"Do it for the children"

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(Excuse the typos...I wrote this one on my laptop. This is also the longest chapter I have ever written... enjoy!)

After dropping off an exhausted Violet at gymboree, Ivory decided to pay Achebe a visit. She hadn't seen her in a few weeks and she was beginning to miss her. Pulling into the driveway, she waved at Tafari who had just pulled out of his parking spot. Afterwards, she waddled up the steps and rapped on the door. Within seconds, an excited Achebe answered.

"Did you for- oh Ivory... I didn't know you were coming over", Achebe said uneasily.

Ivory looked at her a little oddly before shrugging.

"I knew I shouldn't have just dropped by unannounced. This isn't a bad time is it?", she asked, trying to peak inside.

"Uh no... come in", she responded, further opening the door.

Ivory stepped inside and looked around, noticing a few boxes in the kitchen.

" Did you guys order some new furniture?", she asked curiously, taking a seat on the couch.

" Uh something like that... what's up?", Achebe replied unnervingly.

" Well I haven't seen you in a few weeks and I missed you... that's all", she said with a shrug.

Achebe nodded in understanding

"So how are the twins?"

"Tearing me apart. I've been trying to induce my labor, but they're not budging", she answered with a sigh, rubbing her very swollen stomach.

"Well maybe you should get in a pool or something", she suggested.

Ivory nodded her head

" I just might do that", she replied as she stood up. She could tell that Achebe wasn't really in the mood for company right now.

"Leaving already?", Achebe asked with fake interest. She wanted to talk to Ivory, but not now. She had too much on her mind and she was trying to get everything together in a short amount of time.

"Yeah I have a few errands to run so I'll talk to you later", she replied, opening the door.

Achebe gave her a quick hug and shut the door behind Ivory once she left.

"Canada, here I come"


Ivory walked through the grocery store, throwing almost everything into her cart. She picked up anything that seemed crave-able and wondered if she should just start buying everything in bulk. 


She turned around and nearly peed on herself

"Dad?", she muttered in disbelief.

Sure enough, her father stood there in front of her, in the flesh.

Tears began to well in both of their eyes as they stared at each other in shock.

Johnathan looked his very pregnant daughter up and down before pulling her into a hug. She awkwardly embraced him back.

"But...you're dead", she whispered, holding onto him.

"I can explain everything sweetheart, but not here", he responded, drawing back from her.

Ivory nodded and wiped her tears away

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