Chapter 30 | in person

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"L you are batshit inane. No way"

His expression didn't change, he just shrugged. How can he be so calm about this? Wanting to sit the entrance exams to watch Light in person WITHOUT a mask to cover his face and WITHOUT you there? You were meant to be his bodyguard weren't you?

"Unless you sit the exams with me, you can't exactly be in the room" he pointed out.

"You want to show your face to the man who can kill with a name and a face? Ok sure he doesn't know your name but if he managed to find out he'd already have your face! You'd die!" You replied.

"We're risking our lives for this case aren't we?"

"Risking your life and running head first into deaths arms are two different things L, I just got you in my life I'm not loosing you this fast"

He was insane, but that's why his plans always worked. No one would expect the moves he took, no one would be prepared to face him. He catches people off guard, that's how he corners people. You gave him an exasperated look from across the table, no one else in the hotel room today so you were able to chat couple things without having to hide it.

"I'm not going to die from sitting a few desks away, he might not even look at me. I'm watching him in person to see if his behaviour shifts outside the home, see if he's in contact with anyone else suspicious. You can stand outside the door if you want, it'll be fine" he assured.

You sighed. Oh L you crazy bastard.

"You hire me as your bodyguard and PA and the first time you approach a suspect is without me? You're nuts. But... I will admit it is a plan that would work. Fine, but I'm standing right outside that door in case anything goes down. I AM your bodyguard after all, that's my job. Even if I didn't love you I'd still be protecting you. You're lucky I love you so I'm inclined to protect you even harder" you caved.

"I knew you'd understand. You're emotionally driven but logically sound (y/n), that's what makes you such a good bodyguard" L smiled.

"Just know if I end up being right and you get yourself into trouble that I have to drag you out of, you're not getting laid for a week sir"

"Good thing it won't happen then, I expect to get laid as soon as it's over then"

This smug bastard... you gently whacked his arm, telling him off for that comeback.

"Speaking of, you know how many adult stores I passed the other day when I went out? Japan has a ton of them, maaayybbeee we could take a little peek in one and see what's in there?" You smirked.

He thought for a moment, considering all the possibilities that could come if that. There were a few things he'd always wanted to try out...

"Hmm... I'd say that's a fun idea. After the exams, we can go on the way back" he replied.

Now you were curious, what exactly would he want to get? It was no secret to the two of you that you both had kinks you wanted to try out, but hadn't gotten to get as up until now you were still new to the relationship. But it had been a a while now, and physical touch was definitely your shared love language. It was a matter of time before you were sneaking away mid-work to mess around in a storage closet you reckoned.

"Ooo now I'm curious, what wild stuff is in your brain?" You teased.

"Lots of things, I'll have to decide what to try first when we're actually in said shop and presented with options" he replied.

"You talk so... professionally, you know?"

"That's not... un-romantic is it?"

"No, no it's fine. It's you. I just find it kind of funny how I'll spit out slang and shorthand and you're responding professionally"

He seemed relieved, while he was getting the hang of the whole relationship thing, there were some habits he couldn't shake.

"Oh good, I'd hate the downfall of my relationship to be my speech patterns. Romantic ineptitude I understand... human pair bonding is still kind of new to me" he said.

"You're not as inept as you think hun, a little stiff here and there sure. But not so inept you can't hold a relationship, I mean I'm still here and I'm practically stuck to you like glue" you replied.

"That makes me feel more at ease with our relationship. Clearly you're the more experienced one here though"

"True, but I'll tell you what your tongue isn't inexperienced at ALL"

There was that smug grin again, that was the one thing he knew for certain he was good at, using his mouth. He'd been trying cherry stems in a knot with his mouth as just a fun little trick for years now. It wasn't until he met you he put that skill to good use.

It was amazing how vulgar your conversations got when no one was around, just goes to show how intertwined love and lust were in your relationship.

"You're not too bad with your mouth either" he replied.

"Why thank you, I do try" you snickered.

"Then again, you are just perfect in the love department so it's no surprise"

"Darling, no one is perfect"

"You are"

What a suck up. All that monotonous gloom went right out the window when he was with you.

Thinking back to a while ago when you were sitting in bed writing about your complex feelings for L, you were quite happy with how far you'd come since then. Those feelings were no longer complex, you understood them and made them clear. Nowadays your writing was about how bad you ached for him when he was too busy with detective work.

There was something about sitting in an expensive and fancy hotel room, in satin pyjamas with no one but your lover and teasing each other about all the things you'd do to one another that was just so... perfect. You felt like your life was a Lana del Rey song recently. The man, the money, the sensual undertones, the guitar riff that pulled it all together. And even the tragedy was there in the form of the case as how much crime you were trying to fight.

Every time you saw him in that iconic blue jeans and white shirt combo, he walked into the room and made your eyes burn with passion. He was yours, this high end life of chasing crime was yours.

There was no fucking way you'd let Kira take that away from you. Take HIM away from you.

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora