Chapter 16 | desperation

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Watching from across the table, you listened silently to L talk into the microphone. On the other end of the connection the ICPO would be hearing his voice all broken up with a filter over it. Just as planned he'd gatecrashed the meeting via Watari and a laptop.

You just had to stay silent, listen in and take down any notes that were important from the meeting. And you certainly weren't complaining. You could listen to his voice all day, gods... his voice. It was so smooth, calming, the right tone and pitch.

L could feel your gaze on him, he knew you were watching him intently. Not just because you needed to listen in on the meeting, but because you were specifically listening to him. L was smart, he could read people well in a case environment. He knew that you were paying close attention to him in particular over the others in the meeting. The feeling of your gaze burning though him sent shivers down his spine. Usually he was the one that had the powerful gaze, the tables had been turned and this time he was the one being gazed at.

"It is indisputable that Kira is within Japan, and with some work... I can prove that. For now I would suggest everyone focuses their attention on keeping as many names and faces out of the public eye. If Kira is still able to kill with out public information then it proves he had an inside source..." L explained, rambling on about his plan for this case.

Yeah... just keep talking... about anything.

You'd listen if it was him doing the talking.

There was some chatter on the other end of the line, sounding like a few disagreements among the ICPO. That was the thing about L, he was controversial among the police of the world. Some found him a very valuable asset and praised the face he'd never been wrong on a case before. Others thought his methods were too extreme. L wasn't afraid to find loopholes and push boundaries, he stayed just behind the line of legality. But morally a lot of people disagreed with him. You and L had a similar mindset, everything depended entirely on the circumstances of the case. You can't apply the same method used in a murder case on a petty theft case for example.

How far one should go to secure conviction depends on how bad the crime is, and how many people are in danger. In the case of Kira, it was literally millions of people in danger, corners had to be cut and sacrifices had to be made if you wanted to save them.

"I've already started investigating independently. Those who wish to join me investigation may, I won't force anyone to. But know that those who do have to be willing to sacrifice a lot for such a case. Kira is very dangerous as I'm sure you all know, your lives could be at steak. The lives of your families as well, so think carefully" L warned.

By now the Japanese police force knew they'd have to join forces with L if they wanted to make any progress. Despite some of the officers being skeptical him, L had proven he knows exactly how to tackle this. Plus, the killing started in Japan, Kira is IN Japan. It was the responsibility of the Japanese police to lead this case as the killer was in their own country.

"I will be in contact with the Japanese police, I urge everyone to tread lightly and protect themselves. As well as work together on an international scale to the best of your abilities, Kira is a threat worldwide. And absolutely under no circumstances give someone you can't trust your real name" L said, wrapping up everything he had to say.

You jotted down the last notes as the meeting wrapped up and saved the document into the shared drive you and L had to store case information between the two of you. Leaning back in your chair you stretched out your limbs.

"No doubt they'll be arguing over wether or not I can be trusted..." L sighed, closing his laptop now done and dusted.

"You are quite the controversial figure in that field" you replied.

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