What Happened?

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Bloom's age by Season Timeline and where the movies fit.
Season 1 16 (season was released in 2004) Bloom would turn 17 on December 10th.
Season 2 17 till December 10
Season 3 18 till December 10th
The Secret of the Lost Kingdom quest picks up the day after she turned 19 so Bloom to Earth civilians she is now a full fledged adult and no longer as restricted as she was before.
Season 4 19 till December 10th. Magical adventure takes mid Season 4 because the Winx use their Zoomix powers to teleport back to Earth from Domino to get away from the guards of Domino and takes place right before the Wizards of the Black Circle have their trial. Magical adventure is the shortest story that the Winx have ever had
Season 5 Bloom is 20 till December 10th
The mystery of the abyss picks up right after a few weeks after the victory against Tritannus. How do I know? That purple smoke is not from Politea it's from the Winx that cut the Emperor's throne off from the land of the living. Politea was a ghost in the movie and seeking to become less like a ghost. But we have to give time for Aisha and Daphne to recover from being tortured and we do have to set up the arrangement for Daphne teaching.
Season 6 school started at the end of August so Bloom is right about now 21 till December 10
Season 7 Bloom is 22 years old. Eagalia and Stella are about 23 years old. Tecna is 22 as well. Flora and Musa are also 23 because their birthdays are earlier in the year along with Aisha's but I don't agree with the age that wiki fandom put down for Aisha. I say she was 19 in Season 2 cause she is that mature. That makes older than the Winx boyfriends by a year except for Helia Helia was in Red Fountain years before but dropped out and none of his teammates knew why yet. I want to say in 2001 he was sixteen and in his freshman year, 2002 17 sophomore hero year, 2003 18 junior year and maybe in his senior year he got mad at something and dropped out before he could graduate in Senior year. It had to be recently because it's spread throughout campus.

"Flare came back, Bloom." Tecna informs her. She blinked she could see it was night and Alfea was decorated for the dance tomorrow. "It also has occurred to me that you lost your Enchantix and Believix powers during your clash with the Legendarium. You mean besides Sirenix the other form I have aside from my Dragonnix is my Charmix but it was corrupted years ago. I'm afraid she can get to the rest of you like turn you all into her minions Tecna. This curse is unbearable if it held Valtor back so much I understand why he got so nasty and dark he didn't have a choice once the Ancestral witches took him the Black Dragon you saw that used to be his, Tecna. Who stopped me from wrecking the courtyard today?"
"We had help from the Moonix arctic fairies while using our Snowix gift."

"Oh thank goodness for the ice fairies like Alice from Season 1. That igloo spell was very rough on her part but that was the point anyways," sighs Bloom. "Man I'm freezing here right now that was quite the cold shock."

"I think I might know someone who can help you warm up again before the party." Tecna spoke. "I'll be right back stay, Bloom."

"Tecna I'm not a lost feral puppy you know that," said Bloom."You know that okay."

Meanwhile Selina told Roxy what Brafillus said.

"You ran into a dog boy?" She asked. "He said the problem and the solutions are in the past, huh?"

Crystal orb lights were hanging on the ceiling of the Alfea halls. The windows and grass were twinkling underneath stardust. The table lanterns were filled with both starlight and firelight. Mirta made some standard punch and the smell filled the whole atmosphere. Tecna called Nova and escorted her to the infirmary. Roxy and Selina were concerned about Bloom. Could she handle that trip into the past currently with her corrupted Charmix? Only her Sirenix and Dragonnix we controllable for all of them.

The yellow glow came back.

Stay down Flare, I mean it." Bloom whispers.

"Oh, sure goody two shoes princess tomorrow yes that evening I let you have a dance with your boyfriend in peace and quiet. I know you too well Bloom. You always Panic way too much. You know I'm stronger than you and I am capable of protecting you from your enemies."

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