Chapter 20 | watchful eye

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Today L was to meet the taskforce in person. And because you were his bodyguard, you were on high alert. Even though the background checks came up fine, you were still a bit skeptical of anyone involved in the case. You watched from the hotel room window as one by one the group arrived at the front doors chatting to each other about the case.

"With how vigilant you're being I have full confidence you won't let anyone lay a hand on me" L commented.

"No one but me gets to touch you" you replied.

"Oh so you want to touch me do you?"

You looked over your shoulder at him and his playful grin. Shaking your head and rolling you eyes.

"Perv" you joked.

"Hey you're the one who bought it up" he replied.

He got up from his seat at the breakfast bar where he'd been working, taking some of the files over to the coffee table where the meeting would be held.

"Maybe I will touch you one more time before we have to pretend we haven't ravished each other" you teased.

When he bent down to put the files down, you walked past and playfully smacked his ass making him jump. He didn't mind though, he'd gotten very used to you touching him.

"Hey! And you call me the perv..." he replied.

"Just making sure you remember who you belong to" you teased, heading to the door.

"How could I ever forget? Be careful out there"

"I'm judging bringing them up here, I doubt anything will happen"

L shrugged, he knew it was most likely perfectly fine. But he couldn't help but worry a little.

"Hey" he spoke up.

Before you left he placed a kiss on your cheek, making you smile.

"You'll get your kiss when they leave and we can stop pretending we haven't fucked before" you teased, ruffling his hair.

"I look forward to it"

"Maybe if you behave yourself you'll get more than a kiss..."

The corners of his lips curled up into a sly grin upon hearing those words, he definitely wouldn't mind a little extra action. Leaving each other with a flirtatious look, you headed out to go meet with the taskforce and bring them up to the hotel room. Of course, you needed an alias, so after talking about it with L you settled on Venus. The idea came to you when you were reminiscing about the stars on your roof back home in the room L had given you, and when you mentioned it, L pointed out the planet Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love.

It felt fitting.  Space, love, an in joke with you and L...

You spotted the group standing by the entrance, approaching with your professional mode turned on. They turned to face you as you approached and immediately knew you were the one L said would be meeting you. You wanted to make a solid first impression, so you dressed to impress. Heeled boots, dress pants, silk blouse and your signature Dior coat on your shoulders. Your sapphire necklace sat around your neck, Prada sunglasses on your head. Hair neatly styled to match the aesthetic and lips shiny with gloss.

It seems your appearance and body language immediately got your message of 'don't fuck with me' access, as the men all straightened up and switched on their professional modes.

"Taskforce, correct?" You double checked.

"Correct. You must be the one L told us about" the chief replied.

"Indeed. Venus, his bodyguard and personal assistant. I will warn you I am always armed, although I'm sure none of you are a threat so you don't have to worry about that"

They didn't seem too phased by the fact you were armed with self defence weapons. They were cops after all, they were often armed too. But they were rather impressed you went to such lengths even in small meetings like this.

"Do follow" you said, beckoning the group.

They followed you through the hotel, up the floors and down the halls. You could hear them chatting under their breaths about you, Matsuda in particular saying you were intimidating but in a nice way. When you reached the room, you knocked to alert L to be ready and opened the door.

"Make sure phones are turned off, there is to be no note taking or anything that could risk a potential leak" you said.

Closing the door behind everyone, you stood at the back of the group and watched. L showed himself, having just finished moving all the files he needed for this meeting. You had to hold back your snicker at the confused expression of the taskforce when they saw he was just some young guy in plain clothes compared to you who was dripped out in professional designer.

He introduced himself as L, allowing the taskforce a moment to dwell in the shock. He was used to people thinking L was an old wise guy in a suit and not some tired looking 20 something year old.

One by one the taskforce began to introduce themselves, holding up their IDs. You mentally face palmed, that's the one thing you SHOULD'NT do in the Kira case. But L was about to make that exact point, he pointed a finger gun at the group, simply stating 'bang!' Again you had to hold back your laughter as the taskforce's confusion.

"If I were Kira you'd be dead Mr Soichiro Yagami, Cheif of the NPA... Kira needs a face and a name to kill, please don't give out your names so carelessly. Instead, let's value our lives" L stated.

And checkmate. The look on their faces realising that was priceless.

L lead them to the coffee table surrounded by seats to begin the meeting, you followed and watched closely from the breakfast bar just behind them. It was rather entertaining seeing the police all confused at L's strange habits, all habits you found rather cute. But you did know they were rather uncommon ones, so they'd obviously be a bit confused.

"You've met Venus, my bodyguard and assistant. They'll be here 24/7 and on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour from anyone that has to do with the case. Be aware they're always armed and be aware they are trained to disarm and restrain in a fight. As long as no one here is a threat, you'll all be fine. They'll defend not just me but those working with me if danger does occur. But remember, keeping me alive is their number one priority..." L explained.

You couldn't help but grin a little hearing him talk about you with such high regard. And the stiff body language of the taskforce telling you they were a bit intimidated by you and the fact you were able to jump into action in mere seconds.

"Venus, anything to add?" L asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"Hmm... no I think that covers it. I've worked for a lot of high society people before and it's always the priority to protect them" you replied.

L gave you a glance, a knowing one. The two of you expressing that you were a lot closer then the taskforce thought.

"Alright, let's begin..." L said, putting his mug back down again.

You watched, you listened, you analysed. It seemed like the taskforce were still a bit skeptical of L as it was their first meeting. With the background checks and what you were viewing, you didn't have any suspicions about any of them. The only thing you were suspicious of was that Yagami son... but he wasn't here, his father was. And his father seemed to be a decent person and good officer.

Admittedly you did feel a little protective of L whenever one of the taskforce members gave him a strange look at one of his odd habits. But that was definitely just because you loved him.

Every so often you and L would lock eyes, a knowing glance exchanged. Knowing that as soon as that taskforce was gone, you'd be all over each other again. And you managed to catch L looking you up and down, checking you out as you leaned against the counter with your arms crossed and a serious expression. He found your tough but elegant protectiveness so hot, he wanted you to look at him like that forever.

And... maybe he wouldn't mind if you slapped his ass again...

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