Chapter 10 | tension

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Things seemed a bit strange between you and L today. Not in a bad way, more in a... tense way. Like the two of you had secrets you were hiding from each other, you did of course. It was just that neither of you knew it yet. The mutual feeling of admiration and admittedly attraction you had for each other wasn't out in the open yet.

Although things seemed a bit tense, it didn't seem to hinder your work together.

"Hmm... things are really starting to pick up with this Kira situation" L muttered, scrolling through the latest victims.

"You think we'll have to actually go to Japan?" You asked.

"No doubt. Not just yet, maybe in a few weeks once the ICPO start working together on things we'd better get involved too"

You watched him put exactly 8 sugar cubes in his tea, wondering just how sweet it'd be with all that sugar in it. It'd become very clear he was a massive sweet tooth, he always had a cake or a pastry nearby and put way too much sugar in his drinks. Although the cakes did look rather delicious, you didn't know if you'd be able to handle the drinks this man had. L noticed your gaze over at the tray of snacks he had, and pushed a slice of sponge cake over to you.

"Going into Kiras territory will be rather dangerous, you'll be doing a lot of bodyguard work" L said.

"I figured, but hey that's my job. As long as I'm around Kira isn't laying a finger on you" you replied, taking a bite of the cake.

It was definitely sweeter than usual, but not so bad you couldn't handle it. It was rather nice actually.

"I'll make sure you have all the proper equipment. Guns aren't legal to carry in Japan so there's no need for a bulletproof vest... although maybe a bag insert for precaution... and I'll make sure you have emergency trackers, fake Japanese IDs and pocket weapons" L assured.

He wasn't going half way, you'd be so decked out in discrete gear there'd be no way anyone could get near you without having a finger chopped off.

"You might have to do some translating for me. I can speak relatively ok Japanese but I'm by no means fluent" you replied.

"You'll pick it up the longer we're there, if you already know some it'll get easier. The best way to learn a language is to be around it after all" L said.

L seemed to know a lot about Japan, either he'd been there a ton of times or he was part Japanese, which he definitely seemed to be. Over your time working with L so far you'd heard him speak 6 separate languages to various taskforce's around the world. All fluently too, you had no idea how he managed that many. English, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, German and French. He was speaking, understanding, reading and writing them. It was insane how much he could fit into that brain of his.

"Your background checks say you've been trained in self defence, particularly in disarming. I trust you'll be able to fend anyone off. With that training you're competent, plus you're rather uh... strong for your build" L said, slightly blushing at the mention of your strength.

"I could probably take you in a fight" you teased.

"I know capoeira"

What? How many random skills does this man have?

"Ok maybe we'd tie... but I can beat you in an arm wrestle"

L would admit most of his strength was in his legs, he could deliver a really harsh kick. Compared to his noodle arms, his thighs were a lot stronger. But he was stronger than he looked, and a childish person who liked a challenge.

"Is that a challenge?" He asked.

You moved your now empty plate of cake out of the way and put your arm up on the desk.

"Try me" you replied.

He moved his keyboard, his childish urge to win taking over. He put his arm up on the desk and the two of you clasped hands, for a moment you both looked down at your linked hands and felt your hearts slip a beat, but you were quick to snap out of it.

"Ready?" You asked.

L quickly snapped out of his daze too, mind back on wining rather than the fact he was holding a pretty persons hand.

"Ready" he replied.

"3, 2, 1... GO!" You both said in unison.

On go you both immediately put all your strength into trying to push the other over. You were both closely matched in strength, neither of your arms moving too much but shaking slightly with the strain.

"Y-you have an iron grip" L said, feeling your nails slightly dig into his hand.

"I'll give you credit for a tight squeeze too, but I'm winning this" you replied.

"Yeah right"

You finally got some strength in and his arm tilted back slightly with your push. Realising you were winning, he used his free arm to stabilise himself against the desk and tried to put more pressure into your arm. But his strength was in his legs, yours was in the arms. If you were to have a kicking contest, he'd win. But this time, with an arm wrestle, you were winning.

"You were saying?" You teased, pushing his arm down until it hit the desk.

"Bloody hell..." he muttered, shaking the tenseness from his arm.

"You might be world's greatest detective but I'm the winner of a good old arm wrestle"

"Alright, I admit. That's impressive. It only furthers my confidence in your abilities as a bodyguard"

L rubbed his now slightly sore hand, making you notice the nail marks you'd left in his skin.

"Oh, shit. Sorry about that" you said, taking his hand again to look at your accidental injury.

He froze for a moment feeling you grab his hand again, this time more gentle and caring.

"I-it's fine. I'd probably have done that to you if I had longer nails" he replied.

They seemed fine, no blood or bruising just a bit of redness that'd go away as the day went on. Letting him have his hand back, you couldn't help but feel a little smug that you won against him. Leaning back in your chair you turned your laptop screen to see it and check for any new work updates you needed to work on. L looked down at your nail marks in his hand, something about them... exiting him. Like he wanted more of them, your hand locked onto his or scratches from your nails somewhere else on his body.

He shook the thought from his mind, feeling his cheeks redden a little.

"Maybe I'll work up the arm strength just to beat you" he joked.

"As if, I win fair and square. And I'll use that same arm to punch anyone who gets too close to you" you replied.

He knew that your protectiveness was part of your job as a bodyguard and assistant, but god... something about you being protective and possessive over him... it made me shiver in excitement.

His touch lingered on your hand too, the feeling of his squeeze still there even though he'd let go. You glanced down at your hand, feeling the ghost of his touch interlocked with it. Maybe you'd let him have a rematch if it meant getting to hold his hand again...

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