Chapter 1 | Hired

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Black ink, that's what was required for you to sign this contract. Your newest job, working for someone you'd never thought you'd cross in your entire life. Apparently someone you'd worked for previously had referred you to him, telling him you were a good person for the job. And to your surprise you woke up one day to am email from a person going by Watari who was the only one known to be in direct contact with the worlds greatest detective.

Everyone knew L. Not personally, but they knew of him. He was the man who stopped a bio terrorist group from unleashing a deadly virus in Japan, the man who tracked down the LABB killer and had the rather famous FBI agent nicknamed Misora Massacre work under him. L was no man to fuck with, he held the worlds justice system in the palm of his hand. And yet, no one had ever seen his face, heard his voice, or even knew for sure he was a man. The only way to contact him was through this Watari person. Who also never showed his face, showing up to meetings covered head to toe with not an inch of skin showing.

And here you were, signing a contract to work with them.

Why? Curiosity.

Who wouldn't accept a job that gave you the chance to see who the mysterious man was? The person who could find your personal information with one hand in a matter of minutes? It would certainly be more interesting than the run of the mill client who needed a body guard for a meet and greet event, or someone to help file their legal documents.

You were going to be the bodyguard and personal assistant for THE L. And from the contract you'd just read and signed he seemed to be rather tolerable for a rich guy. So many rich people are assholes, so reading this contract was a breath of fresh air.

He allowed you to quit if the job became too dangerous, as long as you signed an NDA and under absolutely no circumstances spoke of your job for him to anyone. He allowed you a decent amount of breaks and holidays, as long as you informed him a month in advance. He allowed you emergency time off in the event of an injury or family situation as long as he was informed ASAP.

Basically, as long as you kept your pretty mouth shut about him and your job, were willing to be put in potentially dangerous situations and assist in investigating, you'd be allowed enough freedoms to have a relatively regular life.

You'd signed your contacts, and sealed them in an envelope to mail to the same address they came from. Form there, you were to wait for further instructions. This was exiting, your most thrilling and important job you'd ever taken. It had its dangers yes, but the curiosity and thrill was something that made you willing to tough it out. There was so much that ran through your mind.

What did he look like? Sound like? Smell like? What were his investigation methods? What was his relation to this Watari guy?

L was probably the smartest person in the world, and probably up there with the richest too. Being the world greatest detective meant he'd be rolling in cash, a lot of it probably ended up going back into his work. Paying for travel expenses, equipment for investigations, perhaps paying a sketchy individual for information in a case. But even then, he'd still have lots left over. He had money to burn.

Of all the rich assholes you'd worked for, L seemed like the best one just from the contract alone. He was aware you were a human being with feelings, needs and relationships. He was aware this job could be dangerous. And yet, he was confident enough in you to hire you, and as long as you didn't utter a word about him to anyone you were welcomed into his life. You don't doubt he'd investigated you beforehand, looked into your previous work. The fact he picked you was an honour. It showed he trusted you with the job before even meeting you in person. Something apparently very rare for L - trust.

Slipping on your shoes and locking the front door, you headed out to mail off your contacts back to him.

Money wasn't really important to you, as long as you had enough to survive. But you would admit you did have a liking for designer fashion, and thanks to your high paying job you were able to afford some nice pieces. Your boots sturdy and stylish, your bag still in almost perfect condition several years after purchasing, your Doir trench coat flowing behind you as you walked down the street to the post office. The finer things in life were something you were lucky enough to have, but you were very picky about the items you liked. You wouldn't buy just anything because it has a logo attached to it, you had to love the item and you'd use it until it broke.

You wondered, did the million dollar man L have the same eye for luxury as you? He had the funds for it with his job that's for sure.

Reaching the post office, you stamped your envelope and slipped it into the letter box. In a few days you'd hear back, and see if your new job was a-go.

You looked down at your watch, it was just past midday. You had some time left in the day to kill without anything else planned for the day. You figured you'd best put together a neat and professional outfit for your first meeting with L.

But first, a bubble tea couldn't hurt could it?

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora