Chapter 5 | feeling something

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This was probably the best job you'd had as a personal assistant. L was much more relaxed than any other person you'd worked for, he wasn't some corporate copy and paste with a lot of money. He was a real person with a lot of money that didn't make it his whole personality. Whenever there wasn't anything for you to do at the time being, he wouldn't give you meaningless tasks to force you to work, he'd let you sit around and do your own thing until you were called upon again.

The reading nook in the study you quite liked, it was comfortable and the light from outside lit up your pages so you could read at any time of the day. It was silent as you sat there, flipping through the pages of your book with shadow under your knees. He insisted on sitting up in the nook with you, and wriggled under your legs where they bent at the knee and made a little gap. The only noise was L typing at his desk not too far away.

"(Y/n)" L spoke up.

"Hm?" You muttered.

"Come take a look at this"

You put your book down, got up from the nook much to shadows protest as he meowed at you for moving. Leaning over L's shoulder you looked at the computer screen which showed a rather odd head line translated from a Japanese article.

Series of heart attack deaths baffles police.

Reading on with the article, you found that apparently within Japan and a few other countries, people have been dropping dead of heart attacks. The catch? None of them had prior heart conditions, and all of them were criminals.

"That's odd... how does that even happen?" You said.

"I'm not sure, but it's definitely not a coincidence. It's the work of a killer, perhaps multiple. Too early to tell much, but it's definitely not a disease or coincidence" L replied.

"How can someone use heart attacks as a weapon? I mean you're right, it can't be a coincidence since there's too many similarities between the victims. If it were disease it'd be random..."

"Perhaps a poison? A gas attack? Something is causing specifically criminals to die of heart attacks. Mainly in Japan but it has spread to the rest of the world in the last few days... that's why I'm not sure how many people are involved yet"

Now this was a very strange case, you'd never heard of something like this before. It got you thinking, who'd want so many criminals gone? Sure there's people out there who don't like crime, but going as far as to kill them? That's out of the ordinary.

"Could it be some rich sketchy people taking out those who have dirt on them? Like a yakuza situation or something?" You suggested.

"Hmm... it's hard to say. The fact it's related to criminals makes me wonder if it had something to do with a coverup or organised crime..." L replied.

He seemed very intrigued with this mysterious case that was only a few days old. There wasn't even a taskforce or open investigation yet, Japan was probably still deciding if it's a criminal case or a biohazard and aren't sure how to approach it yet.

"I bet you're taking this case huh?" You asked.

"Absolutely, I've never seen anything like this before. I have to know how this is all working, no one can just give out heart attacks like that. There has to be some kind of concealed weapon or something..." L replied.

This was rather interesting, you'd admit. It seems you'd have some extra work soon enough as L would need his assistant to be all hands on deck or a case like this one. Continuing to read the rest of the article, you put your hands on the desk to lean on your arms and get a better look over L's shoulder. He stiffened slightly, feeling his close you were to him. Your body heat radiated off you and he could feel it against his back even though you weren't touching him. You were just that close to him.

He could smell nothing but your perfume, the sweet aroma making his cheeks warm up slightly.

L wasn't really used to contact, or being this close to someone. But he'd never recalled feeling this way when he was close to someone. There was something about you being close to him that made him freeze up and his cheeks go red. Like you were trapping him in some kind of spell that made him defenceless.

"Hmm. Odd, this'll be an interesting case" you said, finishing reading the article and stepping back again.

L snapped himself out of his daze, deep down wanting to keep feeling your warmth near him and smelling your sweet perfume.

"I-it certainly will be. Be prepared for some extra work" He replied.

"Oh I'll be ready, I always am" you replied, heading back to the nook to keep reading.

L tried to get his head back in the game and continue researching, but he seemed stuck. Like his mind had just turned to TV static, and called out for the feeling of you leaning over him again. What's gotten into him? He's never usually this... dazed by someone.

Glancing over at you, he found you reading your book and patting the cat. The book in your hands being the ever so famous valley of the dolls, which he'd also read years ago.

The way you sat by the window, sun shining on you and lighting you up. The way the cat purred at your gentle touch. The way you sped through the pages you read, completely invested. L felt like he was going crazy.

Why was he so focused on you?

You could feel his eyes on you, but you didn't budge. L had a habit of analysing things, and you'd learnt that very quickly. He wasn't one for eye contact unless he was analysing, so the feeling of his gaze burning though you told you he was analysing you. What about? You weren't sure, but you didn't care. He found you interesting, you found him interesting.

He was an enigma, but a good one.

L was by far the most interesting person you'd ever worked for.

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