn't say anything or even look at you as she disappears. ,,Sweetheart, are you alright?,, she asked wanting to inspect your cheek.

,,I'm fine,, you say taking a step back.

,,Maybe you could-.....Why don't you go lay down for a bit? Take Attie with you. It's been quite the eventful day,, she suggests and you nod.

,,It has,, you go upstairs and Attie naturally follows you. Everything seemed to have happened in one blink as you climb into the bed. ,,Y/n,,.

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