Chapter 40 | sting

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Today was the first day you'd be luring Light into his trap. He and L had decided to have a tennis match to 'bond' over. You all knew it was to size each other up, analyse each other. But it didn't matter what you called it, as long as everything went smoothly labels didn't mean anything.

Of course, you tagged along as you were L's bodyguard and (secret) significant other. The plan was to act as if this were a normal meet up and you'd revive a totally real phone call that definitely wasn't just a timer set to go off at a certain time. That 'call' would inform you that the 'second suspect' has been detained.

Obviously it would push Light to ask questions, and when he did L would reveal that there's three suspects and he was one of them. Misa and Naomi being the other two totally real suspects. This would set up some small pinches of trust between Light and the girls, making it easier for them to wear him down. If he thought that they were on his side and in the same suspect boat as he was, he'd be more open to the possibility of trusting them.

Not to mention Misa did have a death note, technically because you touched it first it was yours. But Jelus meant for Misa to have it and Rem was following her, so you and the others considered it hers. It was put away safely for the time being, but the knowledge of it and the fact Rem was following Misa meant she has leverage, she could prove to Light she was ALSO Kira by telling him things only a death note holder would know.

And Light would be none the wiser if this all went well.

You had to admit, it was pretty boring watching the two noodles whack a ball back and fourth, but it needed to be done. At least shadow was getting some sun, you'd decided to take him out for a walk while you were out so he would go stir crazy in the hotel room. He was pretty popular, every time a student on campus walked by and spotted him they'd immediately coo at him and ask to pat him. He loved it, he loved all the attention. Again, you wondered if he were a pharaoh in his past life. The way he'd demand those ogling at him to pat him was like a powerful ruler telling his peasants to get to work.

He sat in your shoulder bag, well behaved and not jumping out. Just watching the world go by and occasionally meowing at people.

After what felt like hours, the tennis game ended. Light won which made you scoff a bit, L totally could have beaten him if he didn't play so hard. Man was smacking that ball like it was a cockroach you see in the middle of the night while up getting a drink. Hard, fast and repeatedly until it was completely crushed. You were surprised the ball didn't explode when he hit it really.

As the two walked back over to pack up, shadow perked you seeing L coming back. He meowed at him, a long and loud mew that begged for attention.

"Yes, I'm back shadow. Calm your whiskers" L said, giving the cat some ear scratches.

"He's so loud, I've never heard a cat that loud before" Light commented.

"You should hear him purr it's like a jet engine. He just loves attention that much"

The cat climbed out of your bag, wanting to be picked up. L cradled him like a baby and ruffled his fur.

"Aww what a sook" you snickered.

"He's forever a kitten, even with those big ears" L replied.

Shadow seemed to be enjoying it, that was until he opened his eyes and spotted something. He twisted to claw onto L's shirt and step up on his shoulder. He looked at something, something neither of you could see. Staring into seemingly nothing just behind L and Light. Just like he did when you were watching the cameras...

Just like he did when Rem was around...

Could he see the other shinigami? Was the whole thing about cats seeing ghosts and other supernatural creatures true? You and L exchanged knowing glances, thinking the exact same thing. Wanting to see how Light would react to it, you spoke up.

"Seeing ghosts again Shads?" You commented.

Light looked up as he picked up his bag, seeing the cat looking at the area behind him with big, unblinking eyes.

"Who's haunting is this time? Should we call ghostbusters?" L joked, pulling the cat off his shoulders and putting him back in the bag.

Shadow still stared at the same area, he could absolutely see something.

"I wonder why cats do that? I've heard it's pretty common" Light said, looking at where shadow was staring as if he couldn't see anything either.

"Well most of the time it's because they can hear noises we can't. Like tiny movements in walls from bugs or mice. But he does this from time to time in any place or situation, we've never figured out what he's looking at" L explained.

"Maybe cats can see ghosts"

Light said it like a joke, but you were sure he knew that shadow was staring at the other shinigami that followed him.

Once everything was packed up, he suggested going to a cafe. It'd have to be a pet cafe so shadow could come along too, but it seemed like a fine idea so you and L agreed. As you were walking to the shopping and restaurant strip, the timer you'd set disguised as a phone call went off.

You answered it, pretending you were on the phone.

"Hello this is Venus... oh that's good... I see... yes, as soon as possible thank you..." you muttered.

L gave you a knowing glance, one you returned. Reminding each other to stick to the plan and play along. When you hung up, it was L's turn to say his lines.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Taskforce. They've detained the second suspect" you replied.

"Oh good, I was wondering how long it'd take"

Just as you expected, Light chimed in. Wanting more information on the absolutely real suspects.

"You already have two suspects?" He asked.

"Three actually. Currently two in custody, they have a lot of circumstantial evidence against them" L replied.

"What about the third?"

"The third, is you Light Yagami"

Light stopped for a moment, no doubt internally panicking but keeping his composure.

"You think I'm Kira?" He snickered, as if it were an absurd idea.

"There's only an 8% chance, but yes" L replied.

You watched him closely, looking for any kind of reaction. The bastard was just so good at keeping a straight face though... the short silences could indicate he was offended or panicked inside though. Either way, his reactions were minimal.

"Dunno how the hell I'd be Kira. No time for it with university now" Light joked.

Not like you can manipulate the time of death or anything.

"Again it's a slim chance, but in a case like this there's no such young as too through" L said.

"I get it... doesn't help my dad works for the police and Kira definitely had at the very least access to the database" Light replied.

This was the first step to pushing him into a corner, placing the seeds of a false sense of trust between him and the girls who would double cross him. You'd be watching him closely, playing with his mind like he was trying to play with yours. And if shadow kept staring at that spot just over his shoulder, you'd have a shinigami detector to help out too.

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