The New Alfea Students

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Bloom couldn't believe her luck Faragonda approved of the suggestion, and she was waiting at the gate with Head of Discipline Griselda and Flora, Aisha and Musa determined to make Bloom's best Earth friend feel more comfortable.

"Welcome back Miss Selina." Griselda greeted her politely. "Don't be late Winx from your Shopping Marathon!"

"Where is Eagalia?"

"On a secret mission with Daphne, Selina, she'll be back later, I hope." said Bloom. "See you around."

No matter how many times Selina wished she could stop flinching around Bloom's fiery hugs she couldn't shake her reactivity. Bloom finally let go planting a warm kiss of a friendly I'll miss you a custom Italian friends on both cheeks from left to right. Selina stood patiently as Bloom pinched her cheek.

"Of all the terrible things I tried to do them hoe in the world could Bloom or Flora have forgiven me at all?"

"Exactly," a voice hissed. "It will take more than a confession it will take good action for a greater cause, youngling."

Selina shivered Griselda seemed to notice this right away.

"Come along this is Code of Conduct time, Selina meet out fourth year students, Ahisa Fairy of Love, and Amaryl Fairy of Starlight."

"Nice to meet you." Amaryl held out her hand, and Selina shook it but she didn't fail to notice the constant glare Amaryl was giving her as if studying her.

"Amaryl cut it out enough eye contact too much staring is threatening even with pets." Ahisa scolded her she was kind of the Kindness Police version of a fairy if you could call her that in this world and you could. "She doesn't need that as a first year student with everything she's been through. Welcome, Selina to Alfea Academy, you're one of us fairies now, Moonstone."

Selina looked down at the Moonstone pendant about her neck she had forgotten to hide it under her shirt beforehand.

"Young ladies, do not make me remind you, Listen when spoken to that's fairy rule number 1 here, respect will get you through every single day of the year here for the next five years." Griselda spoke right away. Form a single line freshmen."

Amaryl nudged her forward towards the crowd of younger fairies, Selina nearly stumbling in her walk again. Selina sheepishly smiled back at the brunette with jade green eyes, and very midnight blue haired African student who carried herself in merry bright pink dresses.

"Really? Alfea's supposed to be about kindness Amaryl the polite thing to do is to walk there and stand with her." Ahisa said and joined Selina's side, Amaryl managed out a sigh she turnt her head slightly and could see Professor Palladium shaking his head at her behavior. Eurgh.

"Attention, Ladies! Freshmen eyes on me only." clapped Griselda immediately while talking . "This school is a school for fairies not a school for magicians. We believe the best way to approach the world outside these gates is discipline. You're not here to learn hocus pocus. All students must read and follow every rule in the code of behavior.

2. No unsupervised magic at anytime in the corridors, classrooms or laboratories without professor supervision.

3. The only time you may use your magic is in classroom under Professor supervision

4. There are consequences. If you break any of these rules you will be punished.

5. Break a rule once you will be turned into a frog. Break it twice your magic privileges will be suspended. Break them three times you will sent to the front gate.

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