chapter 7

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Months later

*Mirabel woke up do the sound of her door being unlocked she stretched her limbs before getting dressed finishing off with the ruana As she walked downstairs with Gabriela behind her, they've made it to the kitchen and saw Hosea filling fish and rabbit meat in a bowl for Gabriela while 2 plates filled with breakfast laid in the table, Mirabel went and sat down already started eating while Hosea gave her an odd look*

Hosea:not gonna pray?

*Mirabel gave a snort as a response lifting what remained of her left arm out of the ruana*

Mirabel:the good Lord Gave me plenty already don't need anymore of his help

*Hosea just gave a chuckle as he patted Gabriela's head as she ate then sat down to have his own meal*

Hosea:been a while since you planted those tomato's how do you think they're coming along?

Mirabel: they're coming along just fine thank you very much

Hosea: confidant? Then after breakfast let's go and check on them before you do you're chores

Mirabel:fine don't know why you want to waste you're time on tomato's but it's you're life I'm just waiting out the clock


Mirabel:figured you'll die and i get to leave or you'll decide my debt has been filled and i get to leave

Hosea:with the ways things are going you've better place you're bets on me dying first

Scene change

*Mirabel was on all 4....all 3 with a shocked expression on her face as her tomato's did grow but every last one was sick the leaves were all but dead"

Hosea:too late to save them now here

*Hosea threw a shovel next to Mirabel and started walking away*

Hosea:dig them up and put them in the composed pile, here's  a tip next time use a hoe on the soil, the weeds are all the nutrients that you're tomato's needed

*Mirabel stood up looking at Hosea with an angered expression*

Mirabel:if you knew that why didn't you tell me?!

Hosea:because I'm not you're fucking teacher time is, now dig them out put them in the compost bin, after that you're gonna hoe the soil and make sure it's done right before finally planting the seed potatoes i left yah in the barrel over there better get a move on don't think I'll just let you skip you're other chores

*Mirabel did a furious squeal reminding herself or her cousin Dolores, but after a bit she got to work, she did as Hosea told her sadly hoeing the dirt took longer then Mirabel expected took her almost all day by the time she finally finished it and her regular chores it was night time her body aching from head to toe her clothes filled with dirt and sadly animal dung, Hosea looked at Mirabel walking inside, Gabriela's head resting on his lap*

Hosea: tomorrow bright and early you're doing laundry and cleaning the floor you've just filled with dirt

*Hosea received a grunt as a response as Mirabel made her way to the bathroom to get cleaned then to her room to sleep*

Next day

*We see Mirabel at the back of the house washing the clothes with a washboard when she heard something she looked and was pissed of there Hosea was digging out the seed potatoes she planted yesterday, Mirabel went running there*

Mirabel;what do you think you're doing i just planted does!

Hosea:lotta good it will do you, the soil is not properly done i might as well throw them in the garbage and save us both some time

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