Why Don't You Love Me?

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The next day, Ivory took Achebe shopping. Her mother would bring the rest of her clothes when she came later, but Achebe still didn't have that much.

They went to the mall and eventually separated. Ivory had given Achebe the black credit card that Safari provided. Meanwhile, Ivory paid for her items with her own money.

While she was there, Achebe decided to see who was hiring. She couldn't live off of her cousin forever. The first place she went was Forever 21. Luckily for her, they were hiring. She grabbed an application and shopped a little before leaving.

She walked around a little more before stopping by the restroom. She did her business and was washing her hands when Gina strolled in. Achebe tried to ignore Gina, but the overwhelming smell of cheap perfume burned her nose.

"Aww look. Its Akhenaten", Gina said aloud.

Achebe rolled her eyes before  speaking.

"What did you say Red?", Achebe asked, drying her hands.

Gina threw a confused look at her before grinning.

"Red as in bone? Tuh, I know", Gina said before whipping her hair.

"Red as in sea. You smell like something aquatic", Achebe retorted before going to the door.

Gina's mouth fell as she grew angry

"And close your mouth. We're not in the men's room", Achebe added with a grin as she walked out.

"Yeah well Antonio didn't mind my mouth yesterday", Gina rushed, following Achebe.

"Or the days before that for that matter", she added.

Achebe stopped in her tracks upon hearing these words. Since she only slept with Antonio, he was the one that gave her syphilis. With that being said, Achebe began adding up Antonio's behavior and things she found in his phone. She stood there for a minute before coming to the conclusion that Gina probably had it too if she wasn't the one giving it to people.

Achebe slowly turned around

"I don't give a damn. I dumped his sorry ass and fucking with you, he probably needs a penicillin shot you nasty bitch", Achebe spat before walking away, leaving Gina standing there shocked and annoyed.

"Bitch is gonna regret fucking with me", Gina growled in a low tone, pulling out her phone.

She quickly dialed the person she wanted and waited for them to answer.


"Hey Johanna, do you still hack phones and shit?"


Ivory smiled as she watched small children run around the toy store. She walked by, rubbing her small stomach, thinking of her child. She went into a candle shop and an earth toned store. She bought loads of scents and natural items before roaming to the more expensive stores. She was walking past the jewelry store when she saw a familiar figure at the counter.


Ivory's eyes quickly averted to the engagement ring in his hand.

"What the hell", she said lowly

Safari turned around and made eye contact with a confused Ivory.

He looked just as shocked as her.

He turned back around as the woman at the counter handed him his credit card.

"I hope it goes well", she said with a smile

"Thank you", he replied before walking over to Ivory, who was sitting on a bench, tapping her foot.

"You wanna explain that before I jump to conclusions?", she asked.

"I was going to wait until after the baby was born. When we're on good terms and you don't hate me", he said quietly.

Ivory sighed

"This isn't really the place to get into all of that, but I don't hate you Safari", she said.

He looked up at her with a hopeful look.

"But that doesn't mean that I'll marry you ", she added.

Safari nodded his head

" Well maybe one day", he said to himself as Ivory got up and began walking away. She needed to find Achebe so they could leave. Achebe needed to get settled in at her new place.
Safari sat in his office thinking of his next move. A light bulb went off in his head as he picked up his phone. He decided he would call his contractor so the house could be built. Even if Ivory didn't live with him, she could live there on her own. Of course Safari didn't plan on telling her that option unless he was desperate.

After setting up the meeting to make the blueprint, Safari thought of his brother, who he hoped didn't come back to Michigan anytime soon. Safari never really asked Tafari if Achebe could stay there. He just needed her out the house so he could get Ivory back.

The ringing of his work phone interrupted his thoughts.

"McEwen International ", he answered.

"Safari?", a small voice asked

He froze, praying that it wasn't who he thought it was.

"Yes?", he asked closing his eyes

"It's your wife, Kiyanne. I'm coming home"
Rwanda paced back and forth, thinking of what she needed to do. She was standing in the office of a wealthy and African business man.

"Mr. Chicuabe will see you now", the secretary said.

Rwanda nodded her head and went into the large office.

Sitting in his chair, Jacob wrote in his planner, his large hands in contrast with the small pen. Rwanda admired his strong jawline and chiseled cheekbones.

His dreads were neatly twisted into a low bun. He had on an expensive Valentino suit and a gold Rolex.

"Rwanda. Am I getting married?", he spoke without looking up at her.

Rwanda looked down

" Yes, yes you are. She will be here by the end of the month", she lied.

He chuckled

"You're not just saying that so you'll get a share of my money are you?", he asked, looking up at her.

Rwanda shook her head

"Of course not", she lied again.

"Good. Our families have known each other for generations and I would hate for us to be on bad terms. I will be leaving for business tomorrow and I won't be back for another month. Therefore, I want her here by May 12",he spoke.

Rwanda nodded

"I promise she will be here and you two can begin to plan your wedding", Rwanda said with a smile.

"Yes, yes. Penelope will show you out", he said with a smile.

Rwanda nodded and left, praying that Ivory would give in and come to the UK. Rwanda worked too hard to earn every penny she has. She was so used to living a privileged life, she wasn't ready to let it go.

She would do anything to keep her lifestyle. Even of that meant virtually selling her own daughter.

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