Chapter 34 | reversal

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The two of you may have been a bit well... eager. By the time you both got back to the hotel, you were practically tearing off the packaging of your new playthings to get into. Of course, you had to give them a good inspection first to make sure you knew how to work everything, and you were quick to look at the instructions for your fancy new wireless vibe.

"Ok... that's the settings button, that's the power aaanndd... that's the intensity" you muttered, reading the instructions.

You picked up the remote and the toy, making sure they were synced.

"Hold" you said, handing L the vibe.

You shoved it in his hands to look over the remote, he just took it silently and inspected it. Pressing the power button, he jumped when he felt it start to move in his hands.

"Oh that's- definitely strong" he muttered.

"Ok I get it, you press and hold it to change the setting..." you said, testing it out.

The setting changed, making L jump again when it got even more intense.

" that probably feels really good..." he pondered.

Hearing that gave you ideas, a sly grin growing on your lips. You took it from his hands, feeling how intense the vibration was. He was right, that would feel really good.

"You think so? Let's test it then" you teased, pressing it to his crotch through his jeans.

He drew in a sharp breath, half in shock and half in excitement.

"That's-" he stammered.

"Good?" You teased.

"Yes, very"

You pressed it against him a little harder, making him whine under his breath. It felt good... really good. Maybe he'd have to try it properly next round, right now he was too exited about getting pegged for the first time.

"Let's make this easy, strip contest?" You asked.

"Oh, you're challenging me?" He replied teasingly.

"I am, first one naked gets to start"


It didn't take long for clothes to be tossed aside. Shirts turned inside out and pants crumbled up on the floor, L's clothes being a bit looser than yours meant he won the little contest and got everything off quickest.

"I win" he bragged.

"Damnit..." you sighed, still pulling your underwear off.

He took the vibrator off you, thinking about what he could do with it for you.

"Anything in particular you want to try?" He asked.

"Hmm... surprise me" He replied.

After a moment of thought he had an idea, although he needed you wet first. Pushing your legs open slightly, he pressed the vibrator to your clit and switched it on, making you tense slightly at the sudden feeling. He looked at the remote for the settings and changed it to a pulsating one.

"Is that better? Or the constant one?" He asked.

"Hmm, the constant one is best for the clit. But the pulsating one would be REALLY good inside" you replied.

"Good to know..."

Once you were wet enough to slip it in, which didn't take long as he quickly figured out the highest setting, he slipped it inside you.

"Ahh... this is a really good vibe" you giggled.

"You picked good?"

"Very good"

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon