chapter 5

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Time skip

*We see a fox in-between the grass looking at his meal a nice fat rabbit as soon as he jumped an arrow landed on the ground next to to rabbit making both animal scared and running away*

Mirabel:damn it!!

*Mirabel cursed as she dropped from the tree she was hiding putting her makeshift bow on her back she could hear Gabriela whining making her roll her eyes*

Mirabel:i know i know i suck at this I'm trying girl belive me i am, and i don't get why your whining i gave you most of the rabbit's i caught in the snares if anyone should whine is me

*Gabriela walked next to Mirabel panting as Mirabel sighed and petted her head*

Mirabel:i wonder if you can even understand me or you just stay with me since i feed you so much

*Mirabel stopped the petting and started to walk back home whisling to Gabriela to follow her, Mirabel took a piece of bark from her makeshift bag and started to chew it, it tasted awful but it tricked her stomach in to thinking she ate, Mirabel hit herself against a blurry tree making herself curse*

Mirabel:you know what the problem is don't you Gabriela it's the fucking eye thanks to the candle all i see out of my right eye is blurry even with my glasses when we finally make it back to encanto I'm gonna destroy that good for nothing candle and throw the remains on that vieja chancluda's face!!!

*Birds flew out of the sky from Mirabel's screaming making Gabriela whine with Mirabel nodding*

Mirabel:yes yes keep my voice down i know girl I'm sorry come on let's go home I'm getting tired to eat bark let's see if i can catch some fish

*At the word fish Gabriel's tail started to wag in a happy succession making Mirabel roll her eyes*

Mirabel:you have a bottomless stomach you're lucky you're cute and that i have no one else to talk too

*Mirabel and Gabriela kept they're walk when they heard something coming towards them fast, Gabriela started to growl as Mirabel took her bow and arrow out and pointed it at the source of the sound, out of the shadows a huge 8 foot long bear came roaring Mirabel shot her arrow being so close this time she didn't miss hitting the bear in on of the eyes, but that didn't stop it the only thing it did was piss the bear off, the bear made it to Mirabel slashing at her with all it's force throwing her against a tree, Gabriela started to jump and bite but it barley did anything as the bear bit Gabriela shaking her around before throwing her off, Gabriela yelled and started whining in pain as the bear ran to Mirabel who grabbed her crude knife to try and defend herself, when the bear reached her Mirabel started stabbing it on its neck to try and kill it, bit a tiny stone made knife barley did anything to the 600 pound animal, as Mirabel retracted her arm the world froze for her as In that moment the bear bit Mirabel's left arm with all it's force ripping it out of Mirabel's body, Mirabel screamed in pain like never before the last thing Mirabel heard before passing out from shock and blood loss was the sound of gunshots*

Days later

*Mirabel groaned feeling her left arm as if it was on fire she slowly opened her eyes and instantly closed them by the blinding lights*

Nurse:oh how wonderful your awake here let me take this lights off of you i mean really who in there right mind thought of that putting the lights right on top of out patients

*The nurse continued to mumble mostly to herself as she did that Mirabel opened her eyes again and looked at her sorroundings*

Mirabel:w... where...where am I...?

Nurse:your in a hospital dear how are you feeling?

Mirabel:my stomach hurt my left arm feels like it's burning what happened why am I here

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