Chapter 32 | Misa and the death note

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Misa was probably sick of all your apologies by now, you'd had to keep her in the station for way longer than you'd expected to. Now she was directly involved in the case for being there when that stalker died. But she insisted it was ok, she was just as confused and curious as you and L were.

"Alright so... this guy has been stalking you for 7 months. He's stolen your things before and sent you creepy messages. You met on the set of Misa Misa's happy sweets as he was the book mic operator correct?" L said.

"Correct. But this is the first time he's tried to attack me" Misa replied.

You jotted everything down, trying to put the whole timeline of events together.

"And then when he does attack you, he dies of a heart attack... Misa what do you think of Kira?" L asked.

She seemed conflicted, she hadn't made any public statements about Kira like some other celebrities had, and the topic as whole seemed to make her uncomfortable.

"Well... at first I was grateful to Kira because he killed the robber that killed my parents. He got off Scott free because he had a really good lawyer, but I saw him leaving the scene so I know it was him who killed them! I was so depressed, so broken about it. But then I saw Kira killed him and I felt like I finally had justice. But now that I've actually seen a Kira attack... yes he was threatening my life and yes I was terrified but you guys could have easily gotten him off me. And then his book falls from the sky? I don't know, I'm kind of scared of him now..." Misa explained.

You knew what L was thinking, a criminal dies right when he's about to harm someone? It looked a-lot like Misa may have a connection to Kira. But it was a slim chance. She seemed to not know anything about Kiras identity, and only saw him as a saviour up until the traumatic experience she just had.

"Because you're directly involved in the case after that, I'll have to count you as a suspect. But your likelihood is extremely slim, it's just protocol" L explained.

"I understand, I mean he died attacking me so..." Misa replied.

You looked down at the book, by now you, L and Misa had taken a look at it and tried to understand it. The first chunk of pages had all these rules and the rest had empty lined pages. Expect for one thing, the name of the guy who just died was on one of the first pages. If you were to believe this book, this was the weapon. You write a persons name and they die. Where it came from and why it was dropped on your head? You had no idea.

"I'm so confused..." Misa sighed.

"So are we... this is a weird case..." you replied.

Looking up from the book you were about to ask her another question, but looming behind her you saw something that almost gave you a heart attack. A tall, white, boney figure with a bandage over one eye and wings. You scrambled back, almost falling out of your chair and drew him a shocked sharp breath.

"What's wro-" L began, only to spot the same thing and freeze in fright.

Misa immediately whipped around to see what you and L were looking at, and when she saw it she shrieked and almost fell over the desk.

What. The. Fuck.

There was a moment of silence as you all just looked up at the thing in fear and shock. But they broke the silence, looking down at Misa in particular.

"I know this must be frightening, but I'm not here to harm anyone. I'm here to give you, Misa, this book" they spoke, pointing to the death note.

"W-wha- me? Why?" Misa stammered.

"The shinigami who owned it before wanted you to have it. So it's yours now. Although it did land on (y/n)'s head, making it attached to them. But it was intended for Misa"

You all exchanged confused glances. None of you fully understanding what was happening.

"Shinigami... L do you know, gods of death love apples? Of course! That's what Kira meant... he was trying to tell me shinigami are real..." L muttered, the gears turning in his brain.

"That's right, we're real. Usually we don't interfere with humans, but a rouge shinigami dropped his death note and a human picked it up. That's how Kira kills, I don't know who he is so don't ask. I'm here to pass on the book to Misa, and to protect her. That's all" the shinigami said.

"I'm so confused, why me? Why do I get a book and why are you protecting me?" Misa asked.

The shinigami reached out, brushing Misa's hair away from her face and making her shudder at the cold touch.

"There was a shinigami, one named gelus. He watched you, because he fell in love with you. But when he saw you were in danger of dying he killed your attacker to save you. This is deadly for shinigami, we're meant to take life away, not extend it. The last thing he wanted was his death note given to you, and for you to be safe. I'm carrying out that task, that death note belongs to you now. Although the fact you just to happened to be in the same area as the detectives working on the case means you'll probably be involved in it now" They explained.

Again there was a moment of silence. How the hell did we get here? All you and L wanted to do was discuss some kinky things to do later and now there's a shinigami and idol right in front of you with a death book.

"You can do whatever you want with it. Use it or don't, it's not my decision nor do I care. As long as you're safe" the shinigami said.

"Oh... ok, uh- what's your name?" Misa asked.


"Rem, ok. I don't have to like... give you my soul or something do I?"

"No, I'm only here to watch over you. What you do with that book is your choice. Gelus died because he loved you and protected you, his book is his dying gift to you" Rem replied.

You were starting to understand now, even though it all felt so weird and dream like to be experiencing.

"So... to kill a shinigami you have to get them to fall in love with a human?" You asked.

"Correct" Rem replied.

"...what a beautiful way to kill..." Misa muttered.

L felt like his brain was melting. All these dots were starting to connect and all the evidence he had so far was starting to make more sense. But there was something that was bugging him already.

"How did you know (y/n)'s name? Misa's I understand but (y/n)?" L asked.

Holy shit he was right... how did Rem know your name? That wasn't scary at all.

"I can see it. Shinigami can see everyone's name and lifespan floating above their heads" Rem explained.

Immediately L panicked, standing up and looking up at the death god with the most serious look you'd ever seen on him.

"I swear to every god there is if you dare tell anyone my real na-" he began.

"I have no point to. It doesn't benefit me, again I'm just here to protect Misa. Plus, no one can see or hear me unless they touch me book, so even if I did say your name. No one would be able to hear it, L" Rem replied.

Misa whipped around from Rem to L, another shock to add to her day.

"Wait L?! (Y/n) you didn't tell me you were the bodyguard of the worlds greatest detective when we met!" She said.

"Wasn't really involved in the conversation about cats. Also it was secret..." you replied.

"Oh! Yeah, right. But huh... I don't know what I expected but it was definitely-"

"Different? Yeah I get that a lot. I don't think I need to tell you that this remains secret"

Misa made a zipping motion over her mouth, promising to keep quiet.

"I won't tell anyone. About ANY of this, at all. I've just been looped into the worlds biggest murder case, shinigami are real and the person I met with a cat at smoothie place is the assistant of the worlds greatest detective. The past few weeks have been very traumatising but also very interesting and I don't think anyone would believe me anyway..." Misa said.

You just looked up at the shinigami, wondering how the hell you got to this point. But if one thing was for sure, you could absolutely use this to catch Light. You had the inside scoop now, the cute goth girl on your team was just a bonus.

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