Chapter 31 | impeccable timing

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Needless to say, you stressed over nothing. L was right, as always. That entrance exam went so smoothly the only interaction he had with Light was eye contact for 0.2 seconds. You sat outside the exam room the whole time, listening in for anything suspicious but of course, nothing really happened.

When it was all over, it was a bit later than you'd expected the sun had started setting so you both decided to move your little shopping trip to tomorrow since all the shops would be closing soon.

"See? I told you" L said, swinging your hand in his as you walked back to the hotel.

"Yeah yeah, but I think my paranoia is justified" you replied.

"True, I do appreciate the concern. But I promise every move I make against him is calculated. Plus, from now on during every encounter you'll be by my side 24/7"

"And I'll deck him in the face if he tries some shit"

L observed two things while he was watching Light during the test, one being that he was very clearly used to high pressure situations. He got through the test quick and easy, clearly he was book smart and knew how to remain calm in situations like exams that determine a big part of your life. And the second was that he was very hyper vigilant, every small noise that someone made, Light would look at it. Even if it was only for a few seconds, he'd glance over to see what it was. Almost like he was a bit paranoid deep down, but knew how to cover it up.

That's what made L a bit suspicious, why would he have a reason to be so hyper vigilant if he wasn't hiding something?

L was a hyper vigilant person too, but in a different way. He wouldn't scan the room each time something out of place happened, he'd notice it before it even happened. Maybe it was just his detective mind, maybe it was a bit of trauma, but it was different from the way Light was hyper vigilant.

"I was looking forward to seeing what you'd pick out in the shop. Damn that exam for running so long..." you sighed.

"I'll admit I'm curious about what you'd pick too. Tomorrow through, after the taskforce meeting. Do you have any ideas on what you're looking for?" You replied.

"Hmm... a few, but I think I'll decide once I see what's there"

"Me too"

After talking about it, you'd decided you'd each pick one one thing to try on each other. Of course if it wasn't something the other was comfortable with you'd pick something else, but from the sounds of things the two of you were open to a lot.

"Can I get a hint?" You asked.

"Mmm... something small but effective" he replied.

Hmm... that could be a handful of things. Interesting to think about.

"What about me do I get a clue?" He added.

"Something... different than what you're used to but once you try it you'll DEFINITELY like it" you smirked.


That could be many things as well, he was curious about what you'd use on him. Although the suspense and surprise of it all made him more exited.

You were about to make another flirtatious remark, but the sudden sound of shouting caught your attention. Even though your Japanese was limited, you definitely knew what must be going on when you heard it.

'Yamatte, hentai!' Coming from a girls voice followed by the sounds of a man rambling back at her.

Exchanging a knowing glance with L, you turned down the street the noise was coming from. From the corner of the street you could see the scene and your suspicions were confirmed. It was a sketchy looking guy, trying to corner a much smaller girl.

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora