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"TECNA, what the heck does she mean? How does Bloom have a Dark Side?"

"She's had it since Darkar and Valtor's essence mixed with each other recreating what is known as Shadowfire, Daphne she told me not to tell you knowing you would react this way."

"I'm astounded you didn't ask for my help with that monster, I am an Earth fairy, I wield 10% earth element." Daphne scolded Tecna. "As well as 40% fire element regular fire I could have lured that monster. Bloom leaping into things just to save the day and her school that saved her life will take a toll on her she needs a break from fighting."

"Despite what you think Professor Daphne, no fairy gets a real break from being heroes we'll always be working everyday of our lives according to Faragonda a Fairy's life and duties are endless until we pass on in death." Tropica admits. "Even Fossil island knows that! Look!"

A Pillar of Stone stood on the beach and several of them followed each with a signature that repeated Faragonda's line from Season 4 in the Hall of Enchantments. "A Fairy's Journey Is Never At An End." (How in the world do people keep forgetting this when it comes to the Winx tv show. The Winx are not immortal with Cosmix this proves it. It's my Favorite Faragonda line from Season 4 because of her other lines especially towards Roxy are jerk lines)

Fairies used to live here until they moved on got married had kids and this became a museum into the past of fairies.

Aisha picked up a spear that looked exactly like the one on the silver totem used to help lock the Legendarium.

(Wizgis is an elf 4kids dub agrees with me on that and so I'll be referencing this trivia fact below)

(Wizgis is an elf 4kids dub agrees with me on that and so I'll be referencing this trivia fact below)

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(I have looked everything up about Leprechaun  don't shapeshift the way Wizgis does)

"Hey, this spear is made of Crystal ice I wonder how it got here." Tecna said scanning it here with her gadget.

"Enough of that!" exclaimed Daphne she snatched the device away. "I'm holding onto this for awhile cause I don't trust you. Once you put a spark into fire you can't get it out. The flames go nuts Tecna." She put the device away. Tecna pouted. She was met by Daphne's cold eyes. "Not even cold magic is going to fix what you did, Miss Tecna! What in the Magic Verse made you think shocking her was okay?!"

"Bloom did mention the Trix did it to her before she escaped from the Legendarium world." Musa explained. "Has this happened with you before Daphne?"

"It has. Feed the flame a spark and you get more blaze. Zyla nymph of Zenith she shocked two of us once before even Politea has some fire element in her. Nymphs were always given elemental powers every world has them and every year they gain strength so much so they have to be handed down to an apprentice meaning biological child or adopted child, Musa. This is the harsh reality of nymphs our normal powers we keep."

Bloom walked up to the palace of Andros and entered the throne room calling out. "Knock knock can I come in?"

"Princess Bloom what are you doing here shouldn't you be in Alfea teaching?"
asked Niobe.

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