chapter 47

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Last time

No one noticed how Casita wasn't moving, no one noticed how the candle became half as big. Casita was gone today being her last straw as her magical spirit left the encanto*


Days later


Isabela:finally home, I love the van der linde gang I do I really do but...

*Isabela pulled Mirabel closer to her making Mirabel blush and grow an annoyed smile as Isabela grows a smug one*

Isabela:nothing can be better then being home alone with my little cactus

Mirabel:keep this up and I'll prick you like a cactus now come on sun's almost gone and i so don't want to run inside when those demons come out

*Mirabel and Isabela walked inside and closed the door doing all there rituals to keep those things out*

Isabela:we really should think of a way to kill those things

Mirabel:kill them? We don't even know where they came from and they can withstand a elephant gun. There's no DOING anything there's just surviving

*Isabela hummed as she walked further inside the house, Mirabel took her prosthetic off her and walked behind Isabela scratching her nub with a small moan of satisfaction*

Mirabel:oh God finally, you have no idea how itchy that thing is

Isabela:hm, want me to make dinner or should we just wait till morning to eat something

*Isabela grew a soft smile feeling Mirabel's arm wrap around her waist and Mirabel's head on isabela's back as she responded*

Mirabel;let's wait for tomorrow I'm dead tired, I just want to cuddle

Isabela:god i love how you get when we're alone...

*Isabela said as they walked to there room, when they stopped and hold to the wall as the house started to shake*

Isabela:what's going on is this an earthquake?!

Mirabel:under the table now!

*Mirabel and Isabela jumped under the table with Isabela hugging Mirabel putting her arms over Mirabel's head for protection. They waited for it to end and then something strange happened, the quacking happened but the table and chair moved out of the way*

Mirabel:the fuck? Did the place get haunted or something?

Isabela;it kinda reminds me of when Casita would do that

*The cabinets started to move when Isabela said that and Isabela eyes widen a little*

Isabela:Casita? Casita is that you?

*The cabinets moved again in excitement making Isabela gasp running to a wall and hugging it*

Isabela;it is you!! Oh Casita it's so nice to see you

Mirabel:the fuck is going on?! Why is the house moving like this? Why are you calling it Casita did you lose your mind or something?!

*Mirabel said and took a step back. it didn't help that Isabela was giggling like a mad woman*

Isabela:Mirabel, how can you not remember Casita? She must feel so hurt. Don't listen to her Casita I missed you

*Isabela said kissing the wall making the house tremble a little*

Mirabel:Isabela I haven't been in encanto since I was 4-5 it's been 13 almost 14 years since that bitch decided to use me as a piñata and got really angry when I didn't have  any candy to give her that's when she really started to beat me.

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