The Letter To the Farmer

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Dear Jyri Batson,

I am Roxy Islandia from Gardenia city Italy a roadtrip south down the mountain from your farmlands. I used to visit the house as a very young girl. You met my fairy friends the Winx. I need your help on how to communicate without technology. I was there with the Winx that. I hope I can bring my team to your home. They are all fairies including me.
Princess Stella of Solaria Fairy of the Shining Sun Eagalia's older twin sister.
Princess Galatea of Melody Fairy of Orchestras.
Princess Sereena Fairy of Stardust
Lady Sovanna Royal Guard of Earth Fairies, sir
Lady Carmen Fairy of Zalianplants.
Lady Mirta Fairy of Illusions
Lady Amaryl Fairy of Starlight
Lady Ahisa Fairy of Love.
Lady Raven Fairy of Fortunetelling
Lady Selina Fairy of Moonnature
And Katrina and Limealay fairies of the Arctic.
I hope your answer is yes.
And thank you if it is a definite yes.
Joyful tidings
Princess Roxy, Fairy of Animals of Tir Nan Og a hidden fairy realm paradise."

The letter went through fast and Mr. Batson's sister brought it into him. His hands trembled as he was asked to help a group of fairies. He answered yes and told Roxy his nieces were home the perfect time to expose their powers. He also sent them a bus and driver to bring them up the mountains to the stables where they would have to mount up onto horses.

By dawn the next morning the horses were making their way up into the moments side by side.

"Here we are girls this is Mr. Batson's farm."

"Please Miss Roxanne call me Jyri, this is my sister Annarilla and our younger sister Amberlee. And their daughters my nieces: Amberina and Lilyrosa."

"Aren't you two adorable?" asked Roxy.

"You're so pretty all of you." Both young children responded.

"Thank you all the other girls." answered them.

"Those girls are sweet," said Stella.

"I didn't know you had a family Jyri." Roxy said.

"We didn't his pessimism  was so good influence on our daughters." Amberlee responds.

"Agreed, Lee." Annarilla responds.

"Thanks Rilla."

"Are you two twins?" asked Roxy.

"We are." They both spoke back to the Fairy of Animals.

"Stella has a little twin sister." said Roxy. "I kind of understand where Jyri is coming from I was once very pessimistic myself." sighed Roxy. "But a very pessimistic fairy made me realize it was the wrong path to walk down. Being sarcastic is a different story you know what say isn't really meant when it comes to Sarcasm. But pessimism is very different it freezes you solid to the ground or floor. It makes you like the weight of the world is all on your shoulders and the only way to fix things is to fix them yourself all on your lonesome but that kind of dark logical thinking can cause some suicide from trying too hard."

"I never realized fairies had such strong thoughts."  Amberina admitted.

🎶Once upon a time I have forgotten good and great memories I have had with my most special family!
Though I cannot remember in thoughts clearly
There is a call in these wild woods
My heart always remembers
Memories stolen by a very dark force.
But it doesn't how un recallable they are to my mind.
The trees are glowing with a happy white flame of peace all around you.
This same White Earthflame burns inside my heart
And opens the door to my soul!
It brought me magical love
Of Strange girls it made my world better
Trials and Tribulations even for fairies are important
Cause it is how you learn to bring compassion to a world that might be decaying of its wondrous optimism!
I feel the energy of the crows and ravens all around me!🎶 Roxy sang her magic lifted her off the ground as a crow and raven landed on each of her shoulders.
The trees began to dance in response and a powerful shriek was heard by Roxy.

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