Chapter 36 | eye contact

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The whole entrance ceremony went smoothly, from the corner of the room you watched everything play out. It was kind of hard to see Lights reaction from a distance, but you could tell that he was a bit taken aback when L revealed himself.

You couldn't talk to Rem about the possibility of another shinigami just yet, there were still people around who would see you talking to air. But just from watching her watching Light, you had a feeling that all your suspicions were correct and there was indeed another shinigami.

When the ceremony finally wrapped up, you left out the side doors and waited by the car park for L, who'd be a bit later leaving as he was all the way at the front with Light.

"Man that was boring as hell..." Misa sighed.

"Most school assembly type events are" you replied.

"What did you go to uni for? If you went at all that is"

"Funny enough I went for psychology, I ended up a body guard because I took martial arts as a hobby and got offered a well paying job as a security guard. Which then lead to other people hiring me to guard them and eventually I worked up the chain and became the personal assistant and bodyguard for several high end people. My career path kinda did a 180" you replied.

"So did mine, I only did one year of art before I got scouted for modelling. Dropped out because I started getting pretty popular and here I am" Misa explained.

Seems like you two had a decent amount in common. Cat lovers, unique fashion, unplanned career changes... and to think if you hadn't been there when that death note was dropped she may have ended up your enemy.

Spotting the boys approaching, you both scammed Light down now he was a bit closer.

"Damn, if only he wasn't probably a serial killer. He's kinda cute..." Misa said.

He wasn't really your type, but he would definitely appeal to a lot of people. You got what Misa meant. Although maybe it was the fact you knew he was probably kira, you felt this air of unease around him.

"I have some questions about his hair cut though..." you snickered.

"...yeah the back could use a trim" Misa giggled.

Now close enough to hear you, you and Misa shut up and pretended to never have spoken a word about him. You didn't want to draw any suspicions, since L revealing himself was already enough information about the case for him.

"There you are, I was beginning to think you'd never show up" you teased.

"As expected the students exited at a snails pace" L sighed.

You wanted to give him your usual kiss on the cheek, but refrained since Light was right next to him. He looked at Misa, seemingly recognising her.

"Hold on... are you-" he spoke up.

"Misa? Yeah. I've been getting noticed a bit more recently" she replied.

"I thought so! My little sister has your posters all over her walls"

"No way! That's so cute! I love young fans they're so adorable"

Lights attention then turned to you and you made direct eye contact. Maybe it was a gut instinct but the moment you locked eyes you seemed to have the same idea. Unease. You didn't like him, and he could tell you knew something about him. After a moment of suspiciously staring at each other, you spoke up.

"Venus... L's body guard" you introduced.

"I should have expected someone like you would have a bodyguard" Light told L.

"With criminals wanting me dead it's unsafe to be in public without one. Even though no one else knows my face. They're trained in combat, always armed, I can't fend off an attacker myself but I'm not as capable as Venus is, they'd have a potential attacker on the ground in seconds" L replied, both bragging about you and vaguely threatening Light.

He didn't find it odd the worlds greatest detective would have a high guy trained body guard with him, or would he hanging out with other famous people like Misa. Although he was a bit surprised he actually showed his face to the idol... he couldn't help but feel there was more to that story.

"We have places to be, it was nice meeting you" L said, his tone polite but his expression glaring.

"Yeah... you too. I better go before I miss the train" Light replied.

Waving each other off, you parted ways with the suspect and didn't speak until he was out of sight and you were back at the car. You turned to face Rem who'd been looming over the three you the whole time.

"So?" You asked.

"I know that shinigami, I'm not surprised it's him..." Rem confirmed.

"I knew it, I knew that man was Kira..." L muttered.

That confirmed it, Light was Kira. If he was being followed by a shinigami that means he had a death note. Misa and Rem were becoming invaluable allies to have in this case.

"Woah so the whole time there was another shinigami and we couldn't see him? That's kinda creepy... how many shinigami are wandering around we can't see?" Misa said.

"It's just me and him, for now at least. No telling if another idiot will drop a death note" Rem replied.

"Let's hope not... now we need to figure out a way to get his death note, or at least catch him in the act" you muttered.

L was already in thinking mode, biting at his nail as he stared into space trying to figure out a solution. Now he knew for sure Light was Kira, he needed to prove it ti everyone else without causing a panic that shinigami exist or outrage that the kid the taskforce were close too was indeed Kira. You pushed his hand away from his face, snapping him out of his daze.

"Don't bite your nails. Not good for you" you said.

"Oh, right... I'm not sure how to go from here. We'll need to come up with something when we're back at the hotel" L replied.

"I feel some all nighters coming up. Thank you Misa for coming along, and thank you Rem for confirming"

Misa seemed more and more intrigued the more she was looped into the case, which you hoped would keep her around as she was such a valuable asset. Not to mention just a pretty cool person.

"Honestly this is getting really interesting, I'd love to keep helping where I can" she replied.

"Remember (y/n), I'm just doing this to protect Misa. I'm on no one's side here" Rem reiterated.

"I know. You won't do everything we say, I get it. But thank you anyway and keep Misa safe"

Having things to do and places to be, you bid your gothic friends farewell and got into the car to head back to the hotel and start up one hell of a brainstorm on what to do now. L again was silent, zoned out in thought. He always did this when he was deep in investigation mode.

"Don't stress yourself out too much" you spoke up.

"Hm? Oh- yes I know. Don't worry, but I mean if stressing myself out means you'll relive that stress maybe I will stress myself out" he joked.

"Keep that shit up and no more strap for you sir. Only good, well rested boys get the strap"

He gave you a playful angry glare, only making you snicker.

"You wouldn't dare" he said.

"Try me"

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