Blood In, Blood Out

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Ivory went into the dormitory and was surprised to see Gina at the front desk.

"Last night was fun daddy. I told you to leave that little girl and let a real woman handle you", she purred into the phone.

Both Ivory and Achebe frowned as they walked past her. Gina gave them a hard glare, mainly focusing it on Achebe, who ignored her.

Ivory opened her door only to see Michelle.

"Today is just full of surprises", Ivory said.

"Oh, hey",Michelle said, pulling off her Beats.

"Hey, surprised to see you here", Ivory said, grabbing a duffel bag and handing it to Achebe.

"Oh, yeah. My boyfriend and I broke up so I'll be here everyday", she responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I'm sorry", Ivory said with an apologetic look.

Michelle shook her head and rubbed her slightly bruised forearm.

"I'm not", she whispered.

Ivory didn't hear Michelle as she continued packing her things. She was supposed to meet with the realtor yesterday, but she rescheduled it for tomorrow.

Once majority of her things were packed, she put everything in her car and decided to go grocery shopping for Safari's place. Achebe begged to stay at the house and Ivory, not wanting to hear her whine, allowed her to.

As soon as Ivory left, Achebe grabbed her phone and did the same, deciding that she needed to find Antonio.
Safari sat in his business meeting somewhat bored. Michael was there of course, but Safari ignored him and his cheap suit. To Safari, Michael was merely a pawn in his game of power. Safari felt he was the king and Michael was a local peasant.

After the meeting, Michael decided to speak with Safari in the break room where Safari was sending Ivory a text.

"So, what did she tell you?", Michael asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Safari briefly looked up at him.

"Nothing I didn't already know", he replied.

Michael raised his eyebrows

"And that is?", he questioned.

"You're a little bitch", Safari stated simply before walking away.

Safari walked away and went to his car. He told Ivory he would meet her at the grocery store since when wanted to be more useful. He needed to make a quick stop before doing so though. Ivory asked him to check up on Achebe, which he didn't mind doing.

He went to his condo and was greeted by an empty silence. He searched the entire condo and came to the conclusion that Achebe left. Since he didn't want to stress Ivory out, he decided to just look for her himself. He was almost sure that she was either meeting Antonio or looking for him.

He drove back towards the run down neighborhood that they were at before and was relieved when he saw her walking down the street. He slowed down next to her and rolled down his window. Achebe, thinking it was another pimp, ignored him.

"I'm not interested in making some money", she stated, walking faster.

"But you are trying to kill your cousin from high blood pressure", he responded.

Achebe looked over and silently cursed herself. She rolled her eyes and went to sit in the backseat.

"How mad is she? ", she mumbled.

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