Chapter 23 | suspicions

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All your icky feelings about Light were all but confirmed upon hearing everything Naomi had gathered.

He was on the bus that got jacked, Raye was right behind him and then suddenly he dies shorty after? Not a coincidence. And when L mentioned that the CCTV footage you'd been scrubbing through recently showed Raye's death on the train platform to be 100% a Kira heart attack you had zero doubts.

Light was Kira, even though the evidence you had at the moment was circumstantial and you hadn't even met the kid yet, you just... felt it.

"Ok... so he's on the same bus as Raye was, Raye makes a sudden change in plans a few weeks later, gets on a train, rides it for a few stops, gets off and dies of a heart attack... sounds like he was being controlled by Kira the day he died. At some point on that bus, Light got his real name... most likely in the chaos of the bus jacking" L said, going through everything again.

"That's exactly what I think happened. It's likely the bus jacker was controlled by Kira too, threatened Light or Raye which caused Raye to reveal he was an FBI agent to try and intervene. That's how Light got his name, I'm sure of it" Naomi replied.

They didn't call her Misora massacre for nothing. She absolutely smashed this investigation even right after her fiancé died, she was determined and hard to break. No wonder L had her work for him before, she was quick witted, strong and reliable.

"I understand you feel the need to solve the case for your fiancé, and as much as I appreciate the help I have to make sure you don't run read first into danger. Do not approach Light alone, at this rate the likelihood he's Kira or at least involved in it is around 10%" L said, making sure his point was heard.

Naomi sighed, looking at L across the table of the small cafe you'd gone to to discuss everything. She knew he was right, but she so badly wanted vengeance for her to be husbands death.

"I understand. But please, let me on the taskforce. If I can't solve this I... I can't move on, I need to see Kira dealt with" Naomi begged.

L was silent a moment, usually he wouldn't take just anyone onto a case. But he'd worked with Naomi before, and she was absolutely trustworthy and capable of the job.

"Alright. Venus can you write down our contact information for this case so we can arrange things further?" L said.

"On it" you replied, taking a notepad from your bag to jot down the ID codes for the encrypted messenger program you and L used for the case.

"Thank you... I'll do anything I can to help" Naomi replied.

Tearing the page off and handing it over to her, she put it between the pages of her notebook and tucked it away in her bag. Now she'd told everything to L and gotten onto the case she finally felt a little more at ease. The pain of loosing her fiancé was still looming over her, and it would be for a long time. But some of it was relived knowing she could help solve the case and avenge Raye's death.

"Thank you for meeting us and sharing everything. We'll be in contact as the case progresses. But seriously, don't approach Light alone" L said.

"I won't, you've told me things that only make him more suspicious to me. I'm not risking it" Naomi replied.

The exchange wrapped up, you parted ways to each head back home... or more like your hotel and Naomi went home. Once she was out of sight, you felt L immediately grab your hand to hold as you walked back to the hotel.

"That was definitely a lot of useful information. I see why you worked with her so much, she's efficient" you said.

"She's one of the best agents I've worked with, there's nothing that gets past her. And everything she's found out... Light is definitely the prime suspect. I think we should monitor him closer, I know his father probably won't like it but cameras in his house would definitely do the trick" L replied.

"Oh he will not like that at all, but you're right. It'd get the job done"

L seemed tense, you could tell from the tight grip on your hand. All the new information and piles of work he now had to do was both exhilarating and stressful, he didn't show it in his voice or expression but he was overwhelmed. By now you'd figured out that while L may not be expressive in his tone or expressions he was in his body language.

"It'll be ok, we can sort through this mess tomorrow" you said.

"We have to start as soon as possible" L replied.

"You'll get nothing done effectively if you're stressed. Plus, we'll have the hotel to ourselves for a few more hours when we get back..."

Immediately he caught your drift and suddenly it didn't seem like a bad idea to start tomorrow.

"You want to de-stress me do you?" He asked.

"It's mutually beneficial, you de-stress me and I de-stress you" you teased.

"... ok, deal"

Ah men, so easy to win over with a pinch of lust.

The hotel room was just as you'd left it when you got back, your workspace still a mess and the curtains drawn shut. The only light being the small amount that came in through the gaps between the windows and curtains. Jumping over the back of the sofa to sit in your usual spot, you gestured for L to sit beside you. The moment he sat down, your lips were together and as was becoming the usual for you, arms snaked around each other and tongues tasted each other.

Although while he was enjoying the kiss, you could tell from his rigidness that something was on his mind. Pulling away you gave him a confused look.

"What's up?" You asked.

"I... I know it's kind of soon in our... interpersonal relationship. But given the fact we're always all over each other..." he began, seemingly a little shy over whatever he was thinking.

"Ooh... I see where this is going. You got some real kinky shit in that brain of yours huh?"

"Well... It's not that bad"

You playfully squished his cheeks, making him blush.

"Honey I can do a lot more than you think. But yes, starting easy is probably the best idea. What is it?" You asked.

"... can we..." he began, a little hesitant thinking you'd say no or judge him.

You gave him a reassuring look, confirming to him that it was safe for him to admit the fantasy.

"Can we try edging?" He asked, cheeks red.

A devilish grin painted your lips, making him feel a bit better about your answer. Now this you were absolutely on board with, and were already looking forward to. How could you pass this up? The chance to make him absolutely melt at your touch and whine desperately for release?

"Absolutely, honey you're in for the best feeling you'll ever experience..." you replied.

He smiled slightly, relived you said yes and was into it as well. That dream he had that night was about to come true.

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