Power Forms Were Restored

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"Last year at the beginning of the year, we all seven of us lost our powers but when Bloom gave us each a piece of her magic dragonflame all the forms we ever earned were returned to us along with the access of Dragonnix transformation, my students." This was previously a class Mirta went through with students not in their team and Ahisa was in it too.

"Magic Winx fairies can add numbers and sufficient surprise movements of attacks because every fairy is different her strengths are different, Charmix will allow you to last longer live out a siege longer in places that your magic can not adapt to like the Dark realm of Shadowhaunt I want to point out to you, I don't believe Darkar is dead and there's no trace of his spy's dead body. Both of them were dangerous they could absorb magic energies and subtlety easily tempt you over to their side they were also shapeshifters as well. Shadowclone was a Palladdin. That means like you and I have wings that can allow us to fly in high winds and long distances so could he. That comedian author wasn't so wrong after all about the Creature of Destruction prophecy it's really real. In fact I believe some of my most unknown Animagus villains a group of four dark men in the paintings their clothes are overly exaggerated on Earth as saying that they showed around the medieval times that is far from the truth. But let me explain I believe that the Wizards of the Black Circle were given some powers just like Darkar has been seen using. We could barely fight Darkar with Charmix, I don't Enchantix might have worked either the only reason it worked on Valtor was his magic was spread out all over the place and that made him strain making us all equal opponents in Enchantix mode. Believix I think does work against most Dark Wizards, Sirenix against mythical ocean creatures, and Dragonnix used to settle Dragon problems on any world and the place where it is the strongest is on Domino but it almost might make a match against Darkar. Mythix is used against monsters both here and say in fictional matter. Now that is all of the transformations we know of for now. Aside from Harmonix which you can only gain access to if you compete in Graynor's Scavenger Fairy Hunt from the Ancestral Spirit of Nature's boon that is the only way to access Sirenix boxes you must win her favor to earn Harmonix."

"Now come on, your assignment is to study the transformation forms we all know." Flora spoke. "I want an interesting creative report of your getting to know someone of a different powers level, thank you girls turnt in by the end of the month. Class dismissed.

"Nicely done, Professor Flora." Aisha spoke.

"Why are you hiding behind the door, Princess Aisha?" inquires Flora very concerned. "You really had me freaked out."

"It's Nex, he won't leave alone for ten minutes straight and my Dad doesn't like white men anymore even if they are from Andros."

"Is this about what you tolerate Musa back on earth and the reason why we called you by your grandmother's name huh?" Flora  asked as she crossed her arms across the chest.

"Yes, it is about Anne you remember those guards my Mom kicked out of a job they were all white, Flora."

"Figures, Bloom says that big racial issue in the United States just never lets up even some of the British get caught up in it too." said Flora.

"Look if he asked for me tell him I'm really busy with something else and I prefer not to be disturbed." stammered Aisha.

"Of course, I'll do it for your sanity's sake Aisha." responds Flora. And Aisha vanished with the heart of Zoomix. And it was just in time too. Nex walked into the door and asked Flora. "Professor Flora have you seen Aisha anywhere."

"What did you say?" asked Flora. "It sounds like you were speaking so fast the words got melded together? Could you repeat that? Actually don't I don't need to hear it again, thank you, my lovely ferns."
She nuzzled the potted plant of cinnamon ferns in the corner of the room underneath the window and near the right hand corner of her teacher desk.

"Piece of advice to woe a doveling don't chase her round like a hawk. Aisha doesn't want to see you, yet, Nex." Flora blatantly tells the straight out truth to him.


"1. Her father's concerned about the kind of white men he lets be a part of his family some of them betrayed his trust awhile ago, Nex. 2. You're so arrogant and rude we Winx girls are reminded of Riven but 3 levels worse the other specialists could explain that to you and 3. you're very quite clingy something Aisha's last boyfriend was not. Relationship is a compromise if one person isn't comfortable with you doing what you do therefore the romance is incompatible and if you keep pushing it on your esteemed partner, you'll soon make it very toxic, yourself, okay. And I don't think you want anyone to think of you as pushing toxic boundaries, handsome? Learn from Roy Roy's known Aisha and her parents all along stop wooing the girl and make allies of her parents first and hint I would start by getting Teredor to find an old friend of his daughters and bring them back to Andros realm for good."

"What name is that?"

"Aisha told Musa her name was Anne." said Flora. "Now shoo, I've got papers to grade."

"Do Pop Quizzes really have to be graded that much Flora?"

"If it's review for Magic classes then yes it is in need of grading, so skedaddle, please!"

That was the end of the past day, Selina had all the conversations between Phivos and Evaine and now they were headed into the High Kingdom of Eraklyon. Raven had woke up with a headache her powers had gone crazy last night she had tried to ignore it all night but she couldn't period. The enemy of our enemies is our friend. Selina wanted Evaine to become a witch to take matters into her own hands to become a wicked girl and cause some chaos. This would be to get the dark Queen of Devarra to realize she just destroyed her own birth daughter.

The Magix news came on Breaking news Princess Evaine's entire temper and attitude has completely changed.

"Shut up, don't pay attention to this filthy newsmen. You're such a rat." Her magic sparked and he got turned into a silver rat statue.

"I'm no longer going to be engaged to the Prince of Westom, Phivos I'm so over you!" She snarled in his face. Red eyes flashed for a moment and then disappeared.

"And you sis better pray you've got secret friends in high places you don't even know are there, Diaspro. Because I will end your privileged little life, gemstone."

Diaspro was like since when did my step mother's command get turned so upside down now? And what is wrong with Evaine?

She looks around and saw a green snake.

"Selina is this you?"

"Who else would make such chaos to get you what you need, my friend? I conjured the dangerous vortex of flames for your sake didn't I?" She asked.

"Yes, yes you did." Diaspro recalled. "Thanks, Selina."

"Don't make me regret it, and by that I mean saving your life and sanity. You're the last of my true friends that around today. And you know why, Princess Diaspro." Selina's snake hisses at her once again.

"We'll be home soon, Raven." Selina responds. "Go eat breakfast and decorate Alfea with the other girls see you soon."

"Huh, Obscurrans must be able to read each other's minds. Selina could tell she and Asherra were telepathically talking now."

Ps. Harmonix will come into play again because before the fifth season Aisha lost all her Sirenix energy so when a fairy who has mastered Sirenix who has someone absorb those powers they revert back to Harmonix mode underwater or on land. I like Harmonix so much I think they could have picked a better transformation song for it but it's such a beautiful transformation with little time to display it in the Winx storyline. It's pretty cool underrated transformation–Lumna10.


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