Chapter 2 | the man himself.

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You knew this job would be demanding, but you had no idea it'd be this demanding. Upon your hiring you'd been told you were to be living with the detective for the week days, which wasn't too odd for a job as a personal assistant and body guard. It was the amount of security you were shocked about, you knew he was high profile but damn... a fake ID, an emergency tracker, a burner phone and entire false identity. The package you'd received from him containing all you'd need seemed to be endless. But today was the day, and you were all packed and ready to go.

Your outfit for the meeting, was neat and professional. Black business pants, black boots, white button up with some lace on the trims, your favourite Dior trench coat and hair neatly styled to match.

Two suitcases with all you'd need to start your job living with him during the week, your daily bag with all your daily items as well as the security items he'd sent you. You were ready to go. Setting the GPS in your car to the address he'd given you, you followed the route for a few hours until you ended up in a quiet area just outside the city, not as fancy as you'd expected but still a rather nice area. You wondered if this was his permanent house or a temporary one for when he came to the country to investigate. He did travel all over the world after all.

When you arrived, you found the house to be big but not quite a mansion. It was an older house, giving antique vibes. The curtains were drawn shut and there was no way to see inside, you could already see extensive security measures from the curb out the front where you parked. Getting out and grabbing your bags, you walked up the driveway where another car sat. This one black and also seemingly vintage. You looked around, security cameras everywhere. They probably had a million angles of you in there. There was a keypad at the door, a camera and speaker.

This was it, you'd be meeting the man behind the calligraphy letter.

Pressing the doorbell, you heard it ring out. There was a pause before the speaker cracked on.

"I can see you through the security footage, come in and head up the stairs on your left. The room at the end of the hall" a voice spoke.

The door clicked and you pushed it open, now unlocked.

"Wow, high tech for an old house" you muttered.

When you stepped inside your suspicions about the house being old but in pristine condition were confirmed. It had all the motifs of an older house, but no sings of damage. The curved skirting boards, the jarrah floorboards, the chandelier on the ceiling. The staircase had wooden railing, the ends swirled down and in. Your boots echoed on the floorboards as you walked, and they clicked against the stairs when you climbed up them. The hallway at the top of the stairs was long and split off onto varying rooms.

The one at the end of the hall had the door closed but slightly ajar, the light from the room peaking out.

Your heart raced, he was in there. You were about to meet L.

Hand on the doorknob, you jittered with excitement and pushed the door open. Inside was a study, tall book shelves covered in books lined the walls, a desk with a collection of monitors on it sat off to the side. Stacks of papers were scattered about the place and a food cart with a high tea tower of various sweets was by the desk. In the centre of the room was a sofa and coffee table, recliner opposite it. The light in the room came from a window with a reading nook in it that looked out over the backyard.

And the detective? He sat at the desk, obscured by the monitors until he stood up and revealed himself, walking over to you.

You had a moment, when you laid your eyes on him where you didn't know what to think. You had this image of a wise old man in your head but to your surprise, he was young. About your age actually. So this was L...

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon