Being A Fairy is A Two Way Street

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"Excellent try, dear ladies. The changing your hair spell only works if you believe you are capable of it, being a true excellent fairy is a two way street." Wizgis announced to his freshmen class. "You can believe in others but the real ticket to successful is belief confidence and trust in yourself. Raven, why haven't you done the exercise?"

"I hate being the Fairy of Fortunetelling, Professor." stammered Raven.

"That's not good there must be something valuable to your magic to help you connect." Wizgis responded.

"She's really good at finding things and people according to Selina, Selina's seen it."  Katrina spoke up for her.

"That's a step better than nothing, Raven. Hone in on that skill and become really strong in it." said Wizgis politely.

"But some people are not willing to be found, I hardly think invasion is very fairylike."

"You're correct about that. Some people don't want to be found anymore, Raven. And you're absolutely right the tactic of invasion is unfairylike. Her powers are example of great responsibility their abilities could get her thrown in jail in a bunch of places. But they can also you help escape an opponents' traps, and predict attacks."

"Huh, oh wow." Raven said. She had never thought of it like that before. She could be a combat fairy one of the attack fairies on the Moonix team. 

"Now try the test again, Raven." Wizgis encouraged her. Her hair went white as she stared into the mirror. Then it went yellow. Then it went back to black. 

"A+ Raven. Now who knows how our universe was created?" Wizgis asked he levitated the mirrors away from their desk and replaced them with a text book called Fairy Magic 101 History. Phoebe yes, let's here from you."

"It was the Great Dragon that made the planets and Arcadia was the first fairy of our universe?"

Selina was looking at the paragraph she remembered a flashback to history of magical witches in Cloudtower under the Trix. And in it wa a picture of a phoenix and a dragon dance together in front of the ocean of Light. She raised her hand.

"Selina, I'm surprised, is there something that needs to be corrected in your classmates answers." 

"Yes, I believe I have more information from my time at Cloudtower since many stories have been told more so by the witches than fairies in general not necessarily pertaining to Alfea Academy, but the Great Dragon brought life to the magic dimension's planets through warm heat but it also created a counterpart the Great Phoenix his sister responsible for all healing fairies on plants that had forgotten the existent of magic, Domino, Lynphea, Earth and Obscurra at one point in time that is. It is said to this day the Nature Phoenix rests in Tir Nan Og. That is why when a fairy on Earth earns her Believix powers on those planets any of them have such strong healing powers, is it not, Professor Wizgis?"

"You're correct, Selina, I'd liked you to come update these text books after the school day is finished. What were the two clashing forces in the beginning of the universe here, Selina?"

"The Ancient Fairies, and The Ancient Witches from whom the Ancestral Fairies and Ancestral Witches came from one of the Ancestral Fairies decescendants was Arcadia and she is most commonly labeled as the first fairy but she is not at all. She is the first fairy of the Dragonflame but disappointed her mother who cast her from time and space. She is very bitter about that to this day according to the update Tecna recently wrote. (I'm changing how Tecna wa treated by Arcadia in the Golden Kingdom in Season 3 compared to the others it wasn't fair fairy treatment) She forced Tecna not to be herself or trust herself." Selina informed. 

"I don't believe anything you're saying, can you prove?"

"Raven, I think you might be able to look beyond Cloudtower walls with your physic abilities there's nobody to stop you." Wizgis encouraged her. Raven sighed she could do this for class, and teamwork attacks but nothing else. "Witchmagic History 101, locatus." She put her fingers to her head and she could see the dark hallways of the witch rooms. A strong mark sent into the dorm that had once been the Trix and there a girl with bright green hair yellow eyes and frail skin was holding the book in her hand reading it aloud the only entertainment they had since they couldn't get out. 

"Yep, Affirmative I see the textbook and I believe Selina's saying the truth after all Bloom made connect with the Ancestral Witches from the crypt of Cloudtower back when she was tricked by Valtor it'd be even possible to assume that trio built Cloudtower Castle and then got tired of being teachers." Raven admitted this was coming through to her from Cloudtower's inner wall voice itself.

The other fairies plus those are their team dropped their mouths open. 

"Does that mean the Ancestral witches were Magix civilians one of the first few witches to walk about these lands?" asked Lydia.

"It is highly possible. Miss Lydia." Wizgis agreed with her.  "Take your text books with you today, class dismissed." 

"Are you okay?" Selina asked as they packed up their books and walked out. Raven shook her head and said. "No I'm definitely not Mirta's right those trapped witches are starving. And I know what starvation feels like and so do you."

Raven was on the complete verge of tears herself. 

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