Chapter 8 | wandering

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L seemed a bit off today, but you just chalked it up to him being groggy from having slept for the first time in a while. Any time you got close to him he seemed to tense up, not in a scared way more of a... shy? Way.

Although you'd admit you were probably a bit off as well, after what you saw last night you couldn't look at him the same. Every time you looked over at him, your mind would just erase his shirt. You'd have to snap yourself out of it and force yourself back into work mode.

Right now he was glued to his screen, desperately waiting for more information on these mysterious heart attack deaths. You were across the room on your own laptop doing your task for the day which was taking all the files on the case so far and organising them by date. It wasn't too hard, just tedious. Renaming the document to have the date of the incident in it and what exactly the crime the criminal committed was. L figured there could be an emerging pattern that would be good to catch sooner rather than later. Perhaps the killer targeted a particular kind of criminal over others, like murderers were killed more than robbers were. If there was a pattern that could reveal a motive or bias the killer has.

"Hmm, (y/n)..." L spoke up.


"Can you look something up for me?"

"Sure, what is it?" You replied.

Opening Google, you looked up at him for the request.

"Hybristophilla" he said.

Oh, you knew that one. You'd heard about cases of it before, but knowing L he wanted more than just the definition so you typed it into Google.

"Defined as having a sexual or romantic internet in people known to have committed violent crimes" you replied.

"Are there any stats on it? I'm seeing a lot of people calling this killer 'Kira' and there's an alarming amount of 'fan blogs'. I already know that people who like true crime are mainly women, there's plenty of studies on that. But some of these blogs are more than just reporting on the crimes, it's like they're worshiping Kira..." L said.

That was kind of alarming. You looked through a few websites to get an idea on who the main sufferers of the paraphillia were and why it occurred.

"Says here that it's mainly women who have it, and there's no known single cause for it. But the main ones tend to be extremely low self esteem, past trauma, a desire for attention or the 'I can fix him' mentality" you said.

"Interesting... so that indicates most of these blogs must be run by women, probably ones who are in a very vulnerable state as well. I don't like the idea of Kira seeing these and it fuelling his already massive god complex. Clearly these people are easily manipulated and would definitely fall victim to Kiras manipulation if he chose to try and... build a cult per se" L explained.

You hadn't even considered the impact Kira could have on the world outside the mass deaths. It's only been a few weeks at most of him being around, so the thought hadn't even crossed your mind yet. But L was right, with a criminal this powerful and clearly extremely dangerous, all those suffering with Hybrisophilla would be prime targets for him to abuse, manipulate into his bidding or even kill.

You hoped to god Kira didn't ever come into contact with some of these people in real life. It had disaster written all over it.

"This isn't alarming at all" you said with a sarcastic tone.

"That's what I'm thinking. I know it's far fetched because the internet is hard to control, but I think it's best we have as many of these 'fan blogs' taken down. We don't want him to have any more social power than he already has. Especially from vulnerable young girls" L replied.

L had another point. It was best to try and quell the flames before it turned into a wild fire. You had no doubt this topic would come up again later in the case.

"You're a quick thinker you know? I hadn't even begun to think about how many weird fans Kira would get" you complimented.

"After you've done as many cases as I have, it becomes part of the checklist" L replied.

"No wonder you have such a reputation for being crazy smart. Only a few weeks of this Kira guy existing and you've already got files of information, a potential motive and pinpointed the start of everything to Japan"

"Sometimes I wonder if my brain will pop out of my skull from how much a think"

As you continued on with your work, you couldn't help but think about just how damn smart L was. It was so impressive how much he could come up with so quickly. You'd consider your intelligence to be pretty average for your age and education, and compared to you L was like some kind of mega super genius.

It was hot.


'Goddamnit (y/n), now now' you thought to yourself. You'd already been daydreaming about him shirtless, you don't need to be dreaming about how smart he was and how that somehow made him super attractive.

That was the thing about L, he was by no means the universal standard. It'd be rare to see someone like him on a runway, which you thought was some bullshit because he totally should be on one. He had a very particular charm to him, everything about him just suited him so well. The hair, the eyebags, the height, the voice, the personality, it all just moulded together so well and made him... him. And whatever it was about him that made him hot, it was screaming at you to never stop thinking about him.

It was starting to bug you how goddamn attractive he was, you couldn't focus. He was a brain eating parasite that just wouldn't leave your mind, and honestly you didn't really mind that. As long as he gave your mind time to focus on your work too. You needed to do something about this infatuation of yours.

Curios, you decided to look something else up on Google.

'Attraction to intelligence' was what you typed in. And sapiosexuality is what popped up. Damn, maybe you were just a major Sapiosexual then...

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