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Ivory stared back at her mother, bubbling with a hatred she'd never felt before. If it weren't for Rwanda, none of this would be happening.

"Stop acting like a mad woman and just behave for the man", Rwanda spoke, narrowing her eyes.

Ivory stood there, staring at her.

"Why do you hate me so much?", she whispered as tears began to fall from her tired eyes.

Rwanda rolled her eyes and let out a humorless chuckle.

"You ruined my life you bastard child. Before you even came out of the womb you caused me nothing but turmoil", she growled in response.

"What are you talking about?"

Rwanda crossed her arms and shook her head as memories began to flood it.

"When I was 16, I fell in love with one of the richest men in Nigeria. I gave him my everything and we were in love....until I got pregnant. He knew his wife wouldn't be happy about him having a child by some mere little girl. They both also despised children and he was repulsed by the thought of having one so darkly packed. So, your wonderful grandmother had the brilliant idea of making me keep you. If you came out a lighter complexion, he would take you in as his own. If you were dark, I had to raise you without him. As you can see, you're far from light so he left me. Joseph came along and agreed to marry me, seeing that he had feelings for me ever since we were young. We moved to California when we were just 17 years old. We were broke and had to live in a one bedroom apartment with you. That man worked several jobs and was never home to help take care of you, so it was just me. The problem with that? You never liked me. You screamed every time I touched you so you constantly cried. I was always tired and I began to hate you a great deal day by day. You look just like your biological father.....but you were so much darker than him....and it broke my heart that I was stuck with you, but I longed for him. Joseph was a good man, that I will admit, but he began to love you more than he loved me. So where did that leave me? Ha with no one to love and over time....I grew comfortable with the idea, especially when I landed a job as a secretary for an African business man, whom I fell in love with. Joseph knew nothing of the affair for years....until you saw us kissing and told him", Rwanda explained, rolling her eyes.

Ivory backed up to the window, beginning to remember

"Wait....that man....I remember now. I told someone else before I told dad....."

Ivory gasped as she suddenly remembered the two young brothers whom she shared this secret to.

"Jacob and Jay", she whispered.

"Yes. Their father was an exceptional man, which is why it pained me to see him with their mother. She was no match for him. I told him that but he wouldn't listen to me. It took 5 years for him to see she wasn't right. I had to go out of my way and keep tabs on her"

"You told him she was working with the feds", Ivory said in disgust.

Rwanda threw her hands up

"What else was I supposed to do? Just let her take my man to jail? No, I wasn't about to lose another man that I loved"

"But Joseph...."

"The only person Joseph was worried about was you. His precious Ivory", Rwanda snorted.

"I should've been your top priority too! Not some terrorist! All you care about is men and money and honestly, it's sickening to even think that you gave me life. Who hates a child? An innocent child? You're sick!", Ivory shouted.

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