Chapter 38 | the girls

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A/n: this book is just me making a rich powerful bad bitch (y/n) to date the worlds greatest detective AND putting the hot goth that deserved better on that side.

What L wasn't expecting with this case was having a team of girls on his side. The only ones that believed him when he said Light was Kira that wasn't you, was Naomi, Misa and Rem. But here he was having to gather them all together for a case meeting. The hotel staff probably found it a bit strange that all these older men leave the room and shortly after a bunch of young girls show up.

Needless to say Naomi was VERY glad to know her theory about Light was right. As soon as she saw that death note and read through the rules, she wanted to both jump for joy that her theories were right and cry in pain that she now knew how her husband to be died. And when Misa heard the story of what happened to Raye, her feelings toward Kira only soured even more. How could he kill someone that was innocent? And leave their beloveds in pain. There was nothing worse than loosing someone you cared so deeply for, loved so much.

The more Misa was seeing the situation from other sides and with her trauma detached from it, she was more and more understanding of how cruel Kira really was.

And Rem? Well she was here to protect Misa. That was it. But even though she wasn't on any ones anyones side but Misas, she didn't like Light. From the few things she saw of the man so far, she already knew he was an asshole. How Ryuk put up with him she didn't know.

Sitting around the coffee table, everyone was focused on what L had to say. Clearly he'd come up with something, and everyone was intrigued about it.

"Alright, I'm sure you all know why I've called you here. No need to introduce Kira" he began.

This was the first time Naomi and Misa had met, and already they were on the same page. Both of them were willing to jump on board whatever plan L had come up with here.

"We all know Light is Kira. Unfortunately we can't convince the others yet, they're all too personally attached to him and can't see things from an outsiders perspective yet. Until then, it's just us against him. I do have an idea... although I admit it's a bit morally grey" L explained.

"Well... such extreme circumstances as this make stepping into the grey unavoidable really. What is it?" Naomi asked.

"He won't trust me, he won't trust (y/n). He knows we're working against him. But... he might trust you two. As long as he doesn't find out that you, Naomi are linked to Raye. And that you, Misa are just a friend of (y/n)s and not involved in the case... you may be able to double cross him"

While neither of them particularly liked Light, they knew L was right. There was no way he or you could try and double cross him, he already knew L was... well, L. And that you were his bodyguard. Active threats to him. But to him Naomi was a stranger and Misa was just an idol his sister liked that happened to be friends with L's body guard. If anyone was going to try and gain his trust to double cross him, they were the best options.

"And since Rem is always around Misa you're both protected. As well as her being able to see the other shinigami, it puts us at an advantage. If you're both willing, we can introduce you under the false narrative that you're both suspects like he is. That'll give him a sense of false security around the two of you, you won't be seen as a threat" L explained.

Basically, L was thinking that using Naomi and Misa as agents he could get them to extract evidence out of him by pretending to also be suspects. Naomi being an ex FBI agent had done operations like this before, it was definitely something she could pull off. And Misa was literally an actor, she'd absolutely be able to pretend to be a suspect and make it believable.

"I know he's dangerous, you will both be given protective messers of course. And Naomi would get an alias that not only keeps your real name from him but stops him from linking you to Raye. Misa is already famous so there's no use in giving her an alias, but she had Rem watching her. Of course this is up to you if you want to do this or not, I'm merely suggest-"

"I'll do it" Naomi immediately cut in.

Honestly you were a little surprised, she'd been really badly effected by the death of her fiancé, you were sure she'd not want anything to do with his killer.

"You sure? You took everything pretty hard, which is completely understandable" you asked.

"Want justice. I've done things like this before back in the FBI. I know how to extract subtle information from people and pull a long com sting operation" she replied.

"I had a feeling you'd be on board. Just make sure you don't trigger yourself doing this ok? While you've handed Raye's death well, it's still a horrible thing to go through" L added.

Naomi sighed, she'd definitely been in the gloom about it. But now the initial shock had passed and she was working to avenge him, she'd found a sense of purpose and justice again. She'd always miss him, she'd always be hurt by the loss. But she was doing alright now time had passed.

"I can handle it. I'm doing this for Raye, he'd want me to avenge him. And of course I can't just let this maniac run around killing whoever he wants. It's in humane, it's evil" Naomi said.

Misa found her commitment rather inspiring actually. Naomi had lost someone she loved just like she had, and yet she was still fighting for justice. Even if Misa's criminal foe was dead now, she still had a whole justice system to fight. If she wanted change he had to help, and after seeing things from your side, L's side and Naomi's side... she was on it.

"I'll do it, even if he was the one that got vengeance for me... he's still done wrong. He'd killed innocent people, people who were forced into crime by their circumstances, people who could be reformed. You guys have... opened my eyes I guess. Helped me see it from a less trauma based view point" Misa agreed.

Perfect. Two volunteers, one close in age to light with acting skills and one ex FBI agent with a personal motive. With the right equipment they'd be a force to be reckoned with.

"Wonderful, thank you for helping. Naomi you already know capoeira, and have had FBI training. Misa I think before we start anything I should have Naomi and (y/n) give you some self defence training. If the absolute worst case scenario happens you'll be able to defend yourself" L said.

Misa perked up a little, in truth she'd always found martial arts kinda fun looking. She didn't really mind having to learn to fight. It was another skill she could add to her long list next to singing, acting and modelling.

"Oooh that sounds fun. Plus, I have a pet shinigami on my side. I'd be practically unstoppable if I could throw a mean punch AND have death itself looming behind me" she said.

L looked up at Rem, who would always just stand quietly behind Misa and observe. By now you'd all gotten used to the looming presence.

"I know you aren't on anyones side and don't interfere with us. But if Misa ends in in danger I can count on you to tell us can I not? Not just for the sake of the case but for her" L asked.

"You can. I'll only divulge information necessary for protecting her" Rem replied.


So Light, what will you do? A detective and his army of girls were coming for you. Hope you're prepared to get gaslit into thinking you can trust them, that way it'll be a matter of time before you're caught.

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