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"So she did that to herself?", the officer asked, not believing Safari's story.

"Yes. Check her record. She got out of the mental hospital in Georgia. I don't know how, but she did. Call them if you have to. I'm telling the truth", Safari pleaded.

The officer raised his eyebrows

"Yeah ok, we'll do that", he said before shutting the holding cell.

"Don't I get a phone call?", Safari asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, but the phone lines are down right now, so you'll have to wait until the morning", the officer replied with a fake smile.

Safari sighed and shook his head, knowing the officer was lying and he couldn't do anything about it. As soon as he got his phone call, he would make sure to note the responding officer's name.

He sat down on the bench and sighed. While Kiyanne was beating herself up, Safari's phone was silently going off.
Achebe ended her call with the private investigator she'd hired with the help of Tafari. So far, the PI knew where Ivory's car was and what flight she boarded. What he couldn't tell them is where she went once she stepped off of the plane.

Achebe was happy she was finally getting somewhere, but she wondered what Ivory was doing there. She didn't think Rwanda would know Ivory's whereabouts since they didn't get along. She decided to call her aunt and find out what was going on.

"Hello?", Rwanda cooed

"Hey Aunt Rwanda, it's Achebe"

Rwanda furrowed her eyebrows

"Oh", she responded in a displeased tone

"Um I was wondering if you knew where Ivory was. She disappeared a few days ago", Achebe said, biting her lip.

Rwanda tapped her nails on the table, mentally cursing herself out. She completely forgot that Achebe was staying with Ivory.

"Yes, she's here in London with me. She needed a break from everything that's going on", she lied

Achebe let out a sigh of relief

"Oh ok. We were all so worried about her. Can you tell her to call me when she's up for it?", she asked, looking at her nails.

Rwanda rolled her eyes

"Of course and what do you mean we?", she asked

"Well her friends and I", Achebe responded

"I hired a private investigator and everything", she added with a small chuckle

Rwanda's ears perked up

"You did? With what money?"

Achebe sighed, knowing she said too much

"A friend paid for it, but she's safe so I can tell the PI to stop digging", she replied

Rwnada nodded her head

"Yeah. You do that", she said, hanging up

Achebe looked down at her phone in disbelief. She tried to reassure herself that everything was alright, but something in her gut told her otherwise.

She sat there, trying to figure out her next move. Something just didn't feel right. Everyone in their family knew Rwanda was not a fan of her daughter, so why would Ivory go to her? Achebe shook her head and decided to just let it go for now.

Violet skipped into the room with a big smile.

"Did you find Ms. Ivory?", she asked

Achebe looked down at the beaming little girl. Since she'd been staying with Achebe and Tafari, Violet's mood has always been cheery. She hated living with Safari since he was so distant and barely spoke to her.

"Yeah. I think so", Achebe replied

"Great! So when is she coming back?"

Achebe scratched her head

"Um, I'm not sure honestly"

Violet's happy face dropped

"She's not coming back at all is she? Is it because of me?"

Achebe shook her head

"Violet. Look at me. This had nothing to do with you ok? You didn't do anything wrong....you know that right?"

Violet looked down

".....I guess", she replied somberly

Achebe pulled her in and gave her a tight hug.

"Ivory will be back before you know it"
Ivory looked around as she carefully went down the steps. The stairs, like everything else in the house, looked clean and new. The lights were dimmer and there was a strong scent of bleach.

The basement was very spacious, containing several rooms. Each one had a different colored door. Standing at a table near the back was a smirking Jay.

"I knew you would show up", he said with a smile.

"Whatever. What did you need to show me?"

He strolled over to her with a small grin.

"Follow me gorgeous", he said with a cock of his head.

Ivory rolled her eyes and followed him into a room with a green door. It was fairly large and fully furnished with Ivy green fixtures. There was a very small window, but it was boarded up.

"This was her room", Jay said, leaning against the wall.


"His last wife. Celine", he replied with a sigh.

"Why did she stay down here?"

"She got pregnant and he couldn't stand to sleep next to her"

Ivory furrowed her eyebrows

"What? He told me he wanted children and why?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders

"He convinced himself that it was one of the guard's baby. So, he stuck her down here and got rid of the guard he suspected"

"Was it his baby?"

"Probably. But my brother has serious issues. Before you know it, you'll be down here, locked away from the world"

Ivory shook her head in disbelief

"What happened to her?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders again

"She went into labor one night and Jacob had two of his most trusted guard's take her to the hospital. After she got in that car, she never came back and Jacob never spoke of her again"

Ivory put her hand to her heart

"And you don't know where she went?"

"Nope, but hey maybe you'll be different.......and I suggest you tell him about that baby brewing in your belly", he said, nodding towards her stomach.

Ivory instinctively put her hand on the growing bulge and sighed.

"What will he do to me?"

Jay let out a humorless chuckle

"Only God knows"

Knowing about his last wife, what do you think he'll do about Ivory?

Do you like Jay?

What do you think happened to the last wife?

I've been AWOL I know. School is so hectic these days lol

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