Never Had A Choice

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Cindy came across a video online posted by Channel news. She was horrified by what she saw.
The reality of her parents doubts her Mom was a member of the long lost Sisterhood female woman adults and teens who barely trusted boys or men. And they considered her powers extremely dangerous. They very much disliked all magic even if it happened to help her swim. Cindy was wedged between a rock and a hard place give up ever using or dealing with her  powers or lose her entire family's respect. Love and Pet work they did not even approve and thought she was being so silly with her time spent their amongst the fairy pet animals. So no she really didn't have a choice and the Winx simply chose her to be an employee because she owned a fairy pet Koala named Calyptus and took care of him so well she never made an official appointment to see any of the other Winx girls at their shop since she first stepped in after their first grand opening celebration. She only returnt once after that after all. The people from Magix realm were better qualified anyways for these jobs at least she had some experience in pet care if not entirely the normal process. Eugh, but how to make these non Terrestrial Fairies understand her feelings. She didn't know how to answer it. The video was of Greg with a mysterly cloaked man in a purple hood and the eyes were covered in red fog.

"I hate Earth, I hate its children they're all too spoiled." Gregory responds. "Even my girlfriend is super duper annoying."

"Well done my child, you do this ruin lives because of me, my dear." The Pied Piper laughed. The stories of the kidnappings were real, now? And Gregory was an evil being.

"What must I do to gain more power?"

"Breakup with your earth fairy friend. And I'll give you the power you need to help an ancient enemy, my apprentice." He spoke.

The phone of hers rang the very vibrations made her hands shake. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks.

"Hello Gregory, we're through!" She shouted. "And I'm blocking your stupid number and your address."

He was surprised she took the action into her hands.

"Now, I really don't believe my powers are any good anymore." Cindy said deeply. And what happened was extremely strange. "I never had a choice to be a fairy and because of that I stand alone in a dark and lonely world."

Meanwhile Carmen asked Roxy. "Where's Cindy?"

"She was acting like she didn't want to come, Carmen, says she had no choice about being a fairy didn't her powers were a good thing anymore."

Nebula contacted the Winx girls through Roxy's white circle and she  went immediately into transformation mode bringing her entire team with her.

"Nebula why did you summon us like this?" asked Roxy.

"Yeah, what gives I was just relaxing after a fight." Stella said.

"And I need my beauty sleep." groaned Amaryl.

"Your beauty sleep waits another day for you, Amaryl." Galatea scolded her.

"Nebula what's wrong?" Ahisa and Raven asked immediately as she grasped her head. Her face showed alarming pain. She beckoned Raven forward.

"Touch my hand, you need to know this." She insisted. Raven refused. "No way, I can't."

"Yes, you can." Selina encouraged her best friend. "It can't be that bad if she's inviting you to do it, Raven Crystallis Fortunia."

"Believe in Selina's faith in you." Katrina also encouraged her.

"Do it." Limealay encourages her again. "I believe in you."

"Yes, go on, we need to know what Nebula knows for the greater good of Earth people and their fairy friends." Sereena insisted. "Think of it that way."

"Sereena's right. You should think of it that way."

Carmen said. "You can do this Raven you can handle this responsibility few other fairies have been chosen to see the past and  present future to come."

Raven stepped up to Nebula took her hand years ago on Earth Diana of Amazonia Warrior Fairies visited towns of Hamelin after Earth reuse names over and over again many times. So there was always more than one town or counting repeating a name especially in the U. S. A. by the way. This town was a ghost town expect for a Mom, a daughter and her lame father the other town officials after all children were stolen. The daughter was just a baby and they refused to read or show her fairytales because of the magic man who ruined their happy lives in town. They named her after an explosion of stars called a Nebula. Diana sensed the sadness and offered them a paradise in their Amazonia home and all they would have to do was inducted Nebula to the Sisterhood. The parents agreed. The magic of the Amazonia realm made the human world disillusioned she was not tricked so easily and people knew her as the Fairy of Peace. But when the Wizards of the Black Circle were on their way a warning from her Obscurran friend Lady Harmony was not believe she became a Fairy War. Taking matters into her own hands against the other Fairy leaders' suggestions to cool off abit. In a tragic accident had it not been for an ice fairy she could have killed Roxy's birth Father. Her aurora greew Dark and Emeralda had to take serious action she sent Nebula to fight the wizards knowing the good powers of peace would not help them so much and in the meantime she found the white circle and entranced Nebula into finding it and trapping her vengeful spirit within it."

Raven stepped back shocked. Nebula's wings, darker outfit represented the long lost transformation Negativix a dark form of Magic Winx and like incomplete Enchantix Bloom previously had it was extremely difficult to control."

"Yes, you heard and saw that correctly, I have something called Negativix, and your fairy of the oceans has just earnt it too. Doubt that her powers were good were sown into her by her family not trusting her magic, believing her job at Love and Pet to be a fruitless waste of time. And they hate men because the woman  the Mom is also a member of my Sisterhood Diana founded." Nebula spoke. "If she is not convinced soon to snap out of it thousands of Earth lives will be drown in a matter of minutes. She will become known as the fairy of Tsunamis instead of a Fairy of the Oceans."


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