Chapter 4 | nights

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So far work had been pretty good. You'd organise things, make food with Watari, handle some emails and filing, general personal assistant stuff. When the next big case hit, things would definitely pick up, but for now it was relatively easy work. L was pretty cool to hang out with too. He had his quirks, but they were endearing in a way. He seemed to know everything about everything, no matter what the topic was he could answer it and hold a conversation about it.

Even better, shadow seemed to really like you. The sassy cat had been following you around all day, meowing at you for head scratches every so often. With work over for the day, you'd wound down and began getting ready for bed. Sitting at the vanity, doing your usual skin and hair routine for the night you felt the cat brush against you for attention. Looking down at his big green eyes he gave you a trill.

"What's up shadow?" You asked.

He walked up to the door, telling you he wanted to be let out. Getting up you opened it for him and he took a few steps down the hall before looking back at you, wanting you to follow.

"Want me too come too?" You asked.

You took the meow in response as a yes and followed him down the hallway, night robes flowing behind you as you went. He lead you up to the hatch in the roof at the end of the hall, looking up at the string and pawing at it. He wanted to go outside it seemed, lounge in the moonlight. You pulled the hatch down and the ladder stairs that connected to it made contact with the ground, shadow immediately jumping up the steps to go sit outside for a bit. You figured you'd leave it open for him to come back down later on, and mention it to L so he can close it when shadow came back.

Heading back down the hall you stuck your head in the study where L was still at his desk, lit up in the darkness by the computer screens.

"Hey, I let shadow out. The hatch is open for him so when he comes back, close it up ok?" You said.

"Arlight, thank you. He quite likes lounging up there" L replied.

You hadn't actually seen it up there, you were just told it lead to the rooftop balcony when you were shown around the house.

"What's up there by the way?" You asked.

"Some plants, outdoor dining set. And a bird bath that was meant to be for the birds but Shadow claimed it as a bed before I could put any water in it" L relied.

Oh cats, always getting into things that weren't meant for them. It sounded nice up there, maybe you could head up there one night when you had some more time. Right now you were about ready to go to bed.

"I'm going to bed, make sure you get some sleep too ok?" You said.

"Alright, goodnight" L replied.


You closed the door and went back to your room, leaving L in the study alone. He was the only one awake at this hour, you were off to bed, Watari had already gone to bed, the cat was napping on the roof...

Sighing he leaned back in his chair, stretching out his limbs. Realising how stiff he was, he got up to stretch out his back and legs too, walking over to the reading nook and sitting by the window. He looked out at the garden, Watari was the one who maintained it. He seemed fond of gardening. L sighed, admittedly a little sleepy himself after being awake for days on end.

He knew that a difficult case was brewing, lately he'd been tasked with more and more demanding cases. That's why he hired you, he knew he'd need an extra pair of hands. Although he had a gut feeling that whatever was coming next was bigger than he'd ever faced before, something that'd really challenge him. He liked a challenge, but when things were more stressful than challenging was when he got annoyed with his job. It was at night he always felt the negative effects of his lifestyle.

It was quiet, no one was awake. He was lonely.

He'd always been a lonely person, probably because of all the shit he had to go through as a kid. He had a foster father and successors sure, he loved them. But when he was alone, like he was so often, the loneliness caught up to him. You were good company so far, he hoped you could become more than just work colleagues. Friends maybe, he didn't really have any friends.

Although he was aware of his position over you. He was basically your boss, he paid you. You were his body guard and assistant, you worked for him. He was aware that if he didn't act correctly there would be a power imbalance between you. He didn't want that, he wanted to be friends at the very least. Perhaps what drove him to finally take the leap and get an assistant was the need for human companionship, outside of the family like bond he had with Watari.

What could he do to strengthen your friendship beyond just you being his body guard? You seemed to like luxury fashion, you'd worn three designer brands today alone. You had a very particular aesthetic you liked though, you definitely had an eye for style. L didn't know much about fashion, he wore the same outfit every day after all. Perhaps understanding fashion a bit better would give him some more things to talk about with you?

As he sat by the window and pondered, you lay in bed trying to fall asleep, looking up at the glowing stars on the roof.

It'd only been two days and yet, you were already loving this job. L was by far the most lax boss you'd had and you loved it. No strict rules, no pretending to be a pretentious snob for rich people. Just doing your work, chatting and having fun really. You couldn't stop thinking about it, how lucky you were to land this job. L really was something...

He had something about him... what could it be? He was a million dollar man, and yet he didn't act like one. He was... real, in a way.

You liked L, there was something about him.

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