Chapter 12 | preparations

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It was decided, you'd be going to Japan for the case. With the way things were going it was unavoidable and rather necessary. You still had a week before you had to leave but since you were living both at home and with L at the moment, you needed to sort out everything you'd be bringing from both houses and organise a friend or family member to house sit.

For a trip this long, you broke out your big suitcases, the kind you needed a cart to carry around the airport. You'd traveled for work a few times before and with each place you went, you stuck a sticker on your cases. The classic I heart New York sticker was slapped on one, and one of the Eiffel Tower on the other. As well as a smaller one from Hawaii and one from Greece. Now, you'd be able to slap a Japan sticker onto the collection.

Going through all your clothes, you sorted them out into what you'd need and what you could leave at home. Even though it was warm in Japan right now, you'd be there for a while so you folded your big thick Dior trench coats up and put them in your suitcase. You'd filled one suitcase will all your basics, your shirts and pants, your underwear and bag of toiletries and skin/hair care. The other case was for all your nicer clothes you took good care of, as well as shoes you'd be putting in boxes to keep them from messing up your clothes.

You weren't exactly sure how formal you'd need to be, you were mainly just following L around and making sure he wasn't killed or anything. But this case was one with twists and turns and you may end up somewhere fancy. Not sure, you got up and walked down the hall to ask L if there was anything in particular you should bring.

Poking your head into the study, he was as usual on the computer analysing the current information on the case.

"Hey, would I need to bring any formal clothes? Like will we end up somewhere fancy?" You asked.

"Hmm... I don't think so. Although just in case maybe bring one set of something formal" he replied.

"Alright I'll bring my McQueen"

"An Alexander McQueen piece? You certainly have an eye for designer"

"It's my nicest set, evening gown and matching coat. Cost me an arm and a leg but so worth it"

L had actually been paying attention to your collection of designer fashion, and he'd noticed a reoccurring theme with the types of garments you usually had. They were sleek, usually a solid colour or maybe a simple pattern like pinstripes or gingham. They were in either dark colours or a cool tone, made from soft fabrics and if they had a logo on them it was small and out of the way. It made you look both professional and beautiful, you had your exact type of style you liked and you stuck to it. You wouldn't buy just anything designer because it had the logo slapped on it. If you bought it, it means you genuinely loved the piece and knew you'd get lots of use out of it.

So far he'd noticed Doir coats, Vivienne Westwood jewellery, a Valentino set of pants, blazer and button up. And of course your set is Hermes suitcases and bags. And now he was aware of your Alexander McQueen formal wear. With such an eye for fashion, he wondered just how many runway shows you'd been too in your life.

"We'll have a few days in Japan free before we get into the case, you can spend one of them out in Ginza, Roppongi Hills or Harajuku. Japan has quite the unique taste in fashion" L suggested.

"Oh I love Japanese fashion, they have so many cool sub styles. Lolita, Decora, Gyaru, Visual Kei... too many to list. Definitely going to Harajuku" you replied.

L didn't know too much about fashion, but Japanese fashion he did know about. Mainly because one of the idols he liked was your classic Harajuku Goth and often featured in alternative fashion magazines. But the more you talked about designer fashion, and the more he saw you come up with gorgeous outfits the more he came to appreciate it. He wasn't one to wear anything fancy himself, he was particular about the fabrics he liked, some of them irritated his skin otherwise. But he could appreciate all the work you put into coming up with good coordinates and saving the money for the finest garments.

"Hmm, I'll need to put all my jewellery in an organiser box so it doesn't tangle... I should probably bring some sunglasses too..." you pondered.

"Just make sure you have something for all the seasons, we'll be over there a while" L said.

"One step ahead of you, already packed my coats. Speaking of, when are you going to get started on packing sir? Surely your hundreds of white shirts won't pack themselves"

"Watari Is already doing it for me, so I can focus on getting into the case with the ICPO"

"Of course, should have known"

Made sense why he wouldn't have you do it even though you were his assistant. That'd mean you'd have to rummage around in his room and go through all his stuff, and you had no doubt that man had secrets as the worlds greatest detective.

"Oh, and I've organised all your gear to bodyguard me. It should arrive before we leave, in a few days" L added.

"Good, can't guard you without the right gear. I'd suggest you keep some gear in yourself as well though, I might be able to defend you from a physical attack but we still don't know how Kira kills" you replied.

"We know he needs a name and a face, although it's hard to get anything out of that..."

"Wear a mask in public, it's not uncommon in Japan to wear face masks anyway. It'll cover your face so even with your name he couldn't do anything"

L had been so wrapped up on preparing to go to Japan he hadn't even considered that. But you made a good point. Any time he was around potential suspects or police, he should probably keep at least some of his face obscured.

"You make a good point. You should wear one as well" he said.

"Hmm, maybe I'll buy a nice one in Harajuku. For now I can wrap my Prada bandana around my nose and mouth" you replied.

Prada, another one to add to the list of brands you had. What was next, Gucci? Probably actually. You seemed to have at least one thing from each of the big brands.

"Just out of curiosity... what's your favourite of all those designer brands?" L asked.

"Dior, they're just the right mix of formal and comfortable. I like most of their stuff, and they have a really good lip care line" you replied.

Good lip care huh? Maybe he should put that to the test and feel your lips for himself...

Quickly shaking the thought away and trying to stay focused on work, you chattered for a few make minutes about the up coming trip until you went to go finish organising your luggage. But that comment about the lips stuck in L's mind, like you'd been doing for months now. You just couldn't get out of his head. Out of curiosity, he looked up the products you were talking about and read the ingredients and saw the pictures.

Your lips must be so, so soft...

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant