Raven's Hyper Activity

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Raven woke up. Something must have spooked her. She saw Selina and the others looking at her.

"I'm so exhausted and thirtsy, she pulked a mountain dew from the insides of her jacket. Selina swiped it away. Then she stammered. "Raven Mountain Dew causes more hyperactivity because of the ingredient yellow five. Have some of Lucy's grape lemonade it's better and nicer on your system anyways ."

"Oh, I didn't knoe, thanks, Selina, where are we ?"

"Stuck in a monster cave thanks to you, Miss Lousy Foretuneteller!"
"AMARYL!" Katrina and Mirta and Galatea scolded her at the same time.
"It's not her fault the monster love spell was stronger than her free will, Amaryl." Selina reprimanded sharply.

"Don't talk to me like that you can claim all you want trying to be and blend in with fairies but you never be the same as any of us!" Amaryl yelled. "Raven might as well be a witch too."

"Amaryl!" Mirta exclaimed. "Shut it and watch your mouth."

"I'm calling it those witches of Cloudtower fear you and don't believe in you, and stay out of this Mirta you were once a witch too therefore your own opinion is quite bias as yourself is."

"That's not true!" Mirta answered. "I and Lucy chose to attend Cloudtower, my family is both fairies and witches. And they actual get along. Callisto realm is one of the few places where a fairy has never had to battle a witch just for the reckoning of good and evil's accountability. My Mother is a Fairy Godmother as my Adoptive Mother told me she was made to give me up a Fairy Godmother can raise only one of her daughters the others have to be fostered out. So Lucy and I are the youngest of a set of triplets there was a prophecy for me and Lucy that Lucy would continue to under the knowledge and ways of the Darkness of Witchcraft and that I would be a chance to pass knowledge about both light and darkness in the universe. Back in when I was in Cloudtower the witches were terrified of the Trix so much so there were always bandwagons to join when they were around. They were senior witches. The witches have seen they can chose not to do what the Trix did last year because Selina is the only witch who has ever been accepted into their clique and double crossed them. They believe in Selina's bravery, not the fear she drives into them. You saw how upset the Cloudtower witches were when they were under Valtor's spell they were heartbroken. And they were stressed as well."

"The witches like order and to be in control, Amaryl, and you never want to be a bully to the Witches. Not even the Trix liked that under Valtor's command. That was their number 1 code rule don't order or boss us around."  said Galatea. "Valtor shattered the rule in half."

And little did they know a year later he'd do it again in due time.

"Hey, where's Ahisa?" gasped Raven. Everyone loked around surprised to see the Fairy of Love wasn't in the same predicament as the rest of them.

The ground shook under heavy padded feet. The smell of snake came easily to Selina. And it did not bother her. The others had to plug their noses. The smell was like that constantly cause of Cloudtower's Dragon skull. She remembered reading through lots of Cloudtower books and none of them mentioned a Dragon skull hiding within it. That was a new thing for Cloudtower's Heart to reveal."

"Cerebus, Roxy, and Ahisa. I knew that thumping was this threee head Snakehound puppy." Selina said. "He must have woken Raven up."

"He did with his mighty howl, Hades let us borrow him." said Ahisa. "But we're going to need to get Acheron back to the Underworld. He's the Judge of the whole place."

Selina groaned. The very last person she wanted to face again was that wizard. She knew he'd probably tried to smash her upon a rock so her body would be broken wings, legs and arms.

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