Enemy Jealousies Within

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In every villain group there is always something one of the members will complain about one another or just something in general. This is where Tharma's youngest came into to play in the care of the Ancestral Witches her name was Winterly but eventually she broke away from it all that darkness and power lust and foul black magic and corruption and followed the call of the light. Her so called Moms were furious when they found out she taken several of their plans with her and a very important jewel the eye of the Ancestresses an orange bright jewel that now lay safe again the Agador box in the Museum of Magix city. Winterly's brother Gantlos and his brotherhood concealed her on a hidden planet concealed in darkness with a cruel ruler.

Eagalia had picked up a book from Winterly's room.

"Oh my goodness this is Ogron's diary of letters to his young sister in-law," She gasped.

Dear Ogron,
The Domino Royal family has accepted me as an adopted Princess. My name has changed from Winterly to Winterrose, bestie. Don't tell Mom or my Aunts okay. How's Gantlos?
Love his powerful sister witch of Icy winters
I miss Anagan and Dumant too.
You guys were so much fun to be around.
I hope Dumant isn't getting bit or stung by wild animals.
I met a boy a young Prince he is dashing he is coming to the ball this week. Marion the Princess's daughter is trying to arrange for my first Princess gown someday I hope to show it to you guys."

"Sounds like they really put a lot of effort in making sure Winterrose a much nicer,kinder seeter and even more loving towards her birth cousins and make her a stronger witch with an extremely good heart. Daphne's face had changed."

"Bloom doesn't know this but Icy's mom was Marion's godmother and step-Aunt at the same time since she was taken in as another of Marion's Mother's sisters the real ones found love and left but Winterrose refused to leave till Marion got the crown. For all we know the kingdom she became Queen was lost as was Domino years later carried out by the wrath of the Ancestral Witches' informant's daughter her name was Evilyn Spyward like her Mom she could make your worst nightmares reality. And it is said Nightly still walks the Magic Dimension because she sealed her life goals in a diary that was given a poisoned cover. And human, fairy or elf or unsuspecting witch touches it dies and gives her strength back.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Years after Winterrose left her birth home with the Ancestral Witches, Ogron came to Domino to connect with the Dark Dragon who also rested there. Someone followed him. It was Valtor.

"Such a weakling, Ogron, step-cousin." He growled. "Darkflame!"

A fire sphere hurled straight a Ogron but shouted. "Dark Shield. Nice try Valtor. You and I have the same powers for now you cannot beat me at this game."

"I will do what the Ancestresses ask of me conquer the entire magic dimension unlike you who are sulking about lazily with the rest of your team."

"Conquer every planet in a rush you'll get bored." Ogron retorted back. "And if you do conquer everything you lose your purpose. The Ancestresses have forgotten this is very much the truth, cousin."

He hissed in his ears. Valtor turnt red with envy angered by how Ogron was telling him to disobey their family Mistresses.

"You slimy traitor!" He exclaimed. Once again he through flame spheres each miss their mark and leaving the ground in Domino slightly blackened forever after more.

"Hold still." Valtor growled.

"And have you push me into the summit of a volcano, no way." Ogron spoke.

"That can easily be arranged, Ogron, you always were a shrew mocking me the way you do."

"You put Gantlos under a love spell, that makes me angrier at you, errand boy, puppet you're just a puppet to the Ancestral witches. That's all any of us will ever be anymore. You're under their curse. You're attacking me because of it. The Ancestral Witches brand their family members and if disloyalty is found they destroy it till not one drop of it is left."

The word errand and puppet through Valtor on a rampage. He made the ground rise with the two of them.

"We're just slaves to their every whim, Valtor they only use us because they're growing older and slower less terrifying." Ogron spoke. "We're only their brilliant scary enforcers, step-cousin."

Valtor's annoyance and anger was at this moment strong than Ogron's shield against him. The uneven ground was no longer helping him hold Valtor at bay and soon his feet slipped and their was a grunt of cringing pain.

"You're so pathetic weak to pain, you coukd never be a more powerful sorcerer than me Ogron." Valtor stepped on his hand and the girls watching the past unfold between wizards were sure all the bones were shattered. Valtor stepped back off and picked him up by the injured hand. An intense cry of grimacing pain came from the leader of the Wizards of the Black Circle himself.

"Admit I'm the best Sorcerer you have ever seen." He demanded.

"Never." Ogron persisted. "You're the worst not the best. Stealing strategies of others will never make you the best sorcerer ever, Valtor."

Valtor moved closer to the gaping hole in the ground and soon Ogron was dangling over it his legs could not find a foothold. He couldn't push himself up.

"Having trouble standing up well maybe it's because there's the weight of the world spell I placed on your shoulders only fair quarter after you made me live through for years." He spoke. He kicked him down into the summit off the blowntop volcano he unearthed.

"Dark Fire Barricade!" Valtor smirked as he conjured his sealing spell. "Enjoy your isolation. I'm going to go get under your team members skin even more by doing a second love spell to toss things around even more once again, Ogron and you won't be able to tattletale on me while you're down there sulking. I expect you'll be melted alive soon by the lava in that hole anyways, dear cousin."

"So that's what happened. Gantlos was under a love spell when he saw Griffin but he didn't really love her. He loved Harmony Eagalia."

Unbeknownst to Valtor he miscalucated the volcano he thought was active was actually dormant this time of the year since its top blew off at the hottest time of the year. An Ogron never met with love also he did not realize one of the children of the Great Dragon and his mate (the dragons that exist come from somewhere) was dwelling in the cave right above where Ogron had into. A dark purple dragon with no wings flew up to him.

"Get on my back, so you can foil all his messes." The Dragon spoke. "I've seen your true heart and it has not an inch of selfishness in it, Ogron, you have always put on quite the façade for your own Mistresses."

He took the dragon's tendrils and swung right onto its back.

And the dragon flew him right through Valtor's barricade easily enough and when it was crossed it fell apart snapping and exploding and popping like a ballon out of it came a completely black bodied dragon like the one Bloom just released a few chapters ago but they did not know that period had occurred.

"A child of the Great Dragon helped out a wizard." Eagalia stammered.

"The kids of the Great Dragon never lie about what they see in people they saw a man worthy saving. Ogron it's clear he did everything he did to keep the magical universe from being completely handed into Valtor's hands entirely, Eagalia." Daphne said. "Let's take these letters back to Alfea the gala's today. I betcha the answer to gaining Moonix will start showing clues soon now that it knows we're looking for it with all our heart."


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