Chapter 22 | secrets

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You were true to your word the other day, L indeed did get that blowjob when the taskforce left. And he returned the favour with everything you taught him about using his hands.

It was becoming clear that skin to skin intimacy was something that really drove your relationship. You loved it, the two of you couldn't get enough of it. But with a taskforce around now, it always had to be hidden. No one could know how close you were otherwise Kira could take that information and use it against you. That wouldn't stop you from finding ways to be near each other, or from shooting each other knowing glances across the room.

Although today you had a different case scenario, no taskforce meeting or sorting through all that CCTV footage. You and L were going out to meet up with someone, Miss Misora Massacre as the FBI once called her. L had managed to get in contact with her before she went too far investigating her fiancés death on her own and got herself hurt. Now you and L were going to see what she's come up with in her investigation and make sure she wouldn't be killed in the future. L was actually rather surprised to learn she was so much closer to the case than he thought, not only did she happen to be Rayes fiancé and had worked under him once, but she'd already managed to get information from the driver of the bus that got jacked by a Kira victim, that Raye happened to be on.

She was clearly onto something here.

"Wait-" you said, stopping in your tracks as you and L walked along the path to your meeting point.

Grabbing L's hand you pulled him to a stop as well.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Your lips are shiny"

L touched his lips, feeling your lipgloss still on them.

"Ah... right..." he muttered, wiping it off.

As much as you'd both like to leave it there, no one could even get the slightest idea you were more than co workers. Your lipgloss on his lips was a bit suspicious.

"No where else? You did kiss me... everywhere" he asked.

"Don't see any. Although if you want a thorough investigation you'd have to let me back in your pants" you teased.

"Shhhush you, no one needs to overhear what we did this morning..."

You snickered, continuing on your way to meet up with Naomi. The spot you'd settled on was a quieter street in the more suburban areas. The only people around would be stay at home parents and young children in their houses, everyone else at work or school at this hour. You hadn't actually seen this Naomi girl yet, all you knew was from the documents you saw in the FBI database. Her ID photo taken several years ago, she could look totally different by now you had no idea.

At the end of the street, waiting by the street sign she stood with her nose in a book, one you recognised as one of those notebooks detectives carried around to take notes from witnesses in. She must be keeping things she found out very detailed and documented. As you got closer, you could see her clearly and she didn't look too different from her ID picture. She was older and had a new haircut but otherwise looked the same.

Long, pin straight black hair, clear skin, tall and slender. She wore all black, a leather jacket and jeans, gloves and had headphones around her neck.

"Dude she's fine as hell! You got kicked down the stairs by a model?" You said.

"Ugh don't bring that up" L rolled his eyes.

"Did you thank her?"

"Thank... what?"

"You know how many people would PAY to be kicked by someone as gorgeous as her?" You joked.

L sigh sighed and gave you a light shove. Of course you'd tease him about being kicked by a hot girl, you had that kind of humour. She noticed your presence as you got closer and seemed to be glad to see L again, even if their first real life meeting was a bit... interesting.

"Ryuzaki... nice to see you again" she said.

"Likewise, although I don't with either of us expected to meet in person again" L replied.

"You're so secretive I didn't think I'd ever see your face again. But... it seems Kira had other plans"

"I'm glad to see you're still alive, it'd be a shame to loose an investigator as good as you"

Noticing L hadn't mentioned the fact her fiancé was literally dead yet, you kicked his leg slightly to remind him of the social cues in this situation.

"Oh- and... I'm sorry about Raye..." he added.

"It's... I'll be ok. I'll forever miss him and I can't move on until I get to the bottom of this. I'm glad we could reconnect and work together on this, and I see you work with others now" she replied.

She turned to you, looking you up and down noting your more formal attire contrasted L's causal fashion greatly. Today's outfit of yours was a button up with an academia style knitted vest over it, dress pants and your Prada shades. Everything on you of course, was designer.

"I'm Venus, his bodyguard and PA. He has those things now the cases are getting dangerous" you introduced yourself.

Shaking hands, you could tell from her firm grip and professional shake that she meant business. She had that handshake all your high end business CEO clients always had. Short, to the point but firm and with purpose.

"Pleasure to meet you. And know he's not running head first into danger without some kind of protection like he used to" Naomi said.

"I do most my work from behind a screen you know..." L replied.

"Expect for the blue ship case, you and I both know how that went"

As yes the case he managed to stop a group of bio terrorists. While Naomi wasn't there for that case, she was watching the whole thing unfold on TV from her office in the FBI HQ and when L contacted her for her next case with him she chewed him out for taking literal kids into dangerous territory. Not like he had much choice when one of them was infected and needed serious help ASAP... but still worrisome.

"That was a one off and we both know that. Dr Kujo was... a handful" L sighed.

You knew of this case, it was massive when it happened. Although you didn't know the full story from L's side, you'd have to ask him about it later on.

"Let's find somewhere quiet and out of the way to sit so we can go over everything. It seems like you might be onto something here" you said.

"I think I am, the person Raye was following the day of the bus jacking would have been able to get his name in all the chaos. And he just so happens to die soon after? Not a coincidence" she replied.

"He was following Light Yagami correct?" L asked.


Light... you knew it. Ever since you did your first background check on him, you knew something about him was off. Light never sat right with you, maybe you were clairvoyant or something because you could swear that you saw this coming. Whatever happened to Raye, Light was definitely involved.

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