Mommy Dearest

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Ivory awoke to the sound of voices. She felt herself in a bed that was somewhat comfortable, but there was a constant beeping sound. She groggily opened her eyes and realized she was in a hospital.

Jay was standing at the door, talking to someone, but Ivory couldn't see who it was. He turned around and faced Ivory with a smug look on his face.

"Sorry I shot you .But I told you not to run", Jay said.

Ivory mean mugged him and opened her mouth to respond, but her words got stuck in her throat when she saw who strolled in.

"Mom?", her voice cracked.

Rwanda responded with a mean mug.

"Ivory", she responded simply.

Ivory shook her head, confused as to what was going on.

"Why did you do this? You wanted me to come back that bad?", Ivory croaked.

"Ivory please. The only reason I wanted you to come back is so I could get you to your future husband", Rwanda replied with a smile.

Ivory furrowed her eyebrows

"What?", she asked in disbelief.

"Jay, please give me a moment with my daughter", Rwanda said kindly.

Jay glanced over at Ivory and for a second, he felt guilty about his actions.

"Yes ma'am", he responded, leaving the room.

"Listen. When your father died, the only thing he left behind was unpaid bills. I've been barely getting by on the money I saved up. So, I reached out to a family friend who offered me an um offer as you might call it. Our families have a history of marrying into each other and well, I thought this would be a perfect time to do it again", Rwanda spoke, smiling down at Ivory, who was mortified.

"You sold me?", she sneered, seeing where this was going.

"Call it what you want, but I'm doing what's best for you", Rwanda replied, patting Ivory on the arm.

Ivory shook her head as tears poured out of her eyes. She became very light headed, due to all the sudden stress.

"Don't cry dear. You'll ruin your make up. We'll leave as soon as they finish your release papers. And oh before I forget, I took the liberty of having that bastard child removed from your womb. You would be surprised with what some extra money can do", Rwanda said with a smile.

Ivory's eyes popped out of her head as she quickly felt her now flat stomach.

"No!No!No!", she cried.

She held her stomach and sobbed loudly.

"My baby!", she shouted

"Shhhhhh shhhhhh. You'll be alright", Rwanda said in a nonchalant tone.

"Nooooo! My baby! My baby! You monster! I hate you! Do you hear me?! I hate you Rwanda! I will never forgive you for this", she cried, shaking violently.

Rwanda shrugged

"I can live with that" she reponded, looking down at her nails.

Ivory covered her face as tears poured down.

"Why is this happening to me?" Ivory sobbed.

Rwanda laughed

"Because it's time for you to pay up Ivory" she replied.

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