Chapter 6 | yearning

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Another late night, and L was still awake. This recent spike of heart attack deaths was baffling and intriguing him. At the moment, he needed more information before any proper conclusions could be made, but that didn't stop him from theorising.

Feeling the pull of sleep, he tried to fight it off. He wanted to stay focused on the case, but it was clear after several all nighters he was getting too tired to function properly. So, he caved. It was past midnight, he really should go to bed. Sighing and turning off his computer, he stood up and stretched out. Feeling the pull of his muscles that had been tense for so long and his spine pop was like a breath of fresh air. He took the empty tea cups off the desk and bought them downstairs into the kitchen, while he was there he dug through the medicine cabinet for melatonin, knowing he'd need it.

He was tired, but his body still had a hard time winding down no matter how tired he was.

He took some, cringing at the bitter taste. Turning on his heels and flicking the lights off on the way out, he left the kitchen and began to head back upstairs. Halfway up a flash of darkness drifted past his vision, he jumped slightly not expecting anyone to be awake. But when he looked up he was met with you standing in the hallway in your pyjamas and robe.

"Far out L, you scared me" you said, having only just noticed him.

"You scared me, what are you doing awake so late?" He asked.

"The cat wanted to be let out, I'm going back to sleep I'm tired. You should be asleep too sir"

"I'm going to bed, it's been... a while"

"Good, as cute as your eyebags are you need rest to think properly" you replied.

"You're right- wait... cute?"

You flashed him a cheeky smile, and turned to head back to bed. Your robe flowing behind you when you walked.

"Goodnight L..." you said.

"Goodnight" he replied, watching you close the door to your room and disappear.

He stood there on the stairs for a moment, processing the interaction. Cute... you said his eyebags were... cute... He'd NEVER gotten that before. And that cheeky smile, like you knew what you were doing, like you said it to get a reaction out of him. Was that... flirting?

L shook his head, snapping himself out of his daze and continued up the stairs to his room a few doors down from yours. He pulled open the drawers of identical clothes looking for something more comfortable to sleep in. It was warm this time of year, sleeping in jeans and a long sleeves shirt wasn't ideal. He ended up just ditching the shirt all together and putting on some pyjama pants, flopping into the pillows and sighing all the days stress away.

He just needed that melatonin to kick in now.

But it still lingered in his mind... cute.

He'd never been called cute before, let alone for his eyebags. He'd never been flashed a cheeky smile quite like yours. That smile suited you, it was playful and had a hint of smugness to it, you definitely did that intentionally. You were full of surprises it seemed, not only were you an excellent assistant and amazing bodyguard, but a flirt too. L couldn't wipe you from his mind as he lay in bed trying to fall asleep, it was like that smile cast a spell on him, had him smitten.

The sight of you in the dimly lit hallway, in your long dramatic robe paired with short pyjama shorts that framed your hips closely and a matching top that loosely hung off your body. Paired with that damn cheeky smile, your smooth voice and sweet scent that always followed you... L was hooked.

L never got out much because of his job, but he was a human with emotions and needs. He'd thought about what exactly it was he found attractive before, and always came up with the same answer. And it was always people with traits like yours, they were just so enticing. When it came to romance, he may not be experienced but he knew what he liked. And when it came to... physical relations, boy did he know exactly what he liked. You just fit the mould so perfectly.

He didn't expect this, let alone for it to happen so quickly. But it was like the moment he saw that smile, it sucked him in like a black hole. He hired you because you were more than qualified for the job, and seemed like the best choice for it. But now he was wondering if he'd picked you because subconsciously found you enthralling the moment he saw you. Either way, you were good at your job. You being a total catch was just a bonus.

As he lay in bed, closing his eyes trying to sleep, all he saw was you.

Unbeknownst to him, you were right outside. Wanting to make sure he was ACTUALLY going to bed and not just pulling your leg, you turned around when you got to your room just to make sure. The good thing? He was actually trying to get some sleep. The even better thing? No shirt.

You weren't expecting it but you weren't complaining, he was... a lot more fit than you thought. No bodybuilder that's for sure, but toned. He was slim, a little too slim to the point it worried you a little. But that didn't take away from his frame that looked almost like a finely crafted ball jointed doll. His skin pale and smooth, faint curves of abs across his otherwise flat abdomen. His arms lanky but with a little muscle in the upper arm area. His hips were rather prominent and crated a V shape down to his-

You shook yourself out of the daze.

You shouldn't be spying on him, that wasn't your intention. But... shit, he was hotter than you thought. The moment you saw him you found him oddly pretty, but seeing him like this... no shirt, laying out on the sheets illuminated by the moonlight from the window, guard down and relaxed, fluffy hair hiding some of his face.

Pulling yourself together you turned and went back to your room, hanging up your robe and crawling into bed again ready to go back to sleep. But the moment you closed your eyes, it was L.

Damnit. He was basically your boss, you couldn't be thinking like this. But his voice, his eyes, his boundless I intelligence, his body...

"Ugh, why am I like this? It's always the ones with dark hair and eyebags..." you sighed to yourself, rolling over and pressing your face into the pillows in frustration.

You shouldn't be thinking like this, you're his assistant, his bodyguard.

But you'd be damned if L wasn't fine as fuck.

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