A Witch of Snakes As Diaspro's Alfea Friend

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"Your majesty there's a pixie here that says it's from the witch of snakes Selina's Cloudtower friend of Diaspro's." One of the maids sent to spy on Eraklyon royal business. She said she got into Alfea and befriended a worthwhile friend of the Winx for which Bloom would abidicate her claim to the throne of Eraklyon under Erendor's will. She says if you don't let Diaspro and Evaine come to the other magic schools she will send a curse your way that will be a deadly bitter bite back at you and your minions."

"What kind of rubbish is this?"

"It's true that it's not a joke Selina almost successful in murdering Flora and making Bloom lose faith in her fairy self and got this close to snuffing out Bloom's light completely on Earth in the past year." The guards of Devarra had heard about Selina her witch side was not much of a secret anymore. She had been across so many realms and challenged so many people including Bloom on Tir Nan Og realm. "She is always working her way inside a group of fairies and has a first hand advantage to bringing the Princess of Tir Nan Og as a bargaining chip between you and Bloom of Domino."

"The Princess of Tir Nan Og huh a bargaining chip that is a very well equipped plan bring me my quill two pieces of parchment and my wax stamp." Queen Zell demands of her servants they'll both go now that I know there's an ally I can trust at Alfea. She wrote to Griffin and Saladdin and sent the letters on their way if Diaspro was to enroll in Red Fountain, Evaine would take school classes with the witches in part of the school campus. As soon as the letters were sent, Queen Zella went to Elaine's room.

"Change of plans my treasure you will no longer be going to Eraklyon Tri Imstitute Academy you've been signed up for Cloudtower your darling step-sister has gotten us an Alfea watching Bloom's every move forward as we speak, and Diaspro is going to Red Fountain."

"Mom, my friends will make fun of me going to a witch school they'll think I'm nuts!" exclaims Evaine. "Don't let us go! Come on, Mom. Wake up this is a trick and I hate being the babysitter of my stepsister, Diaspro."

"I don't care you'll have to tell them you have changed your mind, Evaine and if they can't except that they're never going to be reliable friends. There's no discussion about this I have been threatened by the witch of Snakes and she threatened to fill the entire realm with venomous mating giant snakes. You're going with your sister, Evaine." Zella spoke. Selina intended this. She was trying to jostle the rift between the non true sisters on purpose for where the unbiological daughter is forbidden to say a word a birth daughter of an evil Queen gets tired of altering her mother's plans and she would end up breaking down completely very soon. An ultimate betrayal and the anger was building in Evaine with every word of her Mom's echoing through her head.

An evil voice lingers in the atmosphere whispers hisses. "She prefers Diaspro over you. She thinks Diaspro is more powerful and capable than you her own birth daughter with those Gemstone powers they are so hard to fight, just wait and watch and keep on hesitating before you know it you're only going to be second in command, Princess Evaine." Now this voice was not Selina at all it was someone else. It was the same voice Selina heard in her head and Selina had started to ignore it being surrounded by fairy friends instead of humans made it harder to hear it.

"Your Mother is so dark and twisted she'd kill your arranged boyfriend to turn you into a Queen she doesn't love anyway so rock the wave against her ultimate plans my apprentice that witch title bestowed upon you will be Witch of Vanity. You know your true master Evaine."

"Yes, Mistress Nightly, I'll do it. I'll make her nightmares real how dare she put Diaspro above me!" Evaine roared. The looking glass shattered behind her. She smirked at the broken glass shards at her feet.

Raven woke up with a start she knew something was building up and it involved Bloom and Roxy and their relationship with the Winx girls too. She had seen the shattered mirror on the ground of the birth princess of Devarra realm that third kingdom of Eraklyon planet and heard the creepy voice as well of an older witch one she recognized from her Earth stories she kept in her room now.

"Problems resting little fortune teller?" asked Asherra talking to Raven through their minds.

"This is all Selina's doing, young Raven. Trust your teammates or no one will, sweet blackbird." echoes Asherra "She knows what she is doing and I really think you realize what she is doing by acting out this way."

"It's something along the lines of that phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right Asherra?"

"Precisely Raven, has been twisted by a real witch to forgo all fairy attachment including her engagement to Phivos. She will announce it tomorrow, turn on the tv then in the dorm you don't have classes tomorrow, my Moonix girls. Your friends will be just fine they're capable girls."


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