Chapter 11 | expressing

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When you were younger, your mother raised you to be a cheeky little troublemaker who could get out of trouble by being too cute to stay mad at.

Having been left by her husband when you were only a baby, she worked hard to raise you all by herself into a well rounded person, but always allowed you to have your fun. She dressed you in frilly socks, little shorts with sailor collared tops, took you to the nice side of town when she got a raise at work and let you pick out something nice to buy. That's how you got your eye for designer fashion, by taking those trips to the beachside city and looking at all the elegant clothes.

But it wasn't just fashion and your cheeky streak she taught you, she taught you not to let men push you around. And you took that to heart knowing what your father did. She always told you "boys aren't worth shedding tears over, the only tears they should make you shed are the ones of joy when he presents you with the finest engagement ring of your dreams".

But by far the best thing she taught you as you grew up, was how to express your feelings when things got complicated. She told you to write down everything you were thinking, pick out the describing words and make it into something beautiful. A poem, a story, a piece of art. That way you could really sit and think on your emotions, work with them and understand them.

And now you were all grown up, had a high end job, could hold your own and found yourself having some complicated emotions about this shaggy haired detective you'd been working with.

It was conflicting, admiration, lust, confusion, guilt, attraction. You knew he was essentially your boss, although it was definitely a very different set up than a traditional work place. That's what made you feel a bit odd about your feelings for him, you felt like it was wrong to like your boss that way. But the fact he didn't act like your boss, more like a friend who hid behind you for help and he just happened to pay you. So just as your mother taught, you wrote everything down, and underlined the describing words in your ramble of complex thoughts.


Your list of words was overwhelmingly good emotions, like admiration and sweetness. It was clear to you that you had it bad for the detective, a lot faster than you'd expected. And from those words, you created the art you'd been taught to made.

You've got the law
But baby, at what price?
My feelings so strange
Hard to define
You're the million dollar man
Just within my reach
Do I take grasp or let go?
After all, I can pay the price
For my million dollar man
And his mystery of a life.

You felt a pressure on your back, two paws kneading at your pyjamas. Shadow had really attached himself to you, if anything about L was yours, clearly his cat was. He dug his claws into the fabric, kneading it like he was making biscuit dough.

"You'll rip my Jim jams shadow" you snickered, looking over your shoulder at him on your back.

You lay on your front for two seconds and the cat thinks it's free realestate. Typical black cat behaviour. Turning back to your notebook, tried to think of things to add to your little piece of writing, drawing roses and dollar signs in the margins as you did.

That was the thing about L, he was so hard to describe. You could say black hair, eyebags, super smart and leave it at that. But that wasn't enough to capture everything about him, he was an enigma. You'd never met anyone like him, that might be why he had you on the hook. He was just so intriguing.

My million dollar man is a mystery
But his words are as sweet as blood red berries
Watches me work, eyes burn through my soul
Tell me you want me
Give me them coins
And off to the races we go, chasing crime all over the globe.

Finishing by dotting your I's with hearts, you sighed and rested your head down over your notebook. Feeling shadow loaf himself up on your back, the relaxing vibrations of him purring making you sleepy. You looked over your shoulder at him, as he did that dozy gaze cats to when they're relaxed.

"Your dad is a real catch you know that Shadow?" You said.

He swished his tail when he heard you talking to him, just giving you an unchanging look.

"You reckon I could bag him?"

He replied with a soft meow, but oriental shorthairs always sound more like a little honk than a meow.

"Guess I'll see if he's on my wavelength..."

Turning back to your notebook, you read the pages one more time before closing it and wrapping the elastic that held it closed around it again. Pushing it aside with your pen, you stretched out our arms and rested your head back onto them. Unable to get up and move with the cat sitting on you, you looked around the room. It looked a lot more like yours now you'd been living here with L on the weekdays. Although you couldn't get too used it, it was seeming like you'd have to go to Japan soon. Maybe you could get an even better room over there?

But there was something about this room, the night theme with all the little stars dotted on the roof, the moon and star bedding set and stained glass lampshade setting a golden glow over the bed. It was cosy, and despite you spraying your champagne perfume every morning at your vanity, the smell of L lingered in the room. As he'd been living in this house longer than you had, and he'd been in all the rooms.

He smelled sweet, with a hint of coffee bitterness. All his beloved cakes would linger on him and make him smell like a bakery.

His white shirt, that always had patches of black cat fur stuck to it thanks to shadow rubbing against him affectionately, seemed to soak up the smells of his pastries. Any time you got close to him, you could smell the eclairs and cannoli.

"Shadow can you tell your dad he's hot for me? The me has me doing my silly little journal pages already..." you sighed.

You felt Shadow get up, his little paws walking up your back. He stepped onto the back of your head and his weight made your face squish into the bed.

"Hey! What was that for?" You sputtered, sitting up and making him jump off you.

He looked up at you with a grumpy glare and meowed.

"What? You don't like me calling your dad hot? Well sorry shads, he's a dilf. Well... cat dad dilf"

Almost as if he could understand you, and found it embarrassing you were calling his dad attractive, he put a single paw up to your mouth to shut you up.

This cat...

With his paw still against your mouth, you gave him a glare. He just trilled at you.

"Wow fine then, I'll stop embarrassing you then. But you'll regret that little stunt when I'm your new second parent"

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt