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*Mirabel reached up to her door, fingers brushing the doorknob. The soft light began to fade; the sparkles dimmed and the door itself slowly disappeared. Gasps echoed throughout Casita. The townsfolk were murmuring amongst each other and the members of the family Madrigal simply stared in shock at the blank space where a new door should be. Mirabel looked to her Abuela for guidance, fear written all over her face*

Mirabel:What happened Abuela? Where’s my door?

*The 4-year-old’s questions went unanswered as Alma Madrigal clutched the candle tightly in panic.*

Alma"This wasn’t supposed to happen. What went wrong? Is the miracle dying? What do we do now? We can’t lose our home again…"

Mirabel:Abuela, did I do something wrong?

*Alma finally shifted her gaze to her granddaughter. The child in question was fidgeting nervously under the suspicious eyes of the town. She turned to face them, seeing the nervousness and worry in their faces. The time for questions and answers would come later. Now it was time to clean up this mess.*


*Alma’s voice echoed through Casita.*

Alma:As we do not have a new gift to celebrate tonight, please return to your homes and rest. I know you have many questions, but we will have answers for you tomorrow, and most importantly, I assure you the miracle is still strong!

*Alma’s words had the intended effect, and the restless crowd settled and quickly began dispersing. A single glance had Julieta rushing to scoop up Mirabel and carry her into the nursery, while Felix and Agustin helped herd the crowd outside. Pepa and Bruno gathered the other grandchildren together and softly instructed them to go to their rooms and stay there for the remainder of the night.
Once the courtyard was empty and the children put to bed, the adults and their spouses reconvened in the dining room, ready to discuss the night’s events. Alma entered slowly, hands still holding the candle, and took a seat at the head of the table.*

Pepa:Mama what should we do.....

Agustin:what happened to my daughter’s.....

Bruno:Is the magic failing....

Felix:Why did this hap.....


*The adults fell silent and looked to Alma, who in part looked at her son bruno*

Alma:First, Bruno, we need a vision of the future.

Bruno:but Mama…

Alma:No buts Bruno, we must know if the magic will stay strong!

*With a dejected sigh and a nod, Bruno slipped out of his chair and headed for his tower. Alma watched him go with a slight pang of guilt*

Alma" Ah my Brunito. His gift was not right for him. But now is not the time to be wishy-washy about the future. I must know is something is threatening our safety. Something… or… perhaps someone…"

*When i said all the madrigal adults were on the table that was not entirely true there was one adult that was missing from the discussion of her daughter*

With Julieta

*We see her in the nursery hugging her daughter rubbing her back as she cried on her mother's chest the small 4 year old girl was lost, confused, she didn't know what she did wrong hearing how her little daughter hiccuped while crying just broke Julieta's heart but the words Mirabel said next shattered her heart*

Mirabel:if i did something wrong i..i..if it's my fault in sorry...

*Mirabel said through tears, Julieta had to fight back against the tears as she looked at her daughter she separated her a little and made Mirabel look at her*

the scar of the Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now