chapter 13

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With alma

*We see her in her room looking at the candle and holding Pedro's wedding ring with a smile*

Alma;oh Pedro isn't it wonderful? Isabela will soon have someone as wonderful as you, those two reminds me so much of us i wished you were here

*Alma said softly kissing the ring before putting it back in her necklace where she kept it close to her heart*

Alma:you would be so happy, our family is safe i made sure no one would ever want to bring harm do them, pequeño brunito even got married can you believe it? Everything is simply better since i took care of that little problem

*Alma didn't noticed the flame of the candle flicker in disapproval as alma kept talking about how wonderful things has been since he's been gone, since Mirabel been gone but let's see just how great things are *

With agustin

*after the party is over we see Agustin at the front of his room with Julieta he had a somber expression on his face since he knew the second he walks in to that room he and Julieta are going to have a fight, with a sigh he steeled his eyes grabbed hold of the handle and opened the door, he walked inside seeing the room illuminated by a few candles he saw his wife brushing his hair she saw him through the mirror and put the brush down*

Julieta:close the door I don't want rats to listen in

*Julieta said in venom of her own niece since she told alma about the pictures of Mirabel Julieta kept, Dolores was the reason Julieta only has a drawing made from Mirabel. Agustin sighed and did as he was told walking to his bed and sitting on it, Julieta turned around her arms crossed as she waited she wasn't going to be the first one to speak*

Agustin:i just did what was best


Agustin:i did no such thing!! I just want Isabela to be happy happier then me

*Julieta scoffed and glared at the man*

Julieta:oh yes poor you, you must have it so hard tell me how does it smell having you're nose so far up my mother's ass like the dog you are

*Agustin and Julieta stood up glaring at the other*

Agustin:well excuse me for trying to help the family!!

Julieta:you call what you did help?! You call erasing every single proof that...

Agustin:we don't talk about Mirabel Julieta!!

*Julieta went in to slap him but Agustin caught her wrist the two stayed glaring at each other once they looked at each other without a speck of hatred they're eyes showed love unlike any other but now? It's as if that love never existed, Julieta scoffed and freed her hand from Agustin*

Julieta:you can say that until you're blue in the face but Mirabel did exist MY daughter was real she was beautiful her smile would bright up the room she will forever be in my heart and i don't care how much you and that puta de mi madre try you will never make me forget her!

Agustin:Julieta she's gone! She's gone and nothing you do will bring her back, can't you see you're hurting yourself? Hurting everybody by keeping her memory alive? I'm doing what a father is supposed to do I'm helping my daughters move on, Mariano is a good boy he'll make Isabela happy isn't that what you want too? Don't you want you're daughter to be happy?

*Julieta couldn't keep hearing this man so she turned around and went to her bed covering herself in her blanket and forcing herself to go to sleep in order to not see that man, Agustin sighed and went to his bed they're relationship got so bad that they didn't even sleep together they had twin beds in there room*

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