Chapter 15 | daydreams

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"Wh- (y/n) I told you you didn't have to get me anything"

You shrugged, holding the box out for L.

"I owe you, you're a good employer" you replied.

He could tell there was no arguing with you, and he was feeling rather honoured you'd decided to get him something. It wasn't often he got gifts, especially designer stuff. He took the box, unwrapping the little bow on the top and taking the lid off. Revealing the initial necklace places in the velvety lining of the box, he took a second to process it. Were those opals in it? How much did this cost?

"Are those opals?" He asked.

"Yeah, your birth stone" you replied.

He sat speechless for a moment, pink dusted on his cheeks. You actually put thought into it, spend the large sum of money and managed to pick out a style that he liked. Thin chain, elegant charm, small gems that caught the light perfectly...

"I- thank you... I wasn't expecting..." he said, a smile slightly curling his lips.

"You deserve some luxury too, for all the work you do to put criminals away. Now we both have fancy necklaces" you replied.

He looked over at you, seeing you now had a new necklace on too. The three star shaped gems sat on their collar bones, the moon charm hanging slightly below.

"Sapphires?" He asked.

"Of course, the most vivid blue gems there are" you replied.

"It suits you"

You smiled, reaching over to take his necklace from the box and fasten it around his neck. He allowed it, heart racing when you leaned in closer to him to reach around his neck and do up the clasp. When he breathed in he could smell your perfume again, it never failed to drive him wild.

"There. And I doubt people will see an L necklace and think you're THE L, there's millions of L names out there" you teased.

"I think I'm safe on that, even if someone somehow managed to figure out I was THE L, they'd never guess my name" he replied.

"Too many L names to count, I bet I could guess if I went through every L name I knew though" you joked.

He gave you a 'really?' Look. As if you'd guess his name, it was not only an uncommon name but his name was formatted a bit different to others.

"Yeah right" he snickered.

"Hmm... Louis? Lawrence? Lucy?" You said.


"Leon? Larry? Lexi?"

"Not even close"

"Leo? Lucas? Luka?"

"You'll be going all day if you keep trying to guess" he giggled.

You gave him a playful glare, gently nudging his arm.

"I'll guess right one day"

"As if" he replied.

You looked down at the necklace hanging from his neck, the L charm sat near where his heart could be. He looked good with a bit of jewellery, it'd look especially good against his bare skin...

'Damnit (y/n), don't go thinking about him shirtless when he's right in front of you' you mentally scolded yourself.

"It suits you, you look good with jewellery" you complimented.

"You... think so?" He replied.

"Yeah, it matches your vibe"

His lips cracked a slight smile again, feeling the heart soaring joy of when someone you adored complimented you.

"I've gotta go unpack some stuff, I'll be out and back to work in a bit ok?" You said, getting up from your seat and stretching your arms.

"Alright, I'm just about done setting up so I can crash the ICPO meeting tomorrow. We might be able to get some sleep tonight if things go to plan" he replied.

"Good, I'm still jet lagged"

Heading into your room of the penthouse hotel floor you were staying on, you were off to go through your new clothes and have them washed and ready to wear. Cutting tags off and taking of size stickers and such. L turned back to his computer, getting back into work.

He couldn't stop thinking about the fact you'd got him something nice though, he barely ever got gifts so this was a new feeling to him. It was nice, he felt almost... honoured in a way.

And your eye for jewellery was a good one, both the necklaces you'd gotten were beautiful. His and yours, your sapphires really suited you. L could picture you wearing them with almost anything and pulling it off. You'd even be able to pull it off if it was the only thing you had on.


'Damnit Lawliet... not now' he thought to himself, catching his mind wandering.

Trying to focus on work when you'd just been right in front of him, gifted him something and having been close enough to him to smell your perfume was getting rather difficult. Not just that, but all the flirtatious banter you'd been having with him recently...

God, he just couldn't get the image of you with nothing but that necklace on out of his head. It seemed so sensually romantic... the idea of the two of you in bed, nothing on, close enough so that your necklaces touched when the top person leaned down and their necklace dangled off their neck and onto the others chest. And the idea of you knowing his name, whispering it to him late at night commuting sins of the flesh together.

He snapped out of it leaning forward and putting his head on the table, gently bonking it against the wood.

"Stop it L... not when you have a big step in the case tomorrow..." he muttered to himself.

This was getting ridiculous, he was so hung up on you he needed to do SOMETHING about it. He'd even gotten off to you! He was going crazy with affection here! It was lovesickness, and he had it bad.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair and trying to think of what to do. He wasn't the most experienced in relationships, he had no idea how to bring this up with you. He was pretty sure there was something between you, since you'd been making flirty jokes together the past week or so now. But he had no idea how go actually confess love and ask for a relationship, the thought made him nervous. Which was definitely new for him, he hadn't felt nervous over something so trivial in a long, long time.

Perhaps he should just let things develop naturally? See where the current relationship he had with you took him? Whatever he decided on, he needed to do something about this longing in his heart sooner or later or he'd be so distracted from the case he'd get himself killed.

All he wanted was at the very least a kiss, and at the most? One night with you. You could do whatever you wanted with him, he just wanted you. So bad it was sneaking into his work hours.

If you kept flirting with him and being kind enough to get him nice things... he'd loose his mind. He had a case of real lovesickness and he had it terminally bad.

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