Chapter 26 | keeping tabs

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Unsurprisingly Mr Yagami was not too pleased with his family being under suspicion, but went along with the cameras idea to clear his family name. Watari was surprisingly very efficient despite his age, he was quick to install them in both houses being watched as soon as the order was given.

You had so many questions about him honestly, every time you talked to him you seemed to learn something new and totally wild about him. He was a trained sniper, inventor and raised L? How did he manage that all at once? And from the things he and L spoke about there was clearly even more you didn't know about him. By now you'd gotten to know L fairly well, but Watari remained quite the mystery.

As discussed, Naomi watched over the girls rooms and bathrooms of the family home. Her set up of monitors away from the others for privacy, the rest of the taskforce watched the deputy directors household and L and Mr Yagami watched the rest of the Yagami household.

You mostly sat off to the side and took down notes the others gave you on things they found were significant, which at the moment wasn't much. L being L, kept the room dark and the only light came from all the screens. It was enough to see the general area but still dim enough to play tricks on your eyes with shadows. Speaking of shadows... the cat blended right in with the darkness, and has jump scared everyone at least once by now. Expect for L, who was used to his cats shenanigans.

Lounging on the back of the couch, he seemed to be watching the monitors too over L's shoulder. He was fixated on something, his eyes big and his ears sticking right up. His tail twitched every so often, he was completely focused.

Upon noticing, you snickered at the cats strange behaviour and reached over to pat him, although he didn't react like he usually did. Usually he'd purr and snuggle into your hand, but he stayed stiff with his eyes glued to the screen.

"What's up shadow? Seeing ghosts?" You joked.

L glanced back at the cat, unsure what caused the sudden shift in behaviour.

"He's been like that for a while now, clearly he can see something we can't" L muttered.

"Cats just do that sometimes, I wonder if there's a reason for it" You said.

On the screens, Light came home through the front door, calling out to his mother that he was home.

"He's back... looks like he bought something" L commented.

"That logo is for a book store nearby. Must be a book" Mr Yagami commented.

L looked up at Naomi across the room who was watching her set of screens.

"Sayu still in her room?" He asked.

"Yep, she's playing music and reading a magazine" she replied.

The mother of the household was in the kitchen preparing dinner early, needing some time for this a dish to slowly cook she started while the sun was still up. Everyone in the household was accounted for, apart from obviously Mr Yagami who was right here next to you and L.

There wasn't much going on, just usual after school lounging about by the looks of it. You couldn't help but watch the cat rather than the screens though, he seemed to transfixed on something and you wondered what exactly it was. He'd never done this before, he was usually either a snuggly baby or the king of everything and strutting around like he owned the place. He seemed almost nervous, the ways animals are in the wild when they know a predator is nearby.

Out of curiosity you pulled over your laptop and googled it, wondering if there was something you could do to calm him down. The first few articles all said relatively the same thing, they could see tiny movements or hear something that humans couldn't. Perhaps shadow could see a small bug or hear the quiet electrical noises the computers made. While that was the logical answer you couldn't help but feel like he could see something that you couldn't, his eyes followed something across the screens and never broke contact. Almost like he could see something invisible to you.

"I can't believe my son is reading those kinds of magazines..." the Chief's voice said.

You snapped out of your daze staring at the cat, looking over at the screens to find several angles of boobs. Spread across the pages of a magazine in lights hands. You snickered, such teenage boy behaviour. Although it was how unnatural he was about it that made you laugh, it was like he was inspecting the pages.

"For a 17 year old boy I wouldn't say it's that abnormal. I did strange things at his age..." L replied.

Oh you did, did you now L? That must be how he figured out all the stuff he was into before meeting you...

You gently kicked his leg to get his attention and gave him a teasing look. It made him realise that he'd just accidentally admitted to reading titty magazines as a teenager out loud and you softly giggled as his cheeks went red. He gave you a glare for laughing, but you couldn't help it and just shrugged.

He did say himself it wasn't abnormal behaviour for that age, and he was right. Hormones and all.

But Light seemed so... off about it. No reaction in the face, no reaction vocally, no reaction... elsewhere. Not that you wanted to see that, it was just odd for someone to buy pornographic material and just... look at it. Not do anything with it.

He rolled his eyes and closed the magazine, stretching his arms out.

"Man those covers always mislead you..." he muttered.

Bro if you wanted naked people that's what the internet and private browsing was for. You couldn't help but find the situation strange.

Light put the magazine away and went to his desk to begin studying, taking his books and pens out and turning the lamp on.

"He seems very adamant on studying..." L commented.

"The university entrance exams are soon, that's why he's been so wrapped up in it" Mr Yagami replied.

Your attention was drawn to the cat again when after ages of sitting and staring, he stood up and jumped off the back of the sofa onto L's legs before using them to launch off and land on the desk the monitors sat on. He sat right up at the screen, looking at something. After a moment of staring he tapped the screen with his paw, as if to point at it.

"Shadow... what's up with you today?" L sighed, picking up his cat and pulling him away from the screen.

Shadow meowed at him, looking up at his owner then back at the screen.

"You're a bit strange sometimes..." L said, scratching behind his ear.

Whatever shadow was distracted by, he immediately forgot all about it feeling his favourite ear scratches, relaxing and purring at the feeling.

Odd... everything about this seemed odd. Lights behaviour, the cats reaction to the screens... maybe you should take note of it just in case.

Million dollar man [L x Reader] • Death Note Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt