Chapter 13 | first class

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You'd flown first class a few times for work, but never on a flight this fancy. You'd just checked your bags in, and carried your smaller carry on suitcase with you as well as Shadows cat carrier while L and Watari sorted out their bags. Part of the reason L got such and expensive flight was so Shadow could fly with you and not have to be separated, he wouldn't do that to his beloved kitty.

The cat in question had curled up in a loaf in his carrier and watched the airport go by through the wire door. He seemed rather calm for being in a situation cats usually found stressful.

You definitely looked the part of a rich man's assistant today, in your long Doir coat with heeled boots. Prada sunglasses on your head, pearl necklace around your neck and a flouncy white button up. The two two buttons undone to show off your elegant jewellery. And then there was L next to you in a shirt and jeans, anyone passing you by would probably expect you to be his boss with how you contrasted.

"Alright, let's go. Can't miss it, it's a long flight" L said, having wrapped up with the luggage.

"One last double check, everyone have everything?" You asked.

The men patted your pockets to feel for everything and quickly checked their carry on.

"I do believe we're all set, let's not waste any time and head over to the gate" Watari replied.

Heading up the stairs to make your way to the boarding gate, you walked beside L who was keeping an eye on the cat in his carrier.

"He's very calm, usually cats would freak out about being put in a carrier" you commented.

"He's been flying before, he's rather used to it by now" L replied.

Shadow looked so calm he was about ready to take a nap, he probably would sleep most of the flight over to Japan. You came up the gate, it having just been opened. Checking in, you were swiftly let onto the flight and into the first class cabin. It was rather fancy, big seats with lots of space, tvs to watch, an area you knew would be stocking alcohol and food later on. You put your carry on suitcase in the overhead compartment after taking out your laptop to occupy yourself. Shadow was put on the seat opposite you and L who'd taken the seat next to you. Opening the little door, the cat carefully stepped out and looked around.

The moment L sat down, Shadow jumped into his lap before he could bring his knees up as he usually did.

"Shad- you know that makes my deductive abilities drop right?" L said.

Shadow just looked him in the eye and stated pawing at his legs, making biscuits with his thighs. L sighed.

"Fine, you're lucky I love you..."

You snickered, L was right. It was shadows world, you all just lived in it.

"Ok... we have 13 hours to kill. Probably a bit more for take off and landing time, better finish up organising all the victims by date..." you muttered.

"Thank you for taking on the tedious task. I know it's boring but it makes everything a lot easier in the long run" L replied, stroking Shadow across the back.

"It's my job, it's fine. You better get a start on organising crashing that ICPO meeting"

"I've started it, it's about half done. I'm having Watari take a laptop in there so I can talk to them without having any open connections over the internet that could be intercepted"

He always thought one step ahead didn't he? There'd definitely be a risk Kira could try and intercept the feed from that netting for inside information. But if L only connected to one secure laptop that was already in his possession, no one could track him down.

"That reminds me, when we do have a suspect... you're not going to show your face are you? I know you take some risky moves in cases but I feel like that's a bit too much of a risk" you asked.

"Can't say yet, too early in the case to know the full scope of things. Although if I do have to, I trust you'd be ready to defend me if that suspect became violent" he replied.

"I would, it's my job. Plus, even if I wasn't paid to do it, I'd still make sure no one touches you but me"

You didn't fully process what you'd just said until after you said it. 'No one touches you but me?' Great now you were subconsciously flirting with him, you really had it bad. Guess it wasn't just a lustful infatuation, you genuinely liked him. Him being fine as hell was just a bonus.

L didn't catch on right away, but when he did, he felt his cheeks warm up. Did you just... flirt with him? For real?

"You're the only one allowed to touch me" he replied, just spitting it out without even thinking about it.

What had come over him suddenly? What gave him the confidence to say that? You were pleasantly surprised at the remark, seems like he may share a bit of an affection for you.

"Good to know... I'll keep that in mind" you smirked.

Before he could reply, shadow stretched out and swished his tail right in L's face.

"Wh-shadow! You're an attention seeker" he said, swatting the tail away from his face.

"Aw biiiiggg stretch" you cooed at the cat.

It was like a crime not to point out a big stretch when an animal does a big stretch. Shadow purred as he flopped out over L's lap, now all comfortable and ready to sleep through the flight.

"Comfortable now? What a spoilt prince" L sighed.

"He loves you" you giggled.

"He's lucky I love him"

It wasn't long before you finally got to take off, after the usual safety presentation and runway preparation. You were off in the air smoothly, and had 13 hours from England to Japan to kill. You'd be able to work for some of them, but eventually you'd finish this organising and end up with nothing to do. While part of you hoped L took the time to get some sleep on this long flight, part of you hoped you ended up in a long conversation with him that lasted the whole flight.

You could listen to him talk for hours with a voice like his. Plus, it'd give you room for more flirtatious remarks.

"Oh, just remembered. That book you were reading the other day, did you end up finishing it?" L spoke up.

"Valley of the dolls? Yeah I did. Really good, had some sad moments though" you replied.

"It's the truth though, the entertainment industry is harsh. Especially in the 40's"

He'd read it too? He had good taste, seems like you had more in common than you thought. Any man with a cat, lots of money, a gorgeous voice and a good taste in books was your kind of man. You absolutely had to shoot your shot with him, the fact he was almost like your boss be damned. A man like that you just had to taste the lips of.

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