Terms And Conditions

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Ivory slowly turned around and faced the monster she thought she once knew.

"Safari", she replied in a small voice.

He stepped close to her as she stood frozen. It wasn't until he caressed her face that she came back to her senses. She pushed his hand away.

"What do you want Safari? ", she asked, looking down.

" I want to be there for you and my child", he spoke.

Ivory sighed and rolled her eyes.

"There is no baby. I got an abortion this morning ", she lied.

Safari laughed while Ivory looked at him, confused.

" No you didn't. You went to the nail salon and then here", he said.

Ivory looked at him with an open mouth.

"How did you? -

"Don't worry about it, but let's talk about us ", he said.

Ivory shook her head

" There is no us and there never will be", she said coldly.

Safari smiled

"You don't mean that", he said, stepping into her personal space.

"Did Paris completely slip your mind?",she asked with a mean mug.

Safari's smile dropped as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I can't take back what happened, but if I could, I would. I'm sorry Ivory. It was never my intention to hurt you in any way ", he said sincerely.

Ivory shook her head as she looked away.

" All I ask is that you please allow me to be with my child. I can't lose another one", he pleaded.

Ivory gave him a confused look.

"What are you talking about? ", she asked.

Safari looked around the almost vacant parking lot.

" Can we talk about this somewhere else.... Like my place or your dorm if you'd like", he suggested.

Ivory thought about it and remembered the pepper spray in her purse.

"Fine, we can go to your place", she said.

Safari smiled and ushered her to his car.

Ivory looked around his large and expensive loft, admiring the large windows with an amazing view. She noticed pictures of  the same woman who she guessed was Kiyanne. There was also photos of a very sick looking newborn.

"No wonder he never brought me here", she mumbled to herself.

"Make yourself at home. It'll be your reality soon", he said, disappearing into the bedroom.

Ivory furrowed her eyebrows

"Look, I don't know what you think is gonna happen, but it's sure as hell not that", she stated sternly.

Safari shook his head at her stubbornness.

"I believe children are able to thrive more in homes with both their mother and father", he said, coming out of the bedroom.

He undressed and only had on sweatpants. From Ivory's perspective it also looked like he took off his underwear. She decided to ignore this and talk about his previous family.

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