Chapter 37 | protective

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As L got closer and closer to Light, the man you knew was dangerous, you only got more worried. You knew he was a smart and capable man, but you couldn't help but worry. That was the thing about loving someone, no matter how strong and powerful they were, you still tensed up at the thought of them being harmed.

So what do you do when you have complicated emotions? What your mother taught you. Write them out and help yourself understand them. You did this when you first started falling for him, and you were doing it again now.

Laying across the fancy hotel bed, shadow having made himself at home on your pillow, you tapped your pen on the pages thing about what to write. It was a quiet night, the past few weeks since encountering Light you and L had been planning two things. One, build and move into a proper taskforce building. Two, ways to get that death note off him.

But the more you talked about Light, the more anxious you got about L being hurt.

Hence why you needed to sort things out emotionally and write it down. You had your list of words:

Anxious, worries, nervous, uneasy, determined, protective, lovesick, devoted.

The balcony door was open to let a cool breeze in, the curtains blowing in the wind. It reminded you of the last time you did this, although this time it definitely felt different. There were no stars above your bed, no canopy either. You missed the room L made up for you back home...

Sighing in frustration at your difficulty to put things into words, you decided 'fuck it' and just started scribbling whatever came to mind, even if it didn't make much sense.

I've seen the world, done it all. Had my cake now I'm full.
Heaven knows I'd die without you, if you were gone I'd do nothing but cry.
But we were born to die, you and I.
One day we will reach our end, I refuse that to be soon though.
We're young and beautiful, still living life.

Light of my life, fire of your loins.
I can't let you go.
Please, stay here. We can make it all work.
You're goddamn crazy, then again so am I.
Just don't run right to your death, we're born to die... but not yet.

It was a bit incoherent, but it was out on the page. You could understand it now, you were scared that this case would be the one that killed your man.

You didn't want that, of course. Who would want to loose their lover? No one. Absolutely no one.

Hearing the door open, you looked up and finally L had decided to get away from the computer for a while. He looked exhausted, the burn out had finally hit him.

"Oh look who decided to finally grace me with his presence" you smiled.

"My head hurts" he sighed, collapsing into the pillows next to you.

Shadow jumped at the sudden movement, sniffing his owner lying face first in the pillows. His whiskers tickled L's cheeks, making him sit back up to acknowledge the cat.

"Hey shadow, sorry I've been busy" he said, picking up the cat and sitting him in his lap.

Shadow meowed... well more like honked, he was an oriental shorthair. Shadow honked at L, looking up at his with big kitty eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry" L replied, stroking him from head to tail.

The cat curled up in his lap, purring in delight to have attention from his favourite person again. L's white shirt would be covered in black fur after this, but he didn't care. Shadow was his baby.

"What are you writing?" L asked, noticing the open book.

"Oh, my mum taught me to understand complicated emotions by writing words that relate to them down and then expanding on it" you explained.

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