chapter 19

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Hours later

*We see Mirabel and Isabela in the same room both reading a different book. Since Mirabel didn't have a bell or anything of the sort she decided to just stay in the same room as Isabela to make sure she was ok. While Isabela was reading Mirabel couldn't say when was doing the same thing. Sure she had a book in her hand but she was rereading the same page over and over again while her mind went wild*

Mirabel"all this time i thought she hated me that i did something, she was as much a victim as i was, what about the rest ? And even if they are is that enough reason for me to just....forgive them?

*Mirabel shook her head at the very idea of such a thing*

Mirabel"no, even if they're victims like me that doesn't mean that they deserve my mercy they hurt me! But aren't weren't they hurting too? Just in another way? And you had mom on you're side who did they have?....

*Mirabel took a deep breath and loudly closed the book making Isabela jump a bit on the bed and look at her mysterious healer who got up*

Mirabel:you need anything? I'll be gone for a few hours so if you need anything tell me now

Isabela: where are you going?

Mirabel:I'm going hunting i....need to clear my head

Isabela: isn't that dangerous? What about those...those things like that spider!

*Isabela trembled at the very thought of seeing that beast again Mirabel sighed walked up to her and pets her head*

Mirabel: I've got like 3 hours before the sun disappears and this forest belongs to the monsters i just need to clear my head plus I'm in the mood for fresh meat


Mirabel:look if you're scared I'll make my wolve stay here next do you to keep you safe

*Mirabel whistles and Gabriela hops on the bed resting her head on Isabela's stomach, Isabela pets Gabriela's hair softly feeling a bit safer*

Isabela: she's very soft does...does she have a name?

Mirabel:her name is Gabriela

*Isabela flinched slightly, Mirabel noticed how her free arm hugged the doll tighter*

Isabela: that's...a very pretty name that's the same name as my doll

Mirabel:small world did you name that doll?

Isabela:oh yes i named it for...

*Isabela froze as she looked down looking heartbroken*

Isabela:i...i named it for someone extremely important to me probably the most important person in my life

Mirabel:i...i see excuse me

*Mirabel left quickly feeling as if she was going to cry without knowing the reason*

Mirabel:i really need to hunt

*Mirabel mumbled to herself almost stumbling threw her own feet as she grabbed hold of her crossbow and left*

Scene change

*We see a sloth making his way slowly threw the tree minding its own business when a harpy eagle went in for the kill just as the eagle was flying back up with it's prey it gets impaled by an arrow to a tree killing it*

*Mirabel jumped from branch to branch and looked at the sloth looking back at it with a slow worried expression*

Mirabel:you're lucky you're species taste awful

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