Chapter 32

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Y/n's pov.:

,,Y/n,, you didn't register your name being whispered and continued to sleep.

It wasn't until a pair of arms tightly wrapped around your waste and weight was put on your chest that you started to stir. It was really warm under the duvet and you were sweating a bit. ,,Voltiaere?,, you ask with a raspy voice. He didn't answer and just laid there. ,,Voltiaere, what's wrong?,, you ask a bit worried now.

,,Just cuddle me please,, he whispered.

Taking the duvet over the both of you, you place your hand on his back and run your fingers through his hair with the other. ,,You want to talk about it?,, he shakes his head and you decide to leave it and continue to soothe him. It wasn't until you started to feel something wet on your hoodie that you truly started to panic noticing the elder crying.

You wipe away his tears with the duvet and hug him back. ,,Please tell me how I can fix this,, you ask.

,,I wish it were to be that easy, darling,, he said still in a quiet tone.

You sigh feeling helpless and just try and be there for him. Eventually your fingers make your way to his hair. ,,Have I told you yet that I really like your hair like this?,, he hums answering. ,,Even though your hair still looks good when it's up for volleyball, but with it open you look....,, you seemingly couldn't find the right words to not boost his ego.

,,Dashing? Handsome? Incredibly irresistible?,, but he is still able to do it himself.

,,Something like that,, you mumble. You two just lay there in silence until you notice something. ,,Voltiaere?,, you ask to get his attention and he just hums as you feel the pulsing sensation again. ,,Are you h-/?,,.

,,Yes,, he confirmed. You sigh getting up to get painkillers, but he didn't let you. ,,Don't leave, please,, he begged. For once you saw something in Voltiaere's eyes you never even thought you'd see.

It was genuine fear. ,,Hey,, you say quietly to get his attention. You place your hand on his cheek. ,,I am just going to the bathroom and getting you some painkillers. They are the ones you gave me. I promise I will be right back, ok?,, he nods and slowly let you go.

You quickly walk to the bathroom and grab the painkillers out of your toiletry bag. ,,How dare you say that to me! He is my son!,, you heard Voltiaere's mother shout in the background.

You take the medication and head. ,,Yes! He is your son! So, treat him like it,, you hear his gran say and that is when you started to listen.

,,I am treating him like my son! You know I don't agree with Robert,....,, you head down a few steps to hear them better.

,,I don't care if Katie is the most beautiful and loving girl in this world, she is not only nit his type and he will not marry her to be a company owner he does not want to be,, you hear his gran say.

*Are they trying to set Voltiaere up with someone?* you wonder.

,,And what is his type then!? Because I know definitely isn't boys. We made sure of that,, you could scoff at her behaviour remembering Voltiaere mentioning conversion therapy.

,,You both put him in that ridiculous conversion therapy!? Wincey, we agreed he wouldn't do it!,, you don't hear anything from his mother. ,,You claim to be his mother, but don't accept him,, you hear something shatter.

,,I do accept him, but the him I know. If it weren't for that little black-haired boy, he wouldn't be so defiant!,, it's quiet for a moment before you hear a sigh.

,,That little black-haired boy was his best friend growing up and this cruel world took him away from Volt way too early. The Voltiaere you knew, died when you disappeared for almost an entire year!,, they continued to bicker, but you decided it was time to respect privacy.

*If Voltiaere would want me to know then he would tell me* you realised. Turning towards the bedroom you walk in to see Voltiaere still in bed, but his head shot up to see it was you, probably also to make sure as well. ,,She not allowed on beds?,, you ask him quietly.

,,Mhm, no. I love her, but getting the hair out is a pain,, he mumbles reaching out for you.

You get back into bed and pour a glass of water that was on the bedside table. ,,Any better?,, he shakes his head. ,,Can you sit up please?,, he does as you say and you hand him the pill and the glass. ,,I wondered how you got your hands on migraine medication, but it stupidly makes sense that it is because you get migraines yourself,, you say trying to break the silence.

He finishes the water and pinched your chin before laying back down. ,,It is not stupid, darling,, he says.

You slip out the bed again to pour another glass of water, turn off the light and close the blinds hoping it helps. He still motions you back to bed and this time you listen. ,,Your mother and gran are fighting downstairs,, you whisper.

,,I know,, he says while resting his head on your stomach and wrapping his arms around you.

,,You know you are not at fault,, he didn't answer. ,,Volt, I mean it,, he sighs and you rake your fingers through his hair again.

,,I know, darling. Like I said, I wish it were that easy,, you both didn't say anything further as you ponder.

*Who would have thought that he had all this weight on his shoulders? Do Brandon and William know?* you think back at all the times Voltiaere seemed genuine, but still hid this part about his life.

It wasn't long until Voltiaere fell asleep and you stayed there still soothing him. *I wonder what it is going to be like tonight* you ask yourself worried for the family Christmas eve to come.

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