Chapter 29 | coincidence

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You looked up from your laptop, across the table at L.

"Could you take Shadow out for a bit? He's going stir crazy" L asked, eyes still glued to the screen.

The cat in question was bapping L with his paw, whacking him for attention. He was definitely an inside cat, but was used to being able to wander around the backyard and on the rooftop. He couldn't really do that in a hotel room, so it was best he got some outside time for a bit.

"Sure, I need to get some an adapter for Japanese sockets anyway. I keep stealing yours" you replied.

"Thank you, much appreciated" he replied.

Getting up, you picked up the cat and glanced over at the screen L was so focused on while you were at it. Light was studying again, sitting at his desk reading piles of text books.

"Man all he does is read and eat chips" you commented.

"I know, all week he's been the only one taking the chips from their cupboards. But I guess I can't talk, all I eat is sugar" L replied.

The only other person in the room right now with you was Naomi, who was focused on her share of work across the table. So you were able to steal a quick kiss from L before you left.

Shadow was a very well behaved, yet demanding cat. So he didn't protest when you sat him in your biggest shoulder bag and headed out the door with him, he was just glad to go outside and smell the air for a bit. You probably looked like one of those rich housewives with a tiny dog in their purse, just with a cat and darker clothes.

"I should get you lead and harness, train you to take walks like a dog" you told him.

Shadow gave you and unamused look, leaning his head on the side of the bag. You could swear he understood you sometimes with the way he responded.

"No? You prefer to be carried huh? Like a pharaoh on one of those hammock litters carried by all their people"

Shadow was the spitting image of one of those cat statues you'd find in a tomb, all black, curved nose and big ears iconic to the oriental shorthair breed, his collar was sparkly like a whesek. All he was missing was the gold eyeliner, although eyeliner wasn't really safe for cats so he'd have to go without. With his regal attitude, ancient looks and ability to get anyone to stop and pat him, you'd swear he was a pharaoh reincarnated. That's why he demanded you carry him everywhere.

"Who were you in a past life mr shadow? Cleopatra? Thutmose the third? I bet you were pretty powerful with the way you command the room" you said.

He narrowed his eyes and trilled at you, seemingly telling you that you were right. You hadn't no doubt that if reincarnation was real he was absolutely a king. And look at him now, the cat of the worlds greatest detective being carried in a designer bag through Japan. He's still living it large.

You turned into a shopping strip, looking for an electronics place to get an adapter from. Luckily for you Japan was full of them and it didn't take you long. You were in and out with your purchase rather quick, a few stares wondering why you had a cat in a bag thrown at you as well. You figured you'd get a drink while you were out, so Shadow could see the sights some more and not get too restless.

Another cool thing you noticed Japan had quite a lot of where window cafes. Cafes that had a drive through like counter on one of the walls so people in a rush could order something without having to go inside. You doubted a food place would allow you to bring a cat inside, so you went looking for a window cafe. And again, you found what you were looking for rather quickly. Your Japanese reading skills weren't too amazing, since kanji was a bitch to memorise and you still mixed up a few katakana and hiragana symbols. But luckily for you the menu that hung up on the wall had rough English translations and pictures.

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